139 research outputs found

    The Unmet Need for Interpreting Provision in UK Primary Care

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    Background: With increasing globalisation, the challenges of providing accessible and safe healthcare to all are great. Studies show that there are substantial numbers of people who are not fluent in English to a level where they can make best use of health services. We examined how health professionals manage language barriers in a consultation.Methods and Findings: This was a cross-sectional study in 41 UK general practices. Health professionals completed a proforma for a randomly allocated consultation session. Seventy-seven (63%) practitioners responded, from 41(59%) practices. From 1008 consultations, 555 involved patients who did not have English as a first language; 710 took place in English; 222 were in other languages, the practitioner either communicating with the patient in their own language/using an alternative language. Seven consultations were in a mixture of English/patient's own language. Patients' first languages numbered 37 (apart from English), in contrast to health practitioners, who declared at least a basic level of proficiency in 22 languages other than English. The practitioner's reported proficiency in the language used was at a basic level in 24 consultations, whereas in 21, they reported having no proficiency at all. In 57 consultations, a relative/friend interpreted and in 6, a bilingual member of staff/community worker was used. Only in 6 cases was a professional interpreter booked. The main limitation was that only one random session was selected and assessment of patient/professional fluency in English was subjective.Conclusions: It would appear that professional interpreters are under-used in relation to the need for them, with bilingual staff/family and friends being used commonly. In many cases where the patient spoke little/no English, the practitioner consulted in the patient's language but this approach was also used where reported practitioner proficiency was low. Further research in different setting is needed to substantiate these findings

    Pyroglutamate Abeta pathology in APP/PS1KI mice, sporadic and familial Alzheimer’s disease cases

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    The presence of AβpE3 (N-terminal truncated Aβ starting with pyroglutamate) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has received considerable attention since the discovery that this peptide represents a dominant fraction of Aβ peptides in senile plaques of AD brains. This was later confirmed by other reports investigating AD and Down’s syndrome postmortem brain tissue. Importantly, AβpE3 has a higher aggregation propensity, and stability, and shows an increased toxicity compared to full-length Aβ. We have recently shown that intraneuronal accumulation of AβpE3 peptides induces a severe neuron loss and an associated neurological phenotype in the TBA2 mouse model for AD. Given the increasing interest in AβpE3, we have generated two novel monoclonal antibodies which were characterized as highly specific for AβpE3 peptides and herein used to analyze plaque deposition in APP/PS1KI mice, an AD model with severe neuron loss and learning deficits. This was compared with the plaque pattern present in brain tissue from sporadic and familial AD cases. Abundant plaques positive for AβpE3 were present in patients with sporadic AD and familial AD including those carrying mutations in APP (arctic and Swedish) and PS1. Interestingly, in APP/PS1KI mice we observed a continuous increase in AβpE3 plaque load with increasing age, while the density for Aβ1-x plaques declined with aging. We therefore assume that, in particular, the peptides starting with position 1 of Aβ are N-truncated as disease progresses, and that, AβpE3 positive plaques are resistant to age-dependent degradation likely due to their high stability and propensity to aggregate

    Membrane Docking Geometry of GRP1 PH Domain Bound to a Target Lipid Bilayer: An EPR Site-Directed Spin-Labeling and Relaxation Study

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    The second messenger lipid PIP3 (phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) is generated by the lipid kinase PI3K (phosphoinositide-3-kinase) in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, where it regulates a broad array of cell processes by recruiting multiple signaling proteins containing PIP3-specific pleckstrin homology (PH) domains to the membrane surface. Despite the broad importance of PIP3-specific PH domains, the membrane docking geometry of a PH domain bound to its target PIP3 lipid on a bilayer surface has not yet been experimentally determined. The present study employs EPR site-directed spin labeling and relaxation methods to elucidate the membrane docking geometry of GRP1 PH domain bound to bilayer-embedded PIP3. The model target bilayer contains the neutral background lipid PC and both essential targeting lipids: (i) PIP3 target lipid that provides specificity and affinity, and (ii) PS facilitator lipid that enhances the PIP3 on-rate via an electrostatic search mechanism. The EPR approach measures membrane depth parameters for 18 function-retaining spin labels coupled to the PH domain, and for calibration spin labels coupled to phospholipids. The resulting depth parameters, together with the known high resolution structure of the co-complex between GRP1 PH domain and the PIP3 headgroup, provide sufficient constraints to define an optimized, self-consistent membrane docking geometry. In this optimized geometry the PH domain engulfs the PIP3 headgroup with minimal bilayer penetration, yielding the shallowest membrane position yet described for a lipid binding domain. This binding interaction displaces the PIP3 headgroup from its lowest energy position and orientation in the bilayer, but the headgroup remains within its energetically accessible depth and angular ranges. Finally, the optimized docking geometry explains previous biophysical findings including mutations observed to disrupt membrane binding, and the rapid lateral diffusion observed for PIP3-bound GRP1 PH domain on supported lipid bilayers

    MS-275 synergistically enhances the growth inhibitory effects of RAMBA VN/66-1 in hormone-insensitive PC-3 prostate cancer cells and tumours

