514 research outputs found

    Quantum dots with two electrons: Singlet-triplet transitions

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    The magnetic character of the ground-state of two electrons on a double quantum dot, connected in series to left and right single-channel leads, is considered. By solving exactly for the spectrum of the two interacting electrons, it is found that the coupling to the continuum of propagating states on the leads, in conjunction with the electron-electron interactions, may result in a delocalization of the bound state of the two electrons. This, in turn, reduces significantly the range of the Coulomb interaction parameters over which singlet-triplet transitions can be realized. It is also found that the coupling to the leads favors the singlet ground-state.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ground-state energy and spin in disordered quantum dots

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    We investigate the ground-state energy and spin of disordered quantum dots using spin-density-functional theory. Fluctuations of addition energies (Coulomb-blockade peak spacings) do not scale with average addition energy but remain proportional to level spacing. With increasing interaction strength, the even-odd alternation of addition energies disappears, and the probability of non-minimal spin increases, but never exceeds 50%. Within a two-orbital model, we show that the off-diagonal Coulomb matrix elements help stabilize a ground state of minimal spin.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Interactions and Disorder in Quantum Dots: Instabilities and Phase Transitions

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    Using a fermionic renormalization group approach we analyse a model where the electrons diffusing on a quantum dot interact via Fermi-liquid interactions. Describing the single-particle states by Random Matrix Theory, we find that interactions can induce phase transitions (or crossovers for finite systems) to regimes where fluctuations and collective effects dominate at low energies. Implications for experiments and numerical work on quantum dots are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in Phys Rev Letter

    Spin and e-e interactions in quantum dots: Leading order corrections to universality and temperature effects

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    We study the statistics of the spacing between Coulomb blockade conductance peaks in quantum dots with large dimensionless conductance g. Our starting point is the ``universal Hamiltonian''--valid in the g->oo limit--which includes the charging energy, the single-electron energies (described by random matrix theory), and the average exchange interaction. We then calculate the magnitude of the most relevant finite g corrections, namely, the effect of surface charge, the ``gate'' effect, and the fluctuation of the residual e-e interaction. The resulting zero-temperature peak spacing distribution has corrections of order Delta/sqrt(g). For typical values of the e-e interaction (r_s ~ 1) and simple geometries, theory does indeed predict an asymmetric distribution with a significant even/odd effect. The width of the distribution is of order 0.3 Delta, and its dominant feature is a large peak for the odd case, reminiscent of the delta-function in the g->oo limit. We consider finite temperature effects next. Only after their inclusion is good agreement with the experimental results obtained. Even relatively low temperature causes large modifications in the peak spacing distribution: (a) its peak is dominated by the even distribution at kT ~ 0.3 Delta (at lower T a double peak appears); (b) it becomes more symmetric; (c) the even/odd effect is considerably weaker; (d) the delta-function is completely washed-out; and (e) fluctuation of the coupling to the leads becomes relevant. Experiments aimed at observing the T=0 peak spacing distribution should therefore be done at kT<0.1 Delta for typical values of the e-e interaction.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Orthogonality Catastrophe in Parametric Random Matrices

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    We study the orthogonality catastrophe due to a parametric change of the single-particle (mean field) Hamiltonian of an ergodic system. The Hamiltonian is modeled by a suitable random matrix ensemble. We show that the overlap between the original and the parametrically modified many-body ground states, SS, taken as Slater determinants, decreases like nkx2n^{-k x^2}, where nn is the number of electrons in the systems, kk is a numerical constant of the order of one, and xx is the deformation measured in units of the typical distance between anticrossings. We show that the statistical fluctuations of SS are largely due to properties of the levels near the Fermi energy.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Distinct or shared actions of peptide family isoforms: II. Multiple pyrokinins exert similar effects in the lobster stomatogastric nervous system

