97 research outputs found

    Foreign language test for people with disabilities: basic requirements and specifics of development

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    The article describes the specifics of developing a foreign language test for people with disabilities. It is obvious that such tests have differences in organization and content compared to tests for ordinary students. They have structural, content, functional flexibility and variability depending on the type of violation. The article also notes the importance of taking into account discursive characteristics for determining test situations and selecting language, speech, and communication material while creating each specific test. It is revealed that testers and testologists should have the inclusive competence to develop test materials and conduct the exam.   Such inclusive features should be taken into account while creating materials for testing in a foreign language for people with disabilities. To prove that consideration of these features is necessary, an experiment was conducted in which 15 students with partial and complete vision loss who plan to take a test for the level of foreign language proficiency participated. The students were from different countries: Syria, Egypt, and China. The analysis of respondents ' responses showed that the factors identified in the article are important and should be taken into account in the process of preparing test materials. The results obtained can be used by creators of test materials for people with disabilities, scientists who are engaged in related research in this area

    Sistematización de términos legales en la legislación regional

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    El presente artículo identifica los principales motivos objetivos y subjetivos que subyacen en el problema de la falta de un sistema terminológico legal completo en la legislación regional moderna. Se ha desarrollado una metodología para sistematizar los términos legales en el contexto de la legislación regional basada en las siguientes accione

    Jolie community on the rise

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    © 2016 IEEE.Jolie is a programming language that follows the microservices paradigm. As an open source project, it has built a community of developers worldwide - both in the industry as well as in academia - taken care of the development, continuously improved its usability, and therefore broadened the adoption. In this paper, we present some of the most recent results and work in progress that has been made within our research team

    Hygienic assessment of surface water quality in the territory of the cities of Irbit and Rezh

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    This article examines both the data on the surface waters of the city of Rezh and the city of Irbit, as well as the consequences of the content of certain components in volumes exceeding the sanitary-hygienic standards.В данной статье рассмотрены как данные о поверхностных водах г.Реж и г.Ирбит, так и последствия содержания тех или иных компонентов в объёмах, превышающих санитарно-гигиенические нормативы

    Comparative evaluation of some haematological indices among students with different type of food

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    The article considers the value of food of animal and vegetable origin. The authors presented the results of a comparative analysis of the blood of vegetarians and people eating meat.В статье рассмотрена ценность пищи животного и растительного происхождения. Приведены результаты сравнительного анализа показателей крови вегетарианцев и людей, питающихся мясом

    Condition of natural water countries as an indicator of the environmental environment

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    This article presents the results of analyzes of water samples from the reservoirs of the city of Sysert and Yekaterinburg and possible reasons of the deviation of values from the maximum allowable norms of concentrations of harmful substances.В данной статье приведены результаты анализов проб воды из водоемов города Сысерть и города Екатеринбург и возможные причины отклонения значений от предельно допустимых норм концентраций

    Assessment of quality of drinking water of the centralized water supply of the city of Nevyansk

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    Now there is relevant a solution of the problem of quality of drinking water. This problem is most important as the person daily uses water resources. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about five million children annually die of the intestinal diseases connected with water pollution. In this article the research of quality of drinking water on organoleptic (a smell, chromaticity, smack, turbidity), microbiological (virologic and parasitological, and existence of causative agents of infectious diseases) is provided to indicators and also on availability of harmful chemicals (such as chlorine, formaldehyde, manganese, etc.) from the centralized water supply in the territory of the city of Nevyansk. The received results were estimated at compliance to sanitary standards.В настоящее время остаётся актуальным решение проблемы качества питьевой воды. Эта проблема наиболее важна, так как человек ежедневно использует водные ресурсы. По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), около пяти миллионов детей ежегодно умирают от кишечных заболеваний, связанных с загрязнением воды. В данной статье представлено исследование качества питьевой воды по органолептическим (запах, цветность, привкус, мутность), микробиологическим (вирусологическим и паразитологическим, а также наличие возбудителей инфекционных заболеваний) показателям, а также на наличие вредных химических веществ (таких как хлор, формальдегид, марганец и др.) из централизованного водоснабжения на территории города Невьянска. Полученные результаты были оценены в соответствие санитарным нормам

    Cholera Forecast for the Year 2019 Based on Assessment of Epidemiological Situation Around the World, Across CIS and Russia in 2009–2018

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    Analysis of cholera incidence for the period of 2009–2018 was performed. The upward tendency in the morbidity rate dynamics around the world (compared to 2009) with an average annual growth rate of 5,352 % was revealed. For the first time during the 7th pandemic caused by V. cholerae O1 El Tor, WHO reported 1227391 cases of cholera world-wide in 2017, out of which 1032481 (84.1%) were registered in Yemen, where the war continues and one of the largest epidemics in the world. There have been cross-border epidemiological complications in several African countries. Endemic foci continue to exist and spread in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Under the epidemiological surveillance in Russia, 744 strains of V. cholerae El Tor – ctxA– tcpA–, ctxA– tcpA+ and V. cholerae О139 ctxA– and tcpA– were isolated from the surface water bodies, as well as single strains of El Tor ctxA+ tcpA+. As a result of INDEL- and  PCR-genotyping, the isolation of strains with identical genotypes and new ones was established. To make the prognosis for 2019, the risk of activation (continuation) of the cholera epidemic process in the world was assessed, taking into account emergencies of different origin and risk factors. The cholera forecast at the global level and in  Russia for 2019 is unfavorable