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    Combining drugs, which target different signalling pathways, often decreases adverse side effects while increasing the efficacy of treatment. The objective of our study was to determine if the combination of our novel atypical retinoic acid metabolism-blocking agent (RAMBA) VN/66-1 and a promising histone deacetylase inhibitor N-(2-aminophenyl)4-[N-(pyridine-3-yl-methoxy-carbonyl)aminomethyl]benzamide (MS-275) would show enhanced antineoplastic activity on human PC-3 prostate cancer cells/tumours and also to decipher the molecular mechanisms of action. The combination of VN/66-1+MS-275 was found to be synergistic in inhibiting PC-3 cell growth, caused cell cytostaticity/cytotoxicity and induced marked G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis. In mice with well-established PC-3 tumours, VN/66-1 (5 and 10 mg kg−1 day−1) caused significant suppression of tumour growth compared with mice receiving vehicle alone. Furthermore, treatment with VN/66-1 (10 mg kg−1 day−1)+MS-275 (2.5 mg kg−1 day−1) for 18 days resulted in an 85% reduction in final mean tumour volume compared with control and was more effective than either agent alone. Mechanistic studies indicated that treatment of PC-3 cells/tumours with VN/66-1+MS-275 caused DNA damage (upregulation of γH2AX), hyperacetylation of histones H3 and H4, upregulation of retinoic acid receptor-β, p21WAF1/CIP1, E-cadherin, and Bad and downregulation of Bcl-2. These data suggest that the mechanism of action of the combination of agents is DNA damage-induced p21 activation, resulting in inhibition of the Cdc2/cyclin B complex and accumulation of cells in G2/M phase. In addition, the combination caused modulation and induction of apoptosis. These results suggest that VN/66-1 or its combination with MS-275 may be a novel therapy for the treatment of prostate carcinoma

    Intraneuronal pyroglutamate-Abeta 3–42 triggers neurodegeneration and lethal neurological deficits in a transgenic mouse model

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    It is well established that only a fraction of Aβ peptides in the brain of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients start with N-terminal aspartate (Aβ1D) which is generated by proteolytic processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by BACE. N-terminally truncated and pyroglutamate modified Aβ starting at position 3 and ending with amino acid 42 [Aβ3(pE)–42] have been previously shown to represent a major species in the brain of AD patients. When compared with Aβ1–42, this peptide has stronger aggregation propensity and increased toxicity in vitro. Although it is unknown which peptidases remove the first two N-terminal amino acids, the cyclization of Aβ at N-terminal glutamate can be catalyzed in vitro. Here, we show that Aβ3(pE)–42 induces neurodegeneration and concomitant neurological deficits in a novel mouse model (TBA2 transgenic mice). Although TBA2 transgenic mice exhibit a strong neuronal expression of Aβ3–42 predominantly in hippocampus and cerebellum, few plaques were found in the cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and thalamus. The levels of converted Aβ3(pE)-42 in TBA2 mice were comparable to the APP/PS1KI mouse model with robust neuron loss and associated behavioral deficits. Eight weeks after birth TBA2 mice developed massive neurological impairments together with abundant loss of Purkinje cells. Although the TBA2 model lacks important AD-typical neuropathological features like tangles and hippocampal degeneration, it clearly demonstrates that intraneuronal Aβ3(pE)–42 is neurotoxic in vivo

    Accumulation of intraneuronal Aβ correlates with ApoE4 genotype

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    In contrast to extracellular plaque and intracellular tangle pathology, the presence and relevance of intraneuronal Aβ in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is still a matter of debate. Human brain tissue offers technical challenges such as post-mortem delay and uneven or prolonged tissue fixation that might affect immunohistochemical staining. In addition, previous studies on intracellular Aβ accumulation in human brain often used antibodies targeting the C-terminus of Aβ and differed strongly in the pretreatments used. To overcome these inconsistencies, we performed extensive parametrical testing using a highly specific N-terminal Aβ antibody detecting the aspartate at position 1, before developing an optimal staining protocol for intraneuronal Aβ detection in paraffin-embedded sections from AD patients. To rule out that this antibody also detects the β-cleaved APP C-terminal fragment (β-CTF, C99) bearing the same epitope, paraffin-sections of transgenic mice overexpressing the C99-fragment were stained without any evidence for cross-reactivity in our staining protocol. The staining intensity of intraneuronal Aβ in cortex and hippocampal tissue of 10 controls and 20 sporadic AD cases was then correlated to patient data including sex, Braak stage, plaque load, and apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotype. In particular, the presence of one or two ApoE4 alleles strongly correlated with an increased accumulation of intraneuronal Aβ peptides. Given that ApoE4 is a major genetic risk factor for AD and is involved in neuronal cholesterol transport, it is tempting to speculate that perturbed intracellular trafficking is involved in the increased intraneuronal Aβ aggregation in AD

    Discovering the highest energy neutrinos with the Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO)

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    The Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO) is a NASA Long-Duration Balloon Mission that has been selected for concept development. PUEO has unprecedented sensitivity to ultra-high energy neutrinos above 1018 eV. PUEO will be sensitive to both Askaryan emission from neutrino-induced cascades in Antarctic ice and geomagnetic emission from upward-going air showers that are a result of tau neutrino interactions. PUEO is also especially well-suited for point source and transient searches. Compared to its predecessor ANITA, PUEO achieves better than an order-of-magnitude improvement in sensitivity and lowers the energy threshold for detection, by implementing a coherent phased array trigger, adding more channels, optimizing the detection bandwidth, and implementing real-time filtering. Here we discuss the science reach and plans for PUEO, leading up to a 2024 launch

    The Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO): a white paper

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    The Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO) long-duration balloon experiment is designed to have world-leading sensitivity to ultrahigh-energy neutrinos at energies above 1 EeV. Probing this energy region is essential for understanding the extreme-energy universe at all distance scales. PUEO leverages experience from and supersedes the successful Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) program, with an improved design that drastically improves sensitivity by more than an order of magnitude at energies below 30 EeV. PUEO will either make the first significant detection of or set the best limits on ultrahigh-energy neutrino fluxes