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    Many neuropeptides are members of peptide families, with multiple structurally similar isoforms frequently found even within a single species. This raises the question of whether the individual peptides serve common or distinct functions. In the accompanying paper, we found high isoform specificity in the responses of the lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac neuromuscular system to members of the pyrokinin peptide family: only one of five crustacean isoforms showed any bioactivity in the cardiac system. Because previous studies in other species had found little isoform specificity in pyrokinin actions, we examined the effects of the same five crustacean pyrokinins on the lobster stomatogastric nervous system (STNS). In contrast to our findings in the cardiac system, the effects of the five pyrokinin isoforms on the STNS were indistinguishable: they all activated or enhanced the gastric mill motor pattern, but did not alter the pyloric pattern. These results, in combination with those from the cardiac ganglion, suggest that members of a peptide family in the same species can be both isoform specific and highly promiscuous in their modulatory capacity. The mechanisms that underlie these differences in specificity have not yet been elucidated; one possible explanation, which has yet to be tested, is the presence and differential distribution of multiple receptors for members of this peptide family

    Interactions in Chaotic Nanoparticles: Fluctuations in Coulomb Blockade Peak Spacings

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    We use random matrix models to investigate the ground state energy of electrons confined to a nanoparticle. Our expression for the energy includes the charging effect, the single-particle energies, and the residual screened interactions treated in Hartree-Fock. This model is applicable to chaotic quantum dots or nanoparticles--in these systems the single-particle statistics follows random matrix theory at energy scales less than the Thouless energy. We find the distribution of Coulomb blockade peak spacings first for a large dot in which the residual interactions can be taken constant: the spacing fluctuations are of order the mean level separation Delta. Corrections to this limit are studied using the small parameter 1/(kf L): both the residual interactions and the effect of the changing confinement on the single-particle levels produce fluctuations of order Delta/sqrt(kf L). The distributions we find are significantly more like the experimental results than the simple constant interaction model.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Integrable model for interacting electrons in metallic grains

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    We find an integrable generalization of the BCS model with non-uniform Coulomb and pairing interaction. The Hamiltonian is integrable by construction since it is a functional of commuting operators; these operators, which therefore are constants of motion of the model, contain the anisotropic Gaudin Hamiltonians. The exact solution is obtained diagonalizing them by means of Bethe Ansatz. Uniform pairing and Coulomb interaction are obtained as the ``isotropic limit'' of the Gaudin Hamiltonians. We discuss possible applications of this model to a single grain and to a system of few interacting grains.Comment: 4 pages, revtex. Revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Ground-State Magnetization for Interacting Fermions in a Disordered Potential : Kinetic Energy, Exchange Interaction and Off-Diagonal Fluctuations

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    We study a model of interacting fermions in a disordered potential, which is assumed to generate uniformly fluctuating interaction matrix elements. We show that the ground state magnetization is systematically decreased by off-diagonal fluctuations of the interaction matrix elements. This effect is neglected in the Stoner picture of itinerant ferromagnetism in which the ground-state magnetization is simply determined by the balance between ferromagnetic exchange and kinetic energy, and increasing the interaction strength always favors ferromagnetism. The physical origin of the demagnetizing effect of interaction fluctuations is the larger number of final states available for interaction-induced scattering in the lower spin sectors of the Hilbert space. We analyze the energetic role played by these fluctuations in the limits of small and large interaction UU. In the small UU limit we do second-order perturbation theory and identify explicitly transitions which are allowed for minimal spin and forbidden for higher spin. These transitions then on average lower the energy of the minimal spin ground state with respect to higher spin. For large interactions UU we amplify on our earlier work [Ph. Jacquod and A.D. Stone, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3938 (2000)] which showed that minimal spin is favored due to a larger broadening of the many-body density of states in the low-spin sectors. Numerical results are presented in both limits.Comment: 35 pages, 24 figures - final, shortened version, to appear in Physical Review

    The Parallel Magnetoconductance of Interacting Electrons in a Two Dimensional Disordered System

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    The transport properties of interacting electrons for which the spin degree of freedom is taken into account are numerically studied for small two dimensional diffusive clusters. On-site electron-electron interactions tend to delocalize the electrons, while long-range interactions enhance localization. On careful examination of the transport properties, we reach the conclusion that it does not show a two dimensional metal insulator transition driven by interactions. A parallel magnetic field leads to enhanced resistivity, which saturates once the electrons become fully spin polarized. The strength of the magnetic field for which the resistivity saturates decreases as electron density goes down. Thus, the numerical calculations capture some of the features seen in recent experimental measurements of parallel magnetoconductance.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure