13 research outputs found
Fajar Setyani. 2017. Code Switching Used by The Lecturer in Teaching
and Tearning Process on Speaking Class of Second Semester in English
Department of IAIN Surakarta. Thesis Islamic Education and Teaching Training
Faculty. State Islamic of Surakarta.
Advisor : Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum
Keyword : Sociolinguistic, Code Switching, Teaching and Learning Procces
The objective of this research are (1) To describe the type of Bahasa
Indonesia- English code switching used by the lecturer in teaching and learning
process on the speaking class at the second semester of English Department of
IAIN Surakarta (2) To investigate the function of code switching used by the
lecturer in teaching and learning process on the speaking class of the second
semester in English Department of IAIN Surakarta.
The research was conducted from March until April 2017 in teaching
learning procces on the speaking class of the second semester in English
Department of IAIN Surakarta. It was descriptive qualitative research. The subject
of this research was the lecturer on speaking class. The data were collected by
using observation and interview. The data of code switching were analyzed by
examine the main data, transcribing, coding the data, categorize and classifying
the data,analysis of the code switching used and finding out the function, find out
the frequency and the percentage of the data. This research used investigator
triangulation to get an appropriate data.
This research finding showed that the lecturer performed all features of
code switching The finding show the type of code switching by Poplack theory
.The research finding are Taq Switching are 33 data, Inter-sentential Switching
25 data, Intra-sentential Switching 74 data. From the data finding, it can be
concluded that the highest number of code switchingâs usage that is used by the
Lecturer is Intra-sentential Switching which attain 74 dataThe finding show the
Function of code switching by Hoffman theory. code switching is fuctioned
mostly for classrom management function with the instances of occurences is 132
times. The highest frequent fuction is for To soften or strengthen request or
command function which is 51 occurrencess or have precentage 38,64%. And the
lower frequent function is for Quotation somebody else function which is 3
occurrencess or have precentage 2,27%.
Nurani Dharmayanti. 2017. An Annalysis on Teacherâs Thecnique in Teaching Pronunciation at Eleventh Grade of MAN 3 Sragen 2016/2017 Academic year. Thesis English Education Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
Advisor : Kurniawan, S.s, M.Hum.
Key words : A Teaching technique and English Pronuciation
The objectives of this research are 1) To describe the technique of teachers to correct the pronunce at Eleventh grade students of MAN 3 Sragen in 2016/2017 academic year. 2) To descibes roblem and solving faced by the teacher to teach pronunciation at Eleventh grade of MAN 3 Sragen in 2016/2017 academic year.
The research was conclude from 10th May 2017 until 20th May 2017 on teaching learning process in pronunciation class at MAN 3 Sragen. The research design that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The sources of the data were from event, informant, and document. The datawere collected by observation and interview. The data were analyzed by reducting the data, presenting the data and taking the conclusion and verification.
From the result of this research, the researcher found the answer of the statements of research problem. The technique used by the teacher to teach pronunciation are reading activity, chaining, drilling, minimal pairs. The materials used by the teacher is from LKS Bahasa Inggris (wajib). The problem occur is that the students did not follow the teacher instruction when the teacher applying reading activity technique. The solving offered by teacher is, the teacher come closed to the students and warned them to pay attntion.The students did not pay attention to the other students that perform in front of the class when the teacher applying minimal pairs. The solution by the teacher is that teacher choosed the students that make a noise to replay what their friend say. In applying chaining technique, the students difficult to remember what the teacher modelling. In applying drilling technique, the students feel bored and monotonous. The teacher assumed that this technique is effective to the students in correct their pronunciation
Hanifah Rahmawati. 113221129. The Use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition
(CIRC) Technique to Improve StudentsâReading Comprehension at The Eight Grade of MTsN
01 Gemolong in The Academic Year of 2016/2017. Thesis. English Education Study Program,
Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. 2017.
Advisor: Kurniawan, M.Pd.
Keyword: reading,narrative, CIRC
The objectives of the research are: (1) Describing how the implementation of CIRC
Technique in improving studentsâ reading narrative text at the eighth grade of MTsN 01
Gemolong in academic year of 2016/2017, (2) Knowing how the improvement of students
reading comprehension by using CIRC technique at the eighth grade of MTsN 01 Gemolong in
academic year of 2016/2017.
