44 research outputs found

    On the Two-point Correlation of Potential Vorticity in Rotating and Stratified Turbulence

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    A framework is developed to describe the two-point statistics of potential vorticity in rotating and stratified turbulence as described by the Boussinesq equations. The Karman-Howarth equation for the dynamics of the two-point correlation function of potential vorticity reveals the possibility of inertial-range dynamics in certain regimes in the Rossby, Froude, Prandtl and Reynolds number parameters. For the case of large Rossby and Froude numbers, and for the case of quasi-geostrophic dynamics, a linear scaling law with 2/3 prefactor is derived for the third-order mixed correlation between potential vorticity and velocity, a result that is analogous to the Kolmogorov 4/5-law for the third-order velocity structure function in turbulence theory.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2006

    Anisotropic small-scale constraints on energy in rotating stratified turbulence

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    Author's version issued as working paper on Arxiv.orgRapidly rotating, stably stratified three-dimensional inviscid flows conserve both energy and potential enstrophy. We show that in such flows, the forward cascade of potential enstrophy imposes anisotropic constraints on the wavenumber distribution of kinetic and potential energy. The horizontal kinetic energy is suppressed in the large, nearly horizontal wave modes, and should decay with the horizontal wavenumber as kh−3k_h^{-3}. The potential energy is suppressed in the large, nearly vertical wave modes, and should decay with the vertical wavenumber as kz−3k_z^{-3}. These results augment the only other exact prediction for the scaling of energy spectra due to constraints by potential enstrophy obtained by Charney (J. Atmos. Sci. 28, 1087 (1971)), who showed that in the quasi-geostrophic approximation for rotating stratified flows, the energy spectra must scale isotropically with total wavenumber as k−3k^{-3}. We test our predicted scaling estimates using resolved numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equations in the relevant parameter regimes, and find reasonable agreement

    Sign-symmetry of temperature structure functions

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    New scalar structure functions with different sign-symmetry properties are defined. These structure functions possess different scaling exponents even when their order is the same. Their scaling properties are investigated for second and third orders, using data from high-Reynolds-number atmospheric boundary layer. It is only when structure functions with disparate sign-symmetry properties are compared can the extended self-similarity detect two different scaling ranges that may exist, as in the example of convective turbulence.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Spectral scaling of the Leray-α\alpha model for two-dimensional turbulence

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    We present data from high-resolution numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes-α\alpha and the Leray-α\alpha models for two-dimensional turbulence. It was shown previously (Lunasin et al., J. Turbulence, 8, (2007), 751-778), that for wavenumbers kk such that kα≫1k\alpha\gg 1, the energy spectrum of the smoothed velocity field for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes-α\alpha (NS-α\alpha) model scales as k−7k^{-7}. This result is in agreement with the scaling deduced by dimensional analysis of the flux of the conserved enstrophy using its characteristic time scale. We therefore hypothesize that the spectral scaling of any α\alpha-model in the sub-α\alpha spatial scales must depend only on the characteristic time scale and dynamics of the dominant cascading quantity in that regime of scales. The data presented here, from simulations of the two-dimensional Leray-α\alpha model, confirm our hypothesis. We show that for kα≫1k\alpha\gg 1, the energy spectrum for the two-dimensional Leray-α\alpha scales as k−5k^{-5}, as expected by the characteristic time scale for the flux of the conserved enstrophy of the Leray-α\alpha model. These results lead to our conclusion that the dominant directly cascading quantity of the model equations must determine the scaling of the energy spectrum.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Cascade time-scales for energy and helicity in homogeneous isotropic turbulence

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    We extend the Kolmogorov phenomenology for the scaling of energy spectra in high-Reynolds number turbulence, to explicitly include the effect of helicity. There exists a time-scale τH\tau_H for helicity transfer in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence with helicity. We arrive at this timescale using the phenomenological arguments used by Kraichnan to derive the timescale τE\tau_E for energy transfer (J. Fluid Mech. {\bf 47}, 525--535 (1971)). We show that in general τH\tau_H may not be neglected compared to τE\tau_E, even for rather low relative helicity. We then deduce an inertial range joint cascade of energy and helicity in which the dynamics are dominated by τE\tau_E in the low wavenumbers with both energy and helicity spectra scaling as k−5/3k^{-5/3}; and by τH\tau_H at larger wavenumbers with spectra scaling as k−4/3k^{-4/3}. We demonstrate how, within this phenomenology, the commonly observed ``bottleneck'' in the energy spectrum might be explained. We derive a wavenumber khk_h which is less than the Kolmogorov dissipation wavenumber, at which both energy and helicity cascades terminate due to dissipation effects. Data from direct numerical simulations are used to check our predictions.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Physical Review