68 research outputs found

    Supernova explosions interacting with aspherical circumstellar material: implications for light curves, spectral line profiles, and polarization

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    Some supernova (SN) explosions show evidence for interaction with pre-existing non-spherically symmetric circumstellar medium (CSM) in their light curves, spectral line profiles, and polarization signatures. To better understand the connection with binary stars and to aid in the interpretation of observations, we perform two-dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations where an expanding spherical SN ejecta initialized with realistic density and velocity profiles collide with various aspherical CSM distributions. We consider CSM in the form of a circumstellar disk, colliding wind shells in binary stars with different orientations and distances from the SN progenitor, and bipolar lobes representing a scaled down version of the Homunculus nebula of η\eta~Car. We study how our simulations map onto observables, including approximate light curves, indicative spectral line profiles at late times, and estimates of polarization signature. We find that the SN--CSM collision layer is composed of normal and oblique shocks, reflected waves, and other hydrodynamical phenomena that lead to acceleration and shear instabilities. As a result, the total shock heating power fluctuates in time, although the emerging light curve might be smooth if the shock interaction region is deeply embedded in the SN envelope. SNe with circumstellar disks or bipolar lobes exhibit late-time spectral line profiles symmetric with respect to the rest velocity and relatively high polarization. In contrast, SNe with colliding wind shells naturally lead to line profiles with asymmetric and time-evolving blue and red wings and low polarization. Given the high frequency of binaries among massive stars, interaction of SN ejecta with a pre-existing colliding wind shell must occur and the observed signatures could be used to characterize the binary companion

    New inclination changing eclipsing binaries in the Magellanic Clouds

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    Context: Multiple stellar systems are unique laboratories for astrophysics. Analysis of their orbital dynamics may reveal invaluable information about the physical properties of the participating stars. Unfortunately, there are only a few known and well described multiple systems, this is even more so for systems located outside the Milky Way galaxy. A particularly interesting situation occurs when the inner binary in a compact triple system is eclipsing. This is because the stellar interaction, typically resulting in precession of orbital planes, may be observable as a variation of depth of the eclipses on a long timescale. Aims: We aim to present a novel method to determine compact triples using publicly available photometric data from large surveys. Here we apply it to eclipsing binaries (EBs) in Magellanic Clouds from OGLE III database. Methods: We analyzed light curves (LCs) of 26121 LMC and 6138 SMC EBs with the goal to identify those for which the orbital inclination varies in time. Archival LCs of the selected systems, when complemented by our own observations with Danish 1.54m telescope, were thoroughly analyzed using the PHOEBE program. Time dependence of the EB's inclination was described using the theory of orbital-plane precession. By observing the parameter-dependence of the precession rate, we were able to constrain the third companion mass and its orbital period around EB. Results: We identified 58 candidates of new compact triples in Magellanic Clouds. This is the largest published sample of such systems so far. Eight of them were analyzed thoroughly and physical parameters of inner binary were determined together with an estimation of basic characteristics of the third star. These data may provide important clues about stellar formation mechanisms for objects with different metalicity than found in our galactic neighborhood.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    First apsidal motion and light curve analysis of 162 eccentric eclipsing binaries from LMC

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    We present an extensive study of 162 early-type binary systems located in the LMC galaxy that show apsidal motion and have never been studied before. For the ample systems, we performed light curve and apsidal motion modelling for the first time. These systems have a median orbital period of 2.2 days and typical periods of the apsidal motion were derived to be of the order of decades. We identified two record-breaking systems. The first, OGLE LMC-ECL-22613, shows the shortest known apsidal motion period among systems with main sequence components (6.6 years); it contains a third component with an orbital period of 23 years. The second, OGLE LMC-ECL-17226, is an eccentric system with the shortest known orbital period (0.9879 days) and with quite fast apsidal motion period (11 years). Among the studied systems, 36 new triple-star candidates were identified based on the additional period variations. This represents more than 20% of all studied systems, which is in agreement with the statistics of multiples in our Galaxy. However, the fraction should only be considered as a lower limit of these early-type stars in the LMC because of our method of detection, data coverage, and limited precision of individual times of eclipses.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables, published in 2020A&A...640A..33

    Science with a small two-band UV-photometry mission III: Active Galactic Nuclei and nuclear transients

