62 research outputs found

    Diseño de sistema de alcantarillado sanitario y ampliación del sistema de agua potable del Barrio Villa Vallarta en la Ciudad de Managua

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    El presente estudio monográfico denominado "DISEÑO DEL SISTEMA DE ALCANTARILLADO SANITARIO Y AMPLIACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE AGUA POTABLE EN EL BARRIO VILLA VALLARTA'', tiene como propósito mejorar las condiciones higiénico-sanitarias de la población, djsminuir el índice de mortalidad infantil y promover cambios de comportamientos en los miembros de las familias beneficiadas, para que mejoren su nivel de vida. EI Barrio Villa Vallarta se encuentra ubicado en la parie Nor-Este de la ciudad de Managua, localizándose en la zona alta del Acueducto de Managua; específicamente está ubicado en el Distrito No. Vl de la municipalidad de Managua. Se caracteriza por ser una zona de alta densidad debido que en dicho Barrio se encuentran construcciones sencillas y lotes con dimensiones y áreas homogéneas, de aproximadamente | 05 m2. Esta conformado por 393 viviendas,13 manzanas, 9 calles y 3 avenidas, alcanzando un área total de aproximadamente 67, 327.81 m2, incluyendo calles, avenidas y un área comunal de 1,575.45 m2 La calles miden aproximadamente 750.45 m2 Para formular el estudio monográfico, primeramente se realizó un diagnóstico situacional a través de ntrevistas y encuesta dirigidas. a funcionarios, líderes comunales y familias del Barrio. Posteriormente se efectuará el estudio topográfico y el estudio de suelo para conocer las características del terreno y la clasificación o tipo de suelo que predomina en el Barrio. Además se realizó la valoración del Sistema de Alcantarillado Sanitario y Sistema de Agua Potable existente

    ウメ ハフチエソビョウ ビョウゲン ウイルス ノ ジュウエキ セッシュ ニ ヨル ウメ ヒンシュ ナンコウ ニ オケル ビョウチョウ サイゲン ノ カクニン

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    わが国有数のウメの産地,和歌山県紀南地方のウメ品種南高に発生している"ウメ葉縁えそ病"(茶がす症)がCucumber mosaic virus(CMV-Um)およびPrunus necrotic ringspot virus類似ウイルス(PNRLV)の重複感染によることを証明する目的で,り病樹から分離された,これら2ウイルスをウメ品種南高に混合接種して病徴の推移を調べた。その結果,萌芽の遅延,不完全花の高率発生,葉脈間の黄化による濃淡斑,全葉の黄化,葉縁部のえそ,早期の落葉など本病の病徴がおおよそ再現された。PNRLV単独接種では病徴は軽く,CMV-Um単独接種では健全対照樹と大差はなかった。以上から本病はこの両ウイルスの重複感染によるものと結論された。なお,花器の異常として雌蕊の発育不全が不稔の主因と思われることを示唆する結果が得られた。Mume leaf margin necrosis (mume leaf edge necrosis) disease, which has occurred in the southern district of Wakayama Prefecture, a major area for mume fruits production in Japan, was tested for symptoms expression by sap inoculation of causal viruses to original mume plantlets cv.Nankou grafted onto Nankou seedlings. Tobacco leaf tissues infected with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-Um) and Prunus necrotic ringspot-like virus (PNRLV) isolated from diseased mume plants in Wakayama were macerated, respectively, in phosphate buffer added with nicotine and sodium DIECA. Inoculations were made by slashing the surface of green shoots with a surgical knife dipped into inoculum. Eaqualy mixed saps of CMV-Um and PNRLV and both of single virus were inoculated to each 5 potted plantlets, respectively. Inoculated plants with mixed sap showed the symptoms of delayed sprouting, leaf interveinal chrolosis, leaf rolling, leaf margin necrosis, earlier yellowing of leaves and defoliation, and higher percentage occurrence of deformed flowers. These symptoms are similar to the naturally infected plants in the fields. The symptoms in the PNRLV plot indicated slighter symptoms than the mixed one, the CMV-Um plot showed almost symptomless and the buffer-inoculated control plot remained healthy. These results were evidence that the disease is caused by multiple infection with two viruses described above. Infertility of pistil in deformed flower suggests the major cause of barrenness in the diseased plant


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    表紙に表示のISSNはタイトル変更に伴い、21866015に変更 第8巻までのタイトル「八戸工業大学異分野融合科学研究所紀要

    Persistence of Cryoglobulinemia in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C after Successful Treatment with Direct-acting Antivirals