The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research
was started from February until March 2017. The subject of the research was class E of the eight
grade students of MTsN 01 Gemolong, they are 36 students. This research was conducted in two
cycles of actions with three meetings in each cycle. It was consisting of planning, acting,
observing, and reflecting in each cycle and ended by post-test. The instruments that were used in
this research involved observation checklist, interview guidelines, and reading
The implemention of CIRC by discussion technique. The researcher made a group of
students. Then the researcher distributed narrative text for each of group as a discussion material.
The students should find the main idea, generic structure, the purpose of text, detail information
of the text and verb 2 as the characteristic language feature of narrative text. After the discussion
session was done, the researcher asked the group to present their discussion result in front of
class. In the end of meeting, the researcher did test to measure the student understading about the
material.The result of the study showed that there was improvement of studentsâ reading
comprehension and class situation of English class. Most of the students gradually gained good
scores at the end of each cycle. The score of Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan
Minimal (KKM) of English lesson is 70. The studentsâ mean score in pre-tes was 56,08. The
mean score of the first cycle was 66,80. The mean score in the second cycle was 75,55. While,
the implementation of CIRCimproves class situation and students performance. It is hoped that
this result can give other teachers inspiration to implement CIRC in their class.
Hanifah Rahmawati. 113221129. Penggunaan Teknik Membaca dan Komposisi Koperatif untuk
Mengembangkan Pemahaman Siswa kelas Delapan di MTsN 01 Gemolong pada Tahun
Akademik 2016/2017. Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah
dan Keguruan. 2017.
Pembimbing : Kurniawan, M.Pd.
Kata kunci : membaca, narative, CIRC
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Menggambarkan bagaimana penerapan Teknik
CIRC dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam membaca teks narative di kelas delapan
MTsN 01 Gemolong pada tahun ajaran 2016/2017, (2) Mengetahui bagaimana peningkatan
pembacaan siswa dalam pemahaman dengan menggunakan teknik CIRC di kelas delapan MTsN
01 Gemolong pada tahun akademik 2016/2017.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (CAR).
Penelitian ini dimulai dari bulan Februari sampai Maret 2017. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa
kelas delapan E di MTsN 01 Gemolong, yang berjumlah 36 siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan
dalam dua siklus tindakan dengan tiga pertemuan di setiap siklus. Itu terdiri dari perencanaan,
akting, pengamatan, dan refleksi dalam setiap siklus dan diakhiri dengan setelah ujian. Instrumen
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi daftar periksa observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan
pemahaman bacaan.
Pelaksanaan CIRC dengan teknik diskusi. Peneliti membuat sekelompok siswa.
Kemudian peneliti membagikan teks narative untuk masing-masing kelompok sebagai bahan
diskusi. Para siswa harus menemukan gagasan utama, struktur generik, tujuan teks, informasi
detail teks dan kata kerja 2 sebagai ciri khas teks narative. Setelah diskusi selesai, peneliti
meminta kelompok tersebut untuk mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka di depan kelas. Pada
akhir pertemuan, peneliti melakukan tes untuk mengukur siswa yang mengetahui tentang materi
tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan pemahaman bacaan siswa dalam
pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Sebagian besar siswa berangsur-angsur memperoleh nilai bagus di
akhir setiap siklus. Skor Kriteria Penguasaan Minimum - Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM)
pelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah 70. Skor rata-rata siswa test sebelumnya adalah 56,08. Skor rata-
rata siklus I adalah 66,80. Skor rata-rata pada siklus kedua adalah 75,55. Sedangkan pelaksanaan
CIRC meningkatkan kinerja siswa. Diharapkan hasil ini bisa memberi inspirasi kepada guru lain
untuk mengimplementasikan CIRC di kelas mereka
Erma Nurhayati. 2017. Directive Speech Acts Analysis in Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie. Thesis. English Letters Study Program. Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty.
