7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a Patient Communication Program and Patient Appointment Reminder Calls in a Community Health Center Setting

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    Community health centers across the country struggle with patients who frequently miss appointments. Missed and unused appointment slots represent lost revenue for health centers and disruption in care continuity. The medical home model recognizes these challenges and establishes patient access as a core element, key components of which include more efficient scheduling functions and capacity for same-day appointments. Identifying effective and feasible strategies to reduce the no-show rate is a critical component of these efforts. The Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and the Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center came together to launch a patient communications pilot program that involved outsourcing and centralizing patient communication functions. With grant funding, the collaborators were able to evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot program and the performance of the appointment reminder system. Secondary data sources - call reminder disposition data merged with data on patients and other characteristics - were analyzed to assess the performance of the call reminder system and the factors associated with a patient showing up for an appointment. The collaborators will present their innovative partnership approach and findings on patient demographics and other factors that can result in missed appointments

    Evaluation of Progesterone Agent Utilization and Birth Outcomes in a State Medicaid Plan

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    An analysis of medication adherence and birth outcomes among members receiving progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth in a state Medicaid program. Data is also used to evaluate the association between member characteristics and medication adherence and birth outcomes as well as whether there was a change in the cost of care

    Uptake of Direct Acting Antivirals for Hepatitis C Virus in a New England Medicaid Population, 2014-2017

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    Introduction Introduction of the direct acting antiviral (DAA) sofosbuvir (SOV) in 2013 offered significant improvement over previous options for hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment. Initial uptake was low in Medicaid and other populations, perhaps in part due to high drug cost and prior authorization (PA) restrictions related to fibrosis stage, prescribing provider specialty, and sobriety. Both the subsequent introduction of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (LDV/SOV), an all-oral regimen for most genotypes, and lifting of PA restrictions were expected to increase overall uptake, but little is known about recent prescribing patterns. We examined trends in DAA uptake in a Medicaid population and identified the effect of these two events on treatment initiation. Study Design An interrupted time series (ITS) design utilized enrollment, medical, and pharmacy claims from Medicaid enrollees in three New England states, 12/2013-12/2017. Trends in treatment uptake, defined as 1+ pharmacy claim for a DAA, were examined overall, by demographic characteristics, and prior to and after two time points: 10/2014 (LDV/SOV approval date) and 7/2016 (date PA restrictions affecting two-thirds of members were lifted). Chi-square evaluated demographic differences, segmented regression models examined trends. Study Population The population included members ages 18-64 years with HCV (2+ claims with ICD-9/10 code for HCV or 1+ claim for chronic HCV). Eligible individuals remained in the sample until treatment initiation or Medicaid disenrollment. Findings The analytic sample averaged 30,433 members with HCV per month, mean age 42.9 years, 60% male. In 2014 3.3% of eligible members initiated treatment, increasing to 7.7% in 2017 (p = Conclusion While initial uptake of DAAs was low in this multi-state Medicaid population, treatment initiation among eligible members increased through 2017. Introduction of new medications and lifting of PA restrictions led to an immediate increase in uptake followed by relatively flat monthly utilization. Policy implications Sharp increases in uptake after LDV/SOV introduction may indicate warehousing of members in anticipation of LDV/SOV approval; increases after PA restrictions were lifted indicates demand for treatment among those affected by restrictions. As a large percentage of the Medicaid HCV population remains untreated, planned provider interviews will help to understand barriers and facilitators of treatment for HCV

    Improving population health through integration of primary care and public health: providing access to physical activity for community health center patients

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    OBJECTIVES: Our community health center attempted to meet public health goals for encouraging exercise in adult patients vulnerable to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic diseases by partnering with a local YMCA. METHODS: During routine office visits, providers referred individual patients to the YMCA at no cost to the patient. After 2 years, the YMCA instituted a $10 per month patient copay for new and previously engaged health center patients. RESULTS: The copay policy change led to discontinuation of participation at the YMCA by 80% of patients. Patients who persisted at the YMCA increased their visits by 50%; however, more men than women became frequent users after institution of the copay. New users after the copay were also more likely to be younger men. Thus the copay skewed the population toward a younger group of men who exercised more frequently. Instituting a fee appeared to discourage more tentative users, specifically women and older patients who may be less physically active. CONCLUSIONS: Free access to exercise facilities (rather than self-paid memberships) may be a more appropriate approach for clinicians to begin engaging inexperienced or uncertain patients in regular fitness activities to improve health