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    In this review (the third in the series focused on a small two-band UV-photometry mission), we assess possibilities for a small UV two-band photometry mission in studying accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs; mass range 106\sim 10^6-1010M10^{10}\,M_{\odot}). We focus on the following observational concepts: (i) dedicated monitoring of selected type-I Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in order to measure the time delay between the far-UV, the near-UV, and other wavebands (X-ray and optical), (ii) nuclear transients including (partial) tidal disruption events and repetitive nuclear transients, and (iii) the study of peculiar sources, such as changing-look AGN, hollows and gaps in accretion disks, low-luminosity AGN, and candidates for Intermediate-Mass Black Holes (IMBHs; mass range 102\sim 10^2-105M10^5\,M_{\odot}) in galactic nuclei. For tidal disruption events (TDEs), high-cadence UV monitoring is crucial for distinguishing among different scenarios for the origin of the UV emission. The small two-band UV space telescope will also provide the information about the near- and far-UV continuum variability for rare transients, such as repetitive partial TDEs and jetted TDEs. We also discuss the possibilities to study and analyze sources with non-standard accretion flows, such as AGN with gappy disks, low-luminosity active galactic nuclei with intermittent accretion, and SMBH binaries potentially involving intermediate-mass black holes.Comment: Submitted to Space Science Review

    Science with a small two-band UV-photometry mission II: Observations of stars and stellar systems

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    We outline the impact of a small two-band UV-photometry satellite mission on the field of stellar physics, magnetospheres of stars, binaries, stellar clusters, interstellar matter, and exoplanets. On specific examples of different types of stars and stellar systems, we discuss particular requirements for such satellite missions in terms of specific mission parameters such as bandpass, precision, cadence, and mission duration. We show that such a mission may provide crucial data not only for hot stars that emit most of their light in UV, but also for cool stars, where UV traces their activity. This is important, for instance, for exoplanetary studies, because the level of stellar activity influences habitability. While the main asset of the two-band UV mission rests in time-domain astronomy, an example of open clusters proves that such a mission would be important also for the study of stellar populations. Properties of the interstellar dust are best explored when combining optical and IR information with observations in UV. It is well known that dust absorbs UV radiation efficiently. Consequently, we outline how such a UV mission can be used to detect eclipses of sufficiently hot stars by various dusty objects and study disks, rings, clouds, disintegrating exoplanets or exoasteroids. Furthermore, UV radiation can be used to study the cooling of neutron stars providing information about the extreme states of matter in the interiors of neutron stars and used for mapping heated spots on their surfaces.Comment: Submitted to Space Science Review

    Quick Ultra-VIolet Kilonova surveyor (QUVIK)

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    We present a near-UV space telescope on a ~70kg micro-satellite with a moderately fast repointing capability and a near real-time alert communication system that has been proposed in response to a call for an ambitious Czech national mission. The mission, which has recently been approved for Phase 0, A, and B1 study shall measure the brightness evolution of kilonovae, resulting from mergers of neutron stars in the near-UV band and thus it shall distinguish between different explosion scenarios. Between the observations of transient sources, the satellite shall perform observations of other targets of interest, a large part of which will be chosen in open competition.Comment: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentatio

    Modeling of interactions between supernovae ejecta and aspherical circumstellar environments

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    Context. Massive stars are characterized by a significant loss of mass either via (nearly) spherically symmetric stellar winds or pre-explosion pulses, or by aspherical forms of circumstellar matter (CSM) such as bipolar lobes or outflowing circumstellar equatorial disks. Since a significant fraction of most massive stars end their lives by a core collapse, supernovae (SNe) are always located inside large circumstellar envelopes created by their progenitors. Aims. We study the dynamics and thermal effects of collision between expanding ejecta of SNe and CSM that may be formed during, for example, a sgB[e] star phase, a luminous blue variable phase, around PopIII stars, or by various forms of accretion. Methods. For time-dependent hydrodynamic modeling we used our own grid-based Eulerian multidimensional hydrodynamic code built with a finite volumes method. The code is based on a directionally unsplit Roe’s method that is highly efficient for calculations of shocks and physical flows with large discontinuities. Results. We simulate a SNe explosion as a spherically symmetric blast wave. The initial geometry of the disks corresponds to a density structure of a material that orbits in Keplerian trajectories. We examine the behavior of basic hydrodynamic characteristics, i.e., the density, pressure, velocity of expansion, and temperature structure in the interaction zone under various geometrical configurations and various initial densities of CSM. We calculate the evolution of the SN–CSM system and the rate of aspherical deceleration as well as the degree of anisotropy in density, pressure, and temperature distribution. Conclusions. Our simulations reveal significant asphericity of the expanding envelope above all in the case of dense equatorial disks. Our “low density” model however also shows significant asphericity in the case of the disk mass-loss rate Ṁcsd = 10−6 M⊙ yr−1. The models also show the zones of overdensity in the SN–disk contact region and indicate the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities within the zones of shear between the disk and the more freely expanding material outside the disk