Advisor: Kurniawan, S. S., M.Hum
Key words: Speech Acts, Directive Speech Acts, Movie
This research studies about directive speech acts in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie. The objectives of this research are to know the kinds of directive speech acts and the forms of directive speech acts. The researcher takes the data from the movie entitled Kung Fu Panda 3.
This research is a qualitative research by employing descriptive method. The result tends to focus on the deep meaning of the dialogueâs quality rather than the quantity of number. The data of this research are taken from directive uspeech acts in dialogues in the movie. The instrument of this research is the reseacher herself who collects, analyzes, and presents the data findings of the researchthen draw the conclusion. The researcher applied the trustworthiness of the data to obtain the valid data.
The result of the analysis shows four kinds of directive speech acts uttered in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie. There are 54 data (65.85%) belong to command, 11 data (13.41%) belong to request, 9 data (10.98%) belong to suggestion, and 8 data (9.75%) belong to warning. Command happen when the conversation between speaker and hearer which the speaker have higher position. Request commonly used by low position to asks hearer from high position to do something. Suggestion occurs showing about caring to the hearer by giving opinion that benefical to the hearer. Warning occurs showing about the safety of the hearer. The form of directive speech acts in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie are imperative, interrogative, and declarative. There are imperative 55 data (67.07%), they are 43 data imperative used in command, 4 in requests, 3 in suggestion, 5 data in warning. Interrogative 5 data (6.10%), they are 4 data used in request and 1 data used in warning. And declarative 22 data (26.82%), they are, 11 data declarative used in command, 3 in request, 5 in suggestion, 3 data in warning. Directive speech act in command was dominant and the characters often used imperative to get the hearer to do something
Hanifah Rifqi. 2017. Teachersâ Speech Style in Teaching English for Tenth
Grade Students of MAN Karanganyar in Academic Year 2016/2017
(Sociolinguistics Approach). Thesis. Islamic Education and Teaching Training
Faculty. State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
Advisor : Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum
Key words : Speech Style, Teaching, Sociolinguistics, Approach
The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the types of speech style
used by the English teachers in teaching English for tenth grade students (2) to
identify the types of speech style of the opposite gender used by the English
teachers in teaching English for tenth grade students.
The research was conducted from April until June 2017 on teaching
learning process in the tenth grade students of MAN Karanganyar. It was
descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this research were male and
female English teacher. The data were collected from the observation. The data of
speech style were analyzed by reducing the data, presenting the data, analyzing
the data by using Baxter theory and taking the conclusion and verification. This
research used investigator triangulation to get an appropriate data in order that the
result of the study is credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirm ability.
The research finding showed that the male English teacher performed all
of features of male speech style and goal-directed was the most dominant feature
with 32 utterances. The female English teacher also performed all of features of
female speech style and co-operative was the most dominant feature with 23
utterances. Both of male and female English teachers used the types of speech
style of the opposite gender. The male English teacher used co-operative and
compliant feature of female speech style and co-operative feature was the most
dominant feature. The female English teacher used three features of six features of
male speech style, matter of fact, assertive and aggressive feature and the most
dominant was assertive feature. However, the male English teacher tend to show
himself as the male speech styles user and the Female English teacher tend to
make herself as the female speech styles user although both of them have
performed the types of speech style of the opposite gender
Aria Kusuma Wati. 2017. Stylistics for Video Games Analysis from Ludic Linguistics Perspectives. Thesis. English Letters Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty.
Advisor : Kurniawan, S.S, M.Hum.
Key words : Ludic Linguistics, Adaptation, Video Games, Short Story, Style
The Angel short story is one of popular fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. It is first published in Copenhagen on 11 November 1843 by C.A Reitzel in the first volume of the first collection of New Fairy Tales. This thesis discusses about ludic linguistics on video games adaptation made by students English Letters as IAIN Surakarta, 2016. The objectives are to determine the relationship between the symbiosis of diegetic and non-diegetic in the adaptive version of Andersenâs short story The Angel, and the shift of the style of Andersenâs short story The Angel into video games.
