7,747 research outputs found

    Field testing of strategies for fire blight control in organic fruit growing

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    In organic fruit growing effective control strategies are needed to prevent blossom infections by the fire blight pathogen Erwinia amylovora. Many potential control agents are under discussion and have been tested in vitro and in vivo. 19 out of 27 tested preparations showed a high efficacy against E. amylovora in vitro. Nevertheless, on detached apple blossoms only 7 of them led to a symptom reduction by more than 50%. In six field trials conducted according to the EPPO guideline PP1/166(3) BlossomProtect (82%), Myco-sin (65%) and Funguran (58%) had the highest efficiency. In 2006 and 2007, strategies to integrate BlossomProtect in spray schedules of organic apple production have been tested. The use of sulphur or lime-sulphur before or after BlossomProtect did not influence the efficiency of BlossomProtect, which showed that fire blight control is possible without compromising apple scab control. The addition of Cutisan to BlossomProtect reduced fruit russet. An alternating use of BlossomProtect and Myco-sin was shown to be possible

    D=5 Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons Black Holes

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    5-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with Chern-Simons coefficient λ=1\lambda=1 has supersymmetric black holes with vanishing horizon angular velocity, but finite angular momentum. Here supersymmetry is associated with a borderline between stability and instability, since for λ>1\lambda>1 a rotational instability arises, where counterrotating black holes appear, whose horizon rotates in the opposite sense to the angular momentum. For λ>2\lambda>2 black holes are no longer uniquely characterized by their global charges, and rotating black holes with vanishing angular momentum appear.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX styl

    The Influence of Special Interest Groups on Copyright Law and Policy—A Comparison of the Legislative Processes in the United States and Switzerland

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    In April 2016, the Office of the United States Trade Representative placed Switzerland on the Watch List of its 2016 Special 301 Report, which contains an annual review of the state of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement in U.S. trading partners around the world. According to the Report, the decision to put Switzerland on the Watch List was premised on U.S. concerns regarding specific difficulties in Switzerland’s system of online copyright protection and enforcement, particularly the “Logistep” ruling issued by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland in 2010. Although the Swiss authorities have acknowledged the difficulties mentioned in the Special 301 Report, the fierce criticism raised by the U.S. seems inappropriate, as the Swiss federal legislature decided long ago to remedy the shortcomings in the Swiss Copyright Act and initiated the appropriate legislative procedures in 2012. Due to the nature of Switzerland’s direct democracy, however, the legislative process is still in progress, with the parliament awaiting the results of the public consultation procedure during the course of the year. Despite this clear roadmap, the United States is increasing its pressure on the Swiss government and encourages it to move forward with concrete and effective measures that address copyright piracy in an appropriate and effective manner. Over the same period of time, the most recent legislative proposals in the field of copyright law in the United States have come to an abrupt halt. Unprecedented public outcry against the legislative proposals in 2012 led to the so-called SOPA and PIPA online protests, which resulted in a political deadlock in the field of copyright law and policymaking. In the eyes of several legal scholars, these protests have revealed a lack of democratic legitimacy in the federal legislative process in the United States, as it denies the general public any meaningful form of participation. Focusing on the respective histories of copyright law and policy in the United States and Switzerland, this Article examines how copyright lobbyists and other special interest groups assert their influence in the legislative process, and how their influence can be diminished. Illustrated by the example of copyright legislation, the Article shows that the instruments of direct democracy in Switzerland—which ultimately caused the delays addressed in the Special 301 Report—not only effectively counterbalance the effect of legislative lobbying, but also help to enhance public acceptance of legislative proposals in general. Ultimately, this Article claims that the United States could strengthen the democratic legitimacy of its federal legislative process by implementing a mandatory public consultation procedure based on the model of Switzerland, which might create a first step towards breaking the current standoff in U.S. copyright lawmaking

    Erfahrungen aus zwei Jahren Feuerbrandbekämpfung mit dem Hefepräparat „Blossom Protect“

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    Seit dem Jahr 2003 findet jährlich auf Einladung des Bundesministeriums für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft ein Arbeitskreistreffen zum Thema Feuerbrand statt, in welchem Fachexperten, Behördenvertreter und berufsständische Vertreter (Bundesfachgruppe Obst-bau, FÖKO, NABU und Berufsimkern) das Vorgehen bei der Feuerbrandbekämpfung jeweils für ein Jahr diskutieren. Kernpunkt der Treffen ist die Frage nach Entwicklung und Anwendung von Strategien zur Bekämpfung des Feuerbranderregers

    Uso de processos químicos no controle do risco biológico de dejetos suínos.

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    Ethnicity and public space in the city: Ethnic precincts in Sydney

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    Ethnic precincts are one example of the way that cultural diversity shapes public spaces in the postmodern metropolis. Ethnic precincts are essentially clusters of ethnic or immigrant entrepreneurs in areas that are designated as ethnic precincts by place marketers and government officials and display iconography related to that ethnicity in the build environment of the precinct. They are characterized by the presence of a substantial number of immigrant entrepreneurs of the same ethnicity as the precinct who line the streets of the precinct selling food, goods or services to many co-ethnics and non co-ethnics alike. Ethnic precincts are thus a key site of the production and consumption of the ethnic economy, a commodification of place where the symbolic economy of space (Zukin 1995:23-4) is constructed on representations of ethnicity and `immigrantnessï½. To explore some dimensions of the way that ethnic diversity shapes public space we present the findings of recent fieldwork in four Sydney ethnic precincts: Chinatown, Little Italy, Auburn (ï½Little Turkeyï½) and Cabramatta (ï½Vietnamattaï½). This fieldwork explores the complex and sometimes contradictory relationship between immigrant entrepreneurs, local government authorities, and ethnic community representatives in shaping the emergence of, and development of, ethnic precincts. It demonstrates how perceptions of the authenticity of precincts as ethnic places and spaces varies in the eyes of consumers or customers according to whether they are `co-ethnicï½, `co-culturalï½ or `Othersï½. It explores relations of production and consumption within the ethnic precinct and how these are embedded within the domain of regulation in the daily life of these four Sydney ethnic precincts

    Orbits in the Field of a Gravitating Magnetic Monopole

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    Orbits of test particles and light rays are an important tool to study the properties of space-time metrics. Here we systematically study the properties of the gravitational field of a globally regular magnetic monopole in terms of the geodesics of test particles and light. The gravitational field depends on two dimensionless parameters, defined as ratios of the characteristic mass scales present. For critical values of these parameters the resulting metric coefficients develop a singular behavior, which has profound influence on the properties of the resulting space-time and which is clearly reflected in the orbits of the test particles and light rays.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in GR

    Pairing of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium and tetrafluoroborate ions in n-pentanol

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are obtained and analyzed to study pairing of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium and tetrafluoroborate ions in n-pentanol, in particular by evaluating the potential-of-mean-force between counter ions. The present molecular model and simulation accurately predicts the dissociation constant Kd in comparison to experiment, and thus the behavior and magnitudes for the ion-pair pmf at molecular distances, even though the dielectric constant of the simulated solvent differs from the experimental value by about 30%. A naive dielectric model does not capture molecule structural effects such as multiple conformations and binding geometries of the Hmim+ and BF4- ion-pairs. Mobilities identify multiple time-scale effects in the autocorrelation of the random forces on the ions, and specifically a slow, exponential time-decay of those long-ranged forces associated here with dielectric friction effects.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. V2: Figs. 4 & 7 redrawn for better visual clarity with log-scales. No change in results. In press J. Chem. Phys. 201