12 research outputs found

    Analysis of damages to high-pressure pumps in the common rail fuel system

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    T艂okowe silniki spalinowe o zap艂onie samoczynnym w ostatnich latach uleg艂y intensywnemu rozwojowi. Rozw贸j ten by艂 mo偶liwy dzi臋ki wprowadzeniu do stosowania zasobnikowych uk艂ad贸w zasilania Common Rail. Uk艂ady te pozwalaj膮 spe艂ni膰 rygorystyczne wymagania stawiane silnikom ZS. Ich prawid艂owa praca w du偶ej mierze zale偶y od jako艣ci paliwa. W artykule przedstawiono analiz臋 uszkodze艅 pomp wysokiego ci艣nienia z uk艂ad贸w zasilania Com-mon Rail r贸偶nych producent贸w i r贸偶nych konstrukcji. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, 偶e najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋puj膮-c膮 przyczyn膮 uszkodze艅 pomp wysokiego ci艣nienia jest zu偶ycie 艣cierne wsp贸艂pracuj膮cych element贸w pojawiaj膮ce si臋 na skutek zanieczyszcze艅 mechanicznych zawartych w paliwie lub niewystarczaj膮cych w艂a艣ciwo艣ci smarnych paliwa.Internal combustion, compression ignition, piston engines have been largely modified in recent years. The development of those engines was possible due to the introduction of the later generation fuel systems, espe-cially the Common Rail. The system allows meeting strict emissions legislation. The quality of fuel is critical to the correct operation of the system. The paper pre-sents the analysis of damages to high-pressure pumps in the Common Rail systems with different design and produced by different manufacturers. The analysis indi-cates that the most frequently, damages to common rail high-pressure pumps originate from abrasive wear of mating components, which results from mechanical impurities in the fuel or poor lubricating properties of the fuel

    Nitrogen oxides concentrations and heat release characteristics of the Perkins 1104D-E44TA dual-fuel engine running with natural gas and diesel

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    In the near future, natural gas may become a fuel, which will see increased use in powering internal combustion engines. Due to its properties, it can be used to power spark-ignition engines without major obstacles. Yet using natural gas to power compression-ignition engines proves to be more difficult. One of the possibilities are the dual-fuel compression-ignition engines running with gas fuel and diesel fuel, enabling ignition through compression and combustion of gas fuel. The article presents the heat release characteristics of the Perkins 1104D-E44TA engine powered by compressed natural gas and diesel fuel. Characteristics of heat release are an image of the combustion process. They affect the engine performance indicators. The determined heat release characteristics for a dual-fuel-powered engine were compared with the heat release characteristics for a diesel engine under the same operating conditions. An analysis of heat release characteristics was carried in the scope of their influence on the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust of the tested engine. The effect of the relative amount of heat released and the heat release rate during the combustion process in the Perkins 1104D-E44TA engine cylinder running dual-fuel with CNG+diesel on the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust, as compared to the values measured when running with diesel fuel only, was demonstrated. Higher share of natural gas in the total amount of energy supplied to the engine cylinders results in greater differences in the course of the combustion process and result in a greater reduction in the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust of the tested engine

    Analysis of the Impact of Invisible Road Icing on Selected Parameters of a Minibus Vehicle

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    The measurement of acceleration during vehicle motion can be used to assess the driving styles and behaviours of drivers, to control vehicle traffic, to detect uncontrolled vehicle behaviour, and to prevent accidents. The measurement of acceleration during vehicle motion on an icy road can be used to warn the driver about changing conditions and the related hazards. This paper presents the results of testing the motion parameters of a Ford Transit adapted for passenger transport in critical traffic conditions. It can contribute to the improvement of road safety. Critical traffic conditions are deemed in the paper as sudden braking, rapid acceleration, and circular vehicle motion at maximum speed maintainable in the given conditions. The vehicle’s acceleration and speed were measured during the tests. The tests were carried out with a TAA linear acceleration sensor and a Correvit S-350 Aqua optoelectronic sensor. The same test runs were conducted on a dry surface, a wet (after rain) surface and a surface covered with a thin, invisible ice layer. The objective of the tests was to determine the impact of invisible road icing, the so-called black ice, on the tested vehicle’s braking, acceleration, and circular motion. It was demonstrated that a virtually invisible ice layer covering the road surface has a substantial impact on the tested vehicle’s motion parameters, thereby affecting traffic safety. It substantially extends the braking and acceleration distances and requires the driver to reduce the vehicle’s speed when performing circular motions. A clear wet surface, representing motion after rain, did not substantially affect the analysed parameters. The obtained results can be used in traffic simulations and to analyse the causes of accidents

