1,271 research outputs found

    A master identity for Horadam numbers

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    We derive an identity involving Horadam numbers. Numerous new identities as well as those found in the existing literature are subsumed in this single identity.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, no table

    Infinite arctangent sums involving Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

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    Using a straightforward elementary approach, we derive numerous infinite arctangent summation formulas involving Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. While most of the results obtained are new, a couple of celebrated results appear as particular cases of the more general formulas derived here

    Some remarkable infinite product identities involving Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

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    By applying the classic telescoping summation formula and its variants to identities involving inverse hyperbolic tangent functions having inverse powers of the golden ratio as arguments and employing subtle properties of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, we derive interesting general infinite product identities involving these numbers.Comment: 11 pages, corrected a typ

    A new Fibonacci identity and its associated summation identities

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    We derive a new Fibonacci identity. This single identity subsumes important known identities such as those of Catalan, Ruggles, Halton and others, as well as standard general identities found in the books by Vajda, Koshy and others. We also derive several binomial and ordinary summation identities arising from this identity; in particular we obtain a generalization of Halton's general Fibonacci identity.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    A novel approach to the discovery of ternary BBP-type formulas for polylogarithm constants

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    Using a clear and straightforward approach, we prove new ternary (base 3) digit extraction BBP-type formulas for polylogarithm constants. Some known results are also rediscovered in a more direct and elegant manner. A previously unproved degree~4 ternary formula is also proved. Finally, a couple of ternary zero relations are established, which prove two known but hitherto unproved formulas

    A novel approach to the discovery of binary BBP-type formulas for polylogarithm constants

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    Using a clear and straightforward approach, we discover and prove new binary digit extraction BBP-type formulas for polylogarithm constants. Some known results are also rediscovered in a more direct and elegant manner. Numerous experimentally discovered and previously unproved binary BBP-type formulas are also proved

    On generalized harmonic numbers, Tornheim double series and linear Euler sums

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    Direct links between generalized harmonic numbers, linear Euler sums and Tornheim double series are established in a more perspicuous manner than is found in existing literature. We show that every linear Euler sum can be decomposed into a linear combination of Tornheim double series of the same weight. New closed form evaluations of various Euler sums are presented. Finally certain combinations of linear Euler sums that are reducible to Riemann zeta values are discovered.Comment: Corrected typos, added theorem

    Factored closed-form expressions for the sums of cubes of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

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    We obtain explicit factored closed-form expressions for Fibonacci and Lucas sums of the form \mbox{βˆ‘k=1nF2rk3\sum_{k = 1}^n {F_{2rk}^3 }} and \mbox{βˆ‘k=1nL2rk3\sum_{k = 1}^n {L_{2rk}^3 }}, where rr~and~nn are integers.Comment: 15 pages, corrected a typ

    An Identity for Second Order Sequences Obeying the Same Recurrence Relation

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    We derive an identity connecting any two second-order linear recurrence sequences having the same recurrence relation but whose initial terms may be different. Binomial and ordinary summation identities arising from the identity are developed. Illustrative examples are drawn from Fibonacci, Fibonacci-Lucas, Pell, Pell-Lucas, Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas sequences and their generalizations. Our new results subsume previously known identities.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    The golden ratio, Fibonacci numbers and BBP-type formulas

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    We derive interesting arctangent identities involving the golden ratio, Fibonacci numbers and Lucas numbers. Binary BBP-type formulas for the arctangents of certain odd powers of the golden ratio are also derived, for the first time in the literature. Finally we derive golden-ratio-base BBP-type formulas for some mathematical constants, including Ο€\pi, log⁑2\log 2, log⁑ϕ\log\phi and 2 arctan⁑2\sqrt 2\,\arctan\sqrt 2. The Ο•βˆ’\phi-nary BBP-type formulas derived here are considerably simpler than similar results contained in earlier literature
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