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    Hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection can cause chronic liver disease; it has also been associated with lymphoproliferative disorders(LPDs), such as cryoglobulinemia and B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Our previous studies suggested that cryoglobulinemia, high titer of rheumatoid factor(RF), and hypocomplementemia are immunological markers of LPDs. In addition, recent therapies with direct-acting antivirals(DAAs)have achieved high rates of sustained virological response(SVR)in patients with chronic hepatitis C(CH-C). This study analyzed the efficacy of DAA therapy in CH-C patients with cryoglobulinemia, and the association of biochemical and other immune markers for LPDs with persistence of cryoglobulinemia in patients after DAA therapy. Of 226 patients tested, 31(13.7%)had cryoglobulinemia prior to receiving DAAs, and these individuals showed lower complement 4 levels, decreased complement hemolytic activity, and higher IgM than patients without cryoglobulinemia. Of the 24 cryoglobulinemia-positive patients(83%)who could be followed for 24 weeks, 20 became cryoglobulinemia negative after the therapy. The remaining four patients retained the abnormal LPD markers, indicating the possibility of long-term LPD persistence even following successful eradication of HCV in CH-C patients. Thus, long-term follow-up is recommended to avoid exacerbation of extrahepatic manifestations as well as new events

    ARTADE2DB: Improved Statistical Inferences for Arabidopsis Gene Functions and Structure Predictions by Dynamic Structure-Based Dynamic Expression (DSDE) Analyses

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    Recent advances in technologies for observing high-resolution genomic activities, such as whole-genome tiling arrays and high-throughput sequencers, provide detailed information for understanding genome functions. However, the functions of 50% of known Arabidopsis thaliana genes remain unknown or are annotated only on the basis of static analyses such as protein motifs or similarities. In this paper, we describe dynamic structure-based dynamic expression (DSDE) analysis, which sequentially predicts both structural and functional features of transcripts. We show that DSDE analysis inferred gene functions 12% more precisely than static structure-based dynamic expression (SSDE) analysis or conventional co-expression analysis based on previously determined gene structures of A. thaliana. This result suggests that more precise structural information than the fixed conventional annotated structures is crucial for co-expression analysis in systems biology of transcriptional regulation and dynamics. Our DSDE method, ARabidopsis Tiling-Array-based Detection of Exons version 2 and over-representation analysis (ARTADE2-ORA), precisely predicts each gene structure by combining two statistical analyses: a probe-wise co-expression analysis of multiple transcriptome measurements and a Markov model analysis of genome sequences. ARTADE2-ORA successfully identified the true functions of about 90% of functionally annotated genes, inferred the functions of 98% of functionally unknown genes and predicted 1,489 new gene structures and functions. We developed a database ARTADE2DB that integrates not only the information predicted by ARTADE2-ORA but also annotations and other functional information, such as phenotypes and literature citations, and is expected to contribute to the study of the functional genomics of A. thaliana. URL: http://artade.org

    Clinicopathological characteristics and treatment strategies in early gastric cancer: a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Both endoscopic and surgical approaches are employed in the treatment of early gastric cancer (EGC). The aim of this study was to establish appropriate treatment strategies for early gastric cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively examined clinicopathological data of EGC patients who had undergone surgery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 327 patients (204 males and 123 females, mean age 63.2 years) were eligible for inclusion in the study. The median follow-up period was 31 months. Of 161 mucosal (pT1a) tumors, 87 were mainly undifferentiated and 110 had an undifferentiated component. Four patients with pT1a tumors had lymph node metastases; all these tumors were signet-ring cell carcinomas and were macroscopic type 0-IIc with ulceration, and only one of them had lymphatic invasion. Among patients with submucosal tumors, four of 43 patients with pT1b1 tumors and 37 of 123 patients with pT1b2 tumors had nodal metastases. Lymph node metastases were significantly higher in mixed undifferentiated type group than differentiated type group for both groups, pT1a-pT1b1 (p = 0.0251) and pT1b2 (p = 0.0430) subgroups. Only four of 45 patients with nodal metastases were diagnosed preoperatively by computed tomography (sensitivity 8.9%, specificity 96.2%). Nine patients with pT1b tumors had recurrence after surgery, and died. The sites of initial recurrence were liver, bone, peritoneum, distant nodes, and the surgical anastomosis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The incidence of nodal metastases was approximately 5% in undifferentiated type mucosal (pT1a) tumors, and higher in submucosal (pT1b) tumors. The sensitivity of preoperative diagnosis of nodal metastases in EGC using computed tomography was relatively low in this study. Therefore at present surgery with adequate lymphadenectomy should be performed as curative treatment for undifferentiated type EGC.</p

    Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl rhodium(III)-chiral disulfonate hybrid catalysis for enantioselective C-H bond functionalization

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    Though Cp*Rh(III) complexes are prominent and versatile catalysts for C-H bond functionalization reactions, catalytic stereocontrol is difficult due to the lack of vacant coordination sites. Here, we report a hybrid strategy for inducing chirality without using previously reported chiral Cp-x ligands. A preformed hybrid catalyst, [Cp*RhLN][6,6'-Br-(S)-BINSate], catalysed C-H activation and subsequent conjugate addition of 2-phenylpyridine derivatives to enones in good yield and enantioselectivity (enantiomeric ratio up to 95:5). In addition to 2-phenylpyridines, the conjugate addition of 6-arylpurines proceeded with an enantiomeric ratio of up to 91:9 using [Cp*RhLN](R)-SPISate]. The results demonstrate that a chiral organic anion can efficiently control the enantioselectivity of Cp*Rh(III)-catalysed C-H bond functionalization without a chiral Cp-x ligand