535 research outputs found

    Dual pathway spindle assembly increases both the speed and the fidelity of mitosis

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    Roughly half of all animal somatic cell spindles assemble by the classical prophase pathway, in which the centrosomes separate ahead of nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). The remainder assemble by the prometaphase pathway, in which the centrosomes separate following NEBD. Why cells use dual pathway spindle assembly is unclear. Here, by examining the timing of NEBD relative to the onset of Eg5-mEGFP loading to centrosomes, we show that a time window of 9.2 ± 2.9 min is available for Eg5-driven prophase centrosome separation ahead of NEBD, and that those cells that succeed in separating their centrosomes within this window subsequently show .3-fold fewer chromosome segregation errors and a somewhat faster mitosis. A longer time window would allow more cells to complete prophase centrosome separation and further reduce segregation errors, but at the expense of a slower mitosis. Our data reveal dual pathway mitosis in a new light, as a substantive strategy that increases both the speed and the fidelity of mitosis

    Low-Frequency Spectral Turn-Overs in Millisecond Pulsars Studied from Imaging Observations

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    Measurements of pulsar flux densities are of great importance for understanding the pulsar emission mechanism and for predictions of pulsar survey yields and the pulsar population at large. Typically these flux densities are determined from phase-averaged "pulse profiles", but this method has limited applicability at low frequencies because the observed pulses can easily be spread out by interstellar effects like scattering or dispersion, leading to a non-pulsed continuum component that is necessarily ignored in this type of analysis. In particular for the class of the millisecond pulsars (MSPs) at frequencies below 200MHz, such interstellar effects can seriously compromise de- tectability and measured flux densities. In this paper we investigate MSP spectra based on a complementary approach, namely through investigation of archival con- tinuum imaging data. Even though these images lose sensitivity to pulsars since the on-pulse emission is averaged with off-pulse noise, they are insensitive to effects from scattering and provide a reliable way to determine the flux density and spectral indices of MSPs based on both pulsed and unpulsed components. Using the 74MHz VLSSr as well as the 325MHz WENSS and 1.4GHz NVSS catalogues, we investigate the imaging flux densities of MSPs and evaluate the likelihood of spectral turn-overs in this population. We determine three new MSP spectral indices and identify six new MSPs with likely spectral turn-overs.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Secagem forçada em sementes de Podocarpus lambertii e Podocarpus selowii.

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    Caracterização morfológica do fruto, da semente e do desenvolmento da plântula de Blepharocalyx salicifolius (H. B. K.) Berg. e Myrceugenia gertii Landrum - Myrtaceae.

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi caracterizar morfologicamente os frutos, as sementes e o desenvolvimento da plântula de Blepharocalyx salicifolius e Myrceugenia gertii. Para descrever os frutos e sementes foram utilizadas 100 unidades e para a descrição do desenvolvimento da plântula foram colocadas para germinar 100 sementes em substrato papel toalha, à temperatura de 25 ºC e 50 sementes em substrato vermiculita. Os frutos de B. salicifolius e M. gertii são carnosos e indeiscentes do tipo bacóide. As sementes de B. salicifolius possuem forma de espiral, coloração castanha semitransparente, não possuem endosperma e o embrião é do tipo pimentóide. As sementes de M. gertii são ovaladas, de coloração castanha semitransparente, comprimidas lateralmente, o endosperma é mucilaginoso e o embrião é do tipo mircióide. A germinação de ambas é epígea fanerocotiledonar

    Germinação de sementes de Blepharocalyx salicifolius (H.B.K.) Berg. em diferentes substratos e condições de temperaturas, luz e umidade.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência de diferentes temperaturas (20ºC, 25ºC, 30ºC e 35ºC), substratos (rolo de papel, papel-toalha, areia e vermiculita), condições de luz (ausência e presença) e umidade (substratos pouco úmido, úmido, muito úmido e encharcado) sobre a germinação de sementes de Blepharocalyx salicifolius. Os melhores resultados são obtidos com os substratos papel toalha, vermiculita e areia, nas temperaturas 20ºC e 25ºC, e com o substrato rolo de papel na temperatura 30ºC. As sementes germinam tanto na presença como na ausência de luz, bem como em substrato úmido, muito úmido e encharcado, nas temperaturas 20ºC e 25ºC

    Detection, transmission and pathogenicity of fungi on Blepharocalyx salicifolius (H.B.K.) Berg. seeds.

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    The objective of this study was to identify the fungi associated with the fruit and seeds of Blepharocalyx salicifolius and verify their transmission and pathogenicity to seeds and seedlings. Fungal identification on seeds was made using the blotter test and potato-dextrose-agar but only the blotter test was used for fruit. Fungal transmission to seedlings was evaluated using four replications of 50 seeds planted in vermiculite. The pathogenicity of the fungi, Colletotrichum sp., Curvularia sp., Cladosporium sp. Pestalotia sp. and Macrophomina sp. was tested. Potentially pathogenic and saprophytic fungi were found on the fruits and seeds. The transmission of Cladosporium sp. from seeds to seedlings was verified, and Cladosporium sp. Pestalotia sp. and Macrophomina sp. were found to be pathogenic to B. salicifolius seedlings