This research applies ludic linguistics approach to analyze the symbiosis of diegetic and non-diegetic in the adaptive version of Andersenâs short story The Angel. The researcher used a descriptive and contextual qualitative research design to achieve the goal of the study. In analyzing the data, the researcher used source triangulation to trustworthiness of the data, and also used ludic linguistics theory. Then, the researcher used adaptive version of Andersenâs short story The Angel which has been judged by the expert to find the data. The expert is Mr. SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo, S.S., M.hum. After that, the researcher compiled those data. The last, the researcher analyzed the result.
The research findings are found the data based on the short story of Andersenâs The Angel and video games adaptation. In the Andersenâs short story The Angel are found 68 data and consisted of 5 data showing mnemonic symbiosis and 63 data showing hegemonic symbiosis. While in the video game adaptation, 162 data are found consisted of 48 data showing mnemonic symbiosis and 114 data showing hegemonic symbiosis. The presence of mnemonic symbiosis is the illustration of the non-diegetic elements. The non-diegetic elements as representation of the diegetic elements that suggest and support the diegetic elements. Meanwhile the presence of hegemonic symbiosis suggests that diegetic and non-diegetic elements are about conflict, an overpowering act. The medium which the overpowering act contributes to the tendency elements could be more dominant. In adaptation process from the Andersenâs shorts story The Angel into video games, maker wants to transfer the concept of children literature from mnemonic symbiosis of illustration figure 1.2 into video games. It can transfer into video games but it is add and change the characters and also add their own story ideas. So the style of the short story of Andersenâs The Angel experienced shifted when transfer into the style of video games.
Aria Kusuma Wati. 2017. Stylistics for Video Games Analysis from Ludic Linguistics Perspectives. Tesis. Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan.
Pembimbing: Kurniawan, S.S, M.Hum.
Kata Kunci : Ludic Linguistics, Adaptasi, Video Games, Cerita Pendek, Gaya
Cerita pendek yang berjudul âThe Angelâ adalah salah satu dongeng populer milik Hans Christian Andersen. Ini pertama kali diterbitkan di Kopenhagen pada tanggal 11 November 1843 oleh C.A Reitzel di volume pertama koleksi pertama New Fairy Tales. Tesis ini membahas tentang ludic linguistics didalam adaptasi video games yang di buat oleh mahasiswa sastra Inggris, IAIN Surakarta, 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara simbiosis diegetik dan non-diegetik dari versi adaptasi cerita pendek oleh Andersen yang berjudul âThe Angelâ, dan pergeseran gaya cerita pendek Andersen menjadi video game.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ludic linguistics untuk menganalisa simbiosis diegetik dan non-diegetik dalam versi adaptif cerita pendek Andersen yang berjudul âThe Angelâ. Peneliti menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dan kontekstual kualitatif. Dalam menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan sumber triangulasi terhadap reliabilitas data, dan juga menggunakan teori ludic linguistics. Kemudian, peneliti juga menggunakan versi adaptasi cerita pendek Andersen yang berjudul âThe Angelâ yang telah dinilai oleh ahli untuk mencari data. pakar ahli tersebut adalah Bapak SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo, S.S., M.hum. Setelah itu, peneliti mengumpulkan data tersebut. Yang terakhir, peneliti menganalisis hasilnya.