    Method for Determining Volumetric Efficiency and Its Experimental Validation

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    Modern means of transport are basically powered by piston internal combustion engines. Increasingly rigorous demands are placed on IC engines in order to minimise the detrimental impact they have on the natural environment. That stimulates the development of research on piston internal combustion engines. The research involves experimental and theoretical investigations carried out using computer technologies. While being filled, the cylinder is considered to be an open thermodynamic system, in which non-stationary processes occur. To make calculations of thermodynamic parameters of the engine operating cycle, based on the comparison of cycles, it is necessary to know the mean constant value of cylinder pressure throughout this process. Because of the character of in-cylinder pressure pattern and difficulties in pressure experimental determination, in the present paper, a novel method for the determination of this quantity was presented. In the new approach, the iteration method was used. In the method developed for determining the volumetric efficiency, the following equations were employed: the law of conservation of the amount of substance, the first law of thermodynamics for open system, dependences for changes in the cylinder volume vs. the crankshaft rotation angle, and the state equation. The results of calculations performed with this method were validated by means of experimental investigations carried out for a selected engine at the engine test bench. A satisfactory congruence of computational and experimental results as regards determining the volumetric efficiency was obtained. The method for determining the volumetric efficiency presented in the paper can be used to investigate the processes taking place in the cylinder of an IC engine

    Analysis of the uniqueness of the combustion process of the Perkins 1104D-E44TA engine in dual-fuel operation powered by natural gas and diesel fuel

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    The paper presents the results of the research on the uniqueness of the combustion process in the Perkins 1104D-E44TA engine already equipped with a Common Rail injection system, and then adapted on an engine test stand to dual-fuel operation. The result of the combustion process is an indicator diagram. The combustion process in the cylinder of the tested engine was evaluated by determining the uniqueness indicators of subsequent operating cycles, such as: the uniqueness indicator for the maximum pressure of the operating cycle, the uniqueness indicator for the mean indicated pressure, the uniqueness indicator for the indicated diagram and the uniqueness indicator for the partial indicator diagram. The conducted tests and the analysis of the results showed the impact of dual-fuel power supply of the tested engine on the combustion process, as compared to supplying the engine only with diesel fuel, for which it has been optimized

    Comparison of the Combustion Process Parameters in a Diesel Engine Powered by Second-Generation Biodiesel Compared to the First-Generation Biodiesel

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    The use of biofuels to power compression鈥搃gnition engines makes it possible to reduce emissions of certain harmful components of exhaust gases. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of second-generation biofuels on the course of indicator graphs and heat release characteristics of the Perkins 1104D-44TA compression鈥搃gnition engine. For comparative purposes, the same tests were carried out by feeding the engine with first-generation biofuel and diesel fuel. Babassu butyl esters (BBuE) were used as the second-generation biofuel. The second fuel was a first-generation biofuel鈥攔apeseed oil methyl esters (RME). Analysis of the results made it possible to draw conclusions about the effect of using 2nd and 1st generation biofuels on the parameters of the combustion process. When the DF engine was powered, the lowest fuel dose per work cycle was obtained. In the case of RME and BBuE fuels, it depends on the engine load. For low loads, higher consumption is for RME, and for higher loads, fuel consumption for BBuE in-creases most often. This is due to the lower calorific value of the esters. The results of these tests indicate that feeding the engine with BBuE and RME fuel in most loads resulted in higher maximum combustion pressures compared to feeding the engine with DF which may be directly related to the higher cetane number of these fuels compared to DF and the oxygen content of these fuels. Feeding the engine with BBuE and RME esters compared to DF did not result in large differences in the maximum heat release rates HRmax. However, the values of the first and second maximum heat release rates x1max and x2max, in addition to the type of fuel, are strongly influenced by the operating conditions, especially the engine load. Analyzing the combustion angles of 5, 10, 50, and 90% of the fuel dose, it can be seen that feeding the engine with BBuE and RME esters for most measurement points results in faster combustion of the fuel dose compared to DF