    Access to New Medications for Hepatitis C for Medicaid Members: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: Sofosbuvir (SOF)- or simeprevir (SIM)-containing regimens are highly effective for treating chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. These regimens, however, are expensive. Most payers have implemented prior authorization (PA) requirements to ensure that patients who can benefit most have priority for these medications. While many Medicaid programs limit access to those with advanced disease or to members who do not have active substance use disorder (SUD), the Massachusetts Medicaid (MassHealth) Primary Care Clinician (PCC) plan does not limit access based on disease severity or presence of SUD. Evaluating PA requests for SOF and/or SIM among MassHealth members will offer a useful example of early uptake among Medicaid members and will identify patient groups who might face barriers to treatment at the provider or patient level. OBJECTIVES: To (a) evaluate the percentage of MassHealth PCC members with HCV who had a PA request, along with the percentage of requests approved, and (b) identify characteristics associated with PA requests for SOF or SIM among Massachusetts Medicaid (MassHealth) members with HCV. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study used enrollment, medical claims, and PA request data from MassHealth PCC members from December 6, 2012, to July 31, 2014. The sample included members with 1 or more claims with an ICD-9-CM code for HCV during this time who were continuously enrolled from December 6, 2013, to July 31, 2014. Enrollment and medical claims data for the cohort with HCV were linked to a database containing information collected from PA requests. The overall percentage of members with HCV and a PA request for SOF and/or SIM between December 6, 2013, and July 31, 2014, and the percentage of requests approved were calculated. Chi-square statistics were used to compare demographic and clinical characteristics among members with HCV who did and did not have a request. Logistic regression was used to estimate the strength of associations between patient characteristics and a PA treatment request, adjusting for clinical and demographic variables. RESULTS: Of 6,849 members identified with HCV, 346 (5.1%) had a PA request for SOF and/or SIM submitted to MassHealth. Compared with members with HCV who did not have a PA request for SOF or SIM, those with a PA request for these new treatments were more likely to be male (P = 0.01), older (P \u3c 0.001), white race (P = 0.04), have standard MassHealth insurance (P = 0.01), and less likely to be homeless (P \u3c 0.001). Members with a PA request were also more likely to have been treated for HCV in the past year and have advanced disease (hepatic decompensation, cirrhosis, or liver transplant) but less likely to have SUD (P \u3c 0.001 for each). Ninety percent of requests for SOF or SIM were approved; few demographic or clinical characteristics were associated with approval. In adjusted analyses, predictors of PA request were aged 50-64 years (odds ratio (OR) = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.1-3.7 vs. aged \u3c 30 years); hepatic decompensation (OR = 1.6, 95% CI = 1.2-2.3); cirrhosis (OR = 3.0, 95% CI = 2.2-4.1); liver transplant (OR = 3.0, 95% CI = 1.4-6.5); substance use (OR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.5-0.8); recent HCV treatment (OR = 1.6, 95% CI = 1.0-2.6); comorbidity (OR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.91-0.98) for 1-unit increase in Diagnostic Cost Group score; and care at a hospital outpatient department (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.2-3.2 vs. group practice). CONCLUSIONS: Antiviral treatment with SOF and/or SIM was requested for a relatively small proportion of MassHealth members with HCV, with nearly all approved. Prescriber prioritization or patient barriers to care, rather than the PA process, determined access to treatment in this Medicaid population. Support may be needed to ensure patients with SUD benefit from advances in HCV treatment

    Evaluation of Progesterone Utilization and Birth Outcomes in a State Medicaid Plan

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    OBJECTIVES: Progesterone (hydroxyprogesterone caproate injection and vaginal progesterone) has been shown to reduce preterm birth (PTB) rates by a third among pregnant women at high risk. The purpose of this analysis is to report birth outcomes and medication adherence among Massachusetts Medicaid (MassHealth) members receiving progesterone, evaluate the association between member characteristics and birth outcomes and medication adherence, and compare cost of care with a prior preterm pregnancy. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study used medical claims, pharmacy claims, and prior authorization (PA) request data for MassHealth members who had a PA submitted for progesterone between January 1, 2011, and March 31, 2015. Members were excluded due to breaks in coverage, progesterone was not indicated for prevention of PTB, and if current gestational week or date of delivery was unavailable. MAIN RESULTS: A total of 418 members were screened for inclusion of whom 190 met criteria and 169 filled progesterone. Mean age was 29.2 years (SD = 5.23), and clinical comorbidities were identified in 90.5% of members. Consistent with clinical trials on progesterone effectiveness, 62.1% of members had a term delivery (37 wks of gestation). Among members with prior gestational age at delivery available, the average difference in gestational age between pregnancies was 8.25 weeks (SD = 6.11). In addition, 66.3% of members were adherent to progesterone based on proportion of days covered (PDC) of 0.8 or higher. The overall mean PDC was 0.79 (SD = 0.26). CONCLUSION: Despite similar birth outcomes in clinical trials and national trends, medication adherence is low in this state Medicaid program. Therefore, members may benefit from adherence support