Didalam penelitian ini telah ditemukan data dari cerita pendek Andersen yang berjudul âThe Angelâ dan adaptasi video games. Dalam cerita pendek Andersen ditemukan 68 data dan terdiri dari 5 data yang menunjukkan simbiosis mnemonik dan 63 data yang menunjukkan simbiosis hegemonik. Sedangkan pada adaptasi video game, ditemukan 162 data yang terdiri dari 48 data yang menunjukkan simbiosis mnemonik dan 114 data yang menunjukkan hegemonik simbiosis. Simbiosis mnemonik adalah ilustrasi dari unsur non-diegetik. Elemen non-diegetik disini sebagai representasi elemen diegetik yang mendukung elemen diegetik. Sementara itu simbiosis hegemonik menunjukkan bahwa elemen diegetik dan non-diegetik saling mempengaruhi dimana salah satu element tersebut lebih kuat. Unsur yang lebih kuat memiliki kecenderungan menjadi lebih dominan. Dalam proses adaptasi dari cerita pendek Andersen berjudul âThe Angelâ menjadi video game, pengadaptasi ini ingin mentransfer konsep cerita anak berdasarkan simbiosis mnemonik dari gambar 1.2 ke dalam video game. Konsep ini bisa ditransfer ke dalam video game tapi dengan menambahkan dan mengganti karakter dan juga menambahkan ide cerita mereka sendiri. Sehingga gaya dalam cerita pendek Andersen berjudul âThe Angelâ mengalami pergeseran saat beralih ke dalam gaya video game
Syarifah, Annisa Lina. 2017. Phonological Interference in the Spoken English
Performed by Japanese Speaker in Teaching Process of Mind Your Language
Video. Thesis. English Department, Islamic Education and Teacher Training
Advisors : Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum
Key words : Interference, Phonology, Japanese language
The objectives of this research are (1) to describe kind of phonological
interference in the spoken English performed by Japanese speaker in teaching process
of Mind Your Language Video. And (2) to describe phonological factors which result
on phonological interference in the spoken English performed by Japanese speaker in
learning process of Mind Your Language Video.
This study is descriptive qualitative. The main research instrument is
researcher herself. The subject of this study is Taro Nagazumi who is a Japanese
speaker in the Mind Your Language Video. The data were collected from a video
titled Mind Your Language with the duration about 2 hours includes five episodes,
the duration each episode is about 25 minutes. Techniques of analyzing data are (1)
Watching the Mind Your Language video and focused on Japanese speaker who
spoke English. (2) Collecting the data, the researcher transcribed what the Japanese
speaker spoken in the video, identify the mispronunciation of words are spoken by
Japanese speaker, changed the word into phonetic symbol, looked for the difference
of pronunciation using Oxford dictionary. (3) Identifying the distinction phonetic
depends on the kinds of phonological interference by Uriel Weinrich. (4) Reducing
the data which has been selected based on kinds of phonological interference by Uriel
Weinrich. The researcher uses content analysis which focuses on analyzing kinds of
phonological interference and the factors of phonological interference in Mind Your
Language video with Uriel Weinrich Theory.
This research finds 4 kinds of phonological interference by Japanese speaker
who spoken English in Mind Your Language video. Those are, (1) Under-
differentiation of phonemes occurs when there is different phonetic system results
error production; Japanese speaker confused to distinguish of sounds [l] and [r]. 2)
Over-differentiation of phonemes occurs when there is presence of distinction (only)
in primary language; Japanese speaker added [o] sound in some English words. (3)
Reinterpretation of distinction occurs when there are different phonetic system and
different interpretation on stressing some secondary words with then results on error
pronunciation. (4) Actual phone substitution occurs when absence of corresponding
distinctions in primary languages consisting of several sound including [É], [Ó], [Ê],
[É”], [ÉÊ], [Ă°], [É], [áŽ:], [Ê], [ÉȘ] and [É:]
Nia Damayanti Kurniasih. 1332211002. An Analysis of Politeness Maxims found in Harry Potter Movie. A Thesis: The State Islamic Institute of Surakarta, Surakarta. 2017.
Advisor : Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum
Keywords : Pragmatics, Politeness, Movie.
This research is pragmatics approach study of An Analysis of Politeness Maxims found in Harry Potter Movie. The objectives of this research are to find out the forms of politeness maxims are used by the charactersâ utterance in Harry Potter movie, and to find out the scales of politeness maxims are used by the charactersâ utterance in Harry Potter movie.
The research used descriptive qualitative research. The main research instrument was researcher herself. Technique of collecting data are (1) watching the movie Harry Potter for several times in order to understand the whole story (2)colleting the data, transcribing the data from the dialogue in the movie into the form of dialogue list, identify the listed dialogue that contain the politeness maxims carried out by the participant. Finding out tact, approbation, agreement, modesty and sympathy maxims carried out by each participant (3) reducing the data which has been selected based on kinds of politeness maxims in the theory, it involves the process of selecting and focusing the raw data into refined data. The researcher uses content analysis which focus on analyzing kinds of politeness maxims and the scale of politeness maxim in Harry Potter movie with Leechâ Theory.