    Integracja satelitarnych modeli wysoko艣ciowych

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    The article presents the method of developing a 30-m spatial resolution DSMDSM based on integration of height data from InSAR SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM mission and the stereoscopic measurements of ASTERSTER satellite images. The method involves the use of 30-m ASTERSTER model for refinement of a 90-m interferometric SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM model. ASTERSTER model has a higher resolution, but it can contain local systematic errors (due to incorrect image matching in areas of the regular pattern of agricultural parcels). The differential model is generated and next smoothed with weighted averaging filter. Such a model is used to correct the ASTERSTER DSMDSM. The method was tested in the area of 31,000 square kilometers located in central Poland. A visual and precise evaluation of the output model relative to source data was performed with the use of terrain GPS profiles and the detailed DSMDSM based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data for three types of land cover. The accuracy of models was assessed by RMSERMSE calculated from a difference between point heights interpolated from the model and the same height points taken from terrain GPS profiles. Also the standard deviation of height difference between analyzed and ALSLS DSMDSMDSM was analyzed. In the new integrated DSMDSMDSM, more details were noticed compared to the SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM DSMDSM. The height errors typical for ASTERSTER model were compensated. The vertical accuracy of the developed DSMDSM is close to SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM data.[b]Keywords[/b]: interferometry, SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM, Digital Elevation Model, accuracy, analysi

    Integration of satellites digital surface model

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    The article presents the method of developing a 30-m spatial resolution DSMDSM based on integration of height data from InSAR SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM mission and the stereoscopic measurements of ASTERSTER satellite images. The method involves the use of 30-m ASTERSTER model for refinement of a 90-m interferometric SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM model. ASTERSTER model has a higher resolution, but it can contain local systematic errors (due to incorrect image matching in areas of the regular pattern of agricultural parcels). The differential model is generated and next smoothed with weighted averaging filter. Such a model is used to correct the ASTERSTER DSMDSM. The method was tested in the area of 31,000 square kilometers located in central Poland. A visual and precise evaluation of the output model relative to source data was performed with the use of terrain GPS profiles and the detailed DSMDSM based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data for three types of land cover. The accuracy of models was assessed by RMSERMSE calculated from a difference between point heights interpolated from the model and the same height points taken from terrain GPS profiles. Also the standard deviation of height difference between analyzed and ALSLS DSMDSMDSM was analyzed. In the new integrated DSMDSMDSM, more details were noticed compared to the SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM DSMDSM. The height errors typical for ASTERSTER model were compensated. The vertical accuracy of the developed DSMDSM is close to SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM data.[b]Keywords[/b]: interferometry, SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM, Digital Elevation Model, accuracy, analysi

    Production and Testing of Butyl and Methyl Esters as New Generation Biodiesels from Fatty Wastes of the Leather Industry

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    Climate changes caused by the greenhouse effect make it necessary to look for new sources of energy. One of them is waste of a biological origin. They are often difficult to dispose of and such a process can be expensive. Increasingly, they are used to produce biofuels that can replace petroleum-based fuels. They are also an alternative to food-based biofuels. The aim of the work was to propose a method of using fatty waste generated in a plant dealing with tanning animal skins and to evaluate the properties of the produced biofuels. The authors decided to use this waste to produce biodiesel. A patented reactor and technology developed by one of the co-authors was used for this purpose. Two alcohols, butyl and methyl, were used to produce esters in the transesterification process. Animal fats butyl esters (AFBE) and animal fats methyl esters (AFME) have been produced. A high efficiency of the transesterification process was obtained. It amounted to 99.2 (wt.%) for AFME and 98.9 (wt.%) for AFBE. The physicochemical properties of AFBE and AFME biodiesels, diesel fuel, and mixtures of these biodiesels and diesel fuel were tested. Most of the tested properties of AFBE were more favourable than those of AFME. The produced AFBE in relation to AFME was characterized by better cetane number, heat of combustion and calorific value, density, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, and flash point. For example, the kinematic viscosity for AFBE was 3.6 mm2/s and for AFME 4.1 mm2/s. In contrast, the calorific value of AFBE biodiesel was 39.2 MJ/kg, and that of AFME biodiesel was 38.4 MJ/kg. The use of butanol from the point of view of the properties of the produced biodiesel turned out to be more advantageous in relation to methanol. Due to the fact that the production uses waste fat, the produced biodiesels can be regarded as second-generation biofuels. Producing biodiesel from waste is a way to utilize waste and is beneficial in terms of environmental protection. It can be a way to increase the share of biofuels in the energy balance of regions where large amounts of fat waste products of animal origin are available