4 research outputs found


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    The problem of the irrational use of the economic, land potential of the territories, the inefficient use of natural resources is considered, and the need for the integrated development of territories, the integral relationship of the regional economy and ecology, and rational nature management, especially in modern conditions, is substantiated. It has been determined that the policy of rational use of natural resources depends on the level of socio-economic development of the country and the change of indicators of the ecological and economic system should ensure preservation of the natural environment for the present and future generations. It is proved that for the effective functioning of the ecological and economic system it is necessary to take into account the influence of three main components: society, life, environment. It is indicated that the problem of improving the efficiency of the ecological and economic system is associated with the analysis of the impact of the economy on the environment and with the problems of choosing the optimal strategy and tactics in managing the economy of the region. To this end, a block diagram has been drawn up reflecting the necessary measures for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection at the regional level and their content, as well as the directions of the regional environmental and economic policy, as the basis for sustainable development of the state, improving environmental safety and quality of life of the population

    Environmental and technological limitations as an effective tool of land management rational use and protection of lands

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    The key role of establishing and observing ecological and technological restrictions in the use of arable land for ensuring rational agricultural land use and preserving the land-resource potential of rural areas is proven. Methodical approaches to determining ecological and technological limitations in the use of agricultural land are analyzed. Fragments of the classifier of types of functional purpose of territories and types of functional purpose of territories and their correlation with types of purposeful purpose of land plots are given. The main characteristics of each level of ecological and technological restrictions related to soil cultivation and sowing of agricultural crops are highlighted. The need to establish ecological and technological restrictions on the use of land at the legislative level by introducing a corresponding addition to Article 111 of the Land Code of Ukraine and the possibility of their practical implementation on the basis of the classifier of types of functional purpose of territories developed by the authors was substantiated. It is emphasized the need to introduce changes and additions to Appendix 6 of the current State Land Cadastre Management Procedure regarding the implementation of ecological and technological restrictions in the use of land, which should be based on a 4-level classification in which certain ecological and technological restrictions are associated with the corresponding type of functional purpose cultivated agricultural areas. Key words: agricultural land, land protection, steepness of slopes, ecological and technological limitations, classifier


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    The analysis of the land management of agrarian enterprises in the process of land reform is carried out. A number of problems, related to the imperfection of the institutional environment of the land management and the land use of modern agro-formations, have been identified; incompleteness of economic and legal ownership relations between land owners and agricultural structures, delay in the development and adoption of normative legal acts, required for further reformation of land relations, and catastrophic reduction of the volume of land management works aimed at ensuring rational land use are among them. It is found that the most important of these problems are the absence of a scientifically substantiated and legislatively established Strategy for the formation of a rational system of land tenure and land use aimed at creating a favorable environment for sustainable rural development, the lack of the effective functioning of agricultural enterprises, and an increasing role of land management in ensuring environmentally safe use of land resources in agricultural production. The solution of the above problems implies improvement of the legal framework for regulation of land relations, in particular, regarding the legislative definition of the administrative status of the united territorial communities; demarcation of state and communal property lands; consolidation and prevention of further subdivision of agricultural land allocated for agricultural production. The necessity of the development and adoption of the National Program of Land Use and Protection, as well as the necessity of amending the Land Code of Ukraine and the Laws of Ukraine “On Land Management” and “On Land Protection” is substantiated