The result of the analysis, the researcher found the answer of the research problems. The result of the research showed that there were five kinds of politeness maxim in Harry Potter movie. Those were; agreement, approbation, modesty, sympathy and tact. The dominant of politeness maxims is agreement. The research also found some scales of politeness maxim. Those are optionality and social distance scale. The dominant scale is social distance scale
Linda Eka Wijayanti. 2017. A Descriptive Study of Lecturerâ Code Mixing Used
in Speaking Class at Second Semester Students of English Education Department
in IAIN Surakarta at Academic Year 2016/2017. English Education Department.
Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. The State Islamic Institute of
Advisor : Kurniawan, S.S, M.Hum.
Keywords : Sociolinguistics, Biligualism, Code Mixing, Speaking
The aims of this research are (1) to describe the types of lecturerâs code
mixing used in speaking class at second semester students of English Education
Department in IAIN Surakarta at Academic Year 2016/2017, (2) to describe the
factors causing lecturerâs code mixing used in speaking class class at second
semester students of English Education Department in IAIN Surakarta at
Academic Year 2016/2017.
In conducting this research, the reseacher used descriptive qualitative
research as the method. The subject of the research was English lecturer at second
semester students of IAIN Surakarta. The object of the research was the lecturerâs
utterances during teaching learning process. The reseacher collected the data using
observation and interview. The data were the lecturerâs utterances that involve
code mixing. This research used triangulation as the technique of validity inquiry
to get an appropriate data in order the result of this study is valid.
This research findings showed that lecturer performed the type of code
mixing proposed by Muyskenâs theory, they are insertion, alternation, and
congruent lexicalization. From the result finding, the researcher found 143 data of
code mixing. The highest types of code mixing used by the lecturer is insertion. It
was 79 data or about 55.2%. Meanwhile, the fewest types of code mixing is
congruent lexicalization. It was 10 data or about 7%. Besides the types of code
mixing, the researcher also found the factors causing lecturerâs code mixing in
speaking class. There are four factors of this research including: (1) for ease of
expression, (2) for translation of new and unfamiliar words and expressions, (3)
repetitive function, and (4) socializing function. The dominant of code mixingâs
factor is for ease of expression. It means that the lecturer performed code mixing
without change the meaning into another language in order to make the meaning
of word more easier to be understand for the student
Ike Dyah Sintianingtyas. 2017. Code Switching Analysis Used By English Teacher of the
Eleventh Grade Students of MAN Sukoharjo in the Academic Year of 2016/2017. Thesis
English Education Department, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty, the State
Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
Advisor : Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum.
Key Words : Bilingualism, Code Switching, English Teacher
The aims of this research are (1) to classify the type of code switching used by
English teacher of the eleventh grade students of MAN Sukoharjo in the Academic year of
2016/2017, (2) to interpret the function of code switching used by English teacher of the
eleventh grade students of MAN Sukoharjo in the Academic year of 2016/2017.
The study was carried out at MAN Sukoharjo from February until July 2017. The
researcher used descriptive qualitative study to conduct this research by observation,
interview and recording to gathered the data in the use of code switching in the classroom.
The subject of the study is the English teacher of the eleventh grade students. After
collecting the data, those data were analyzed through some stages, namely transcribing the
recorded data into written data, classifying the data based on the types of code switching,
giving code for each datum, analyzing the data and interpreting them to answer the research
The results of this research showed that: (1) there are three types of code switching
used by English teacher of the eleventh grade students of MAN Sukoharjo. The most
common type which occurred in teacherâs utterance is inter-sentential witching with 59
data, the second common type which occurred in teacherâs utterance is intra-sentential
switching with 41 data, and the least common type which occurred in teacherâs utterance
is tag switching 25 data; (2) there are six functions of code switching used English teacher.
The most common function which occurred in teacherâs utterance is reiterations with 35
data, the second common function which occurred in teacherâs utterance is message
qualification with 29 data, the third common function which occurred in teacherâs utterance
is personalization or objectification, addressee specification and interjections have the same
data which occurs in teacherâs utterance, there are 18 data. Then the least common function
which occurred in teacherâs utterance is quotations with 3 data