396 research outputs found

    Absolute Continuity Theorem for Random Dynamical Systems on RdR^d

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    In this article we provide a proof of the so called absolute continuity theorem for random dynamical systems on RdR^d which have an invariant probability measure. First we present the construction of local stable manifolds in this case. Then the absolute continuity theorem basically states that for any two transversal manifolds to the family of local stable manifolds the induced Lebesgue measures on these transversal manifolds are absolutely continuous under the map that transports every point on the first manifold along the local stable manifold to the second manifold, the so-called Poincar\'e map or holonomy map. In contrast to known results, we have to deal with the non-compactness of the state space and the randomness of the random dynamical system.Comment: 46 page

    A stochastic perturbation of inviscid flows

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    We prove existence and regularity of the stochastic flows used in the stochastic Lagrangian formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (with periodic boundary conditions), and consequently obtain a \holderspace{k}{\alpha} local existence result for the Navier-Stokes equations. Our estimates are independent of viscosity, allowing us to consider the inviscid limit. We show that as ν→0\nu \to 0, solutions of the stochastic Lagrangian formulation (with periodic boundary conditions) converge to solutions of the Euler equations at the rate of O(νt)O(\sqrt{\nu t}).Comment: 13 pages, no figures

    A stochastic-Lagrangian particle system for the Navier-Stokes equations

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    This paper is based on a formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations developed by P. Constantin and the first author (\texttt{arxiv:math.PR/0511067}, to appear), where the velocity field of a viscous incompressible fluid is written as the expected value of a stochastic process. In this paper, we take NN copies of the above process (each based on independent Wiener processes), and replace the expected value with 1N\frac{1}{N} times the sum over these NN copies. (We remark that our formulation requires one to keep track of NN stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms, and not just the motion of NN particles.) We prove that in two dimensions, this system of interacting diffeomorphisms has (time) global solutions with initial data in the space \holderspace{1}{\alpha} which consists of differentiable functions whose first derivative is α\alpha H\"older continuous (see Section \ref{sGexist} for the precise definition). Further, we show that as N→∞N \to \infty the system converges to the solution of Navier-Stokes equations on any finite interval [0,T][0,T]. However for fixed NN, we prove that this system retains roughly O(1N)O(\frac{1}{N}) times its original energy as t→∞t \to \infty. Hence the limit N→∞N \to \infty and T→∞T\to \infty do not commute. For general flows, we only provide a lower bound to this effect. In the special case of shear flows, we compute the behaviour as t→∞t \to \infty explicitly.Comment: v3: Typo fixes, and a few stylistic changes. 17 pages, 2 figure

    L\'evy-areas of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes in Hilbert-spaces

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    In this paper we investigate the existence and some useful properties of the L\'evy areas of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes associated to Hilbert-space-valued fractional Brownian-motions with Hurst parameter H∈(1/3,1/2]H\in (1/3,1/2]. We prove that this stochastic area has a H\"older-continuous version with sufficiently large H\"older-exponent and that can be approximated by smooth areas. In addition, we prove the stationarity of this area.Comment: 18 page

    On the harmonic measure of stable processes

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    Using three hypergeometric identities, we evaluate the harmonic measure of a finite interval and of its complementary for a strictly stable real L{\'e}vy process. This gives a simple and unified proof of several results in the literature, old and recent. We also provide a full description of the corresponding Green functions. As a by-product, we compute the hitting probabilities of points and describe the non-negative harmonic functions for the stable process killed outside a finite interval

    Statistical Analysis of a Semilinear Hyperbolic System Advected by a White in Time Random Velocity Field

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    We study a system of semilinear hyperbolic equations passively advected by smooth white noise in time random velocity fields. Such a system arises in modeling non-premixed isothermal turbulent flames under single-step kinetics of fuel and oxidizer. We derive closed equations for one-point and multi-point probability distribution functions (PDFs) and closed form analytical formulas for the one point PDF function, as well as the two-point PDF function under homogeneity and isotropy. Exact solution formulas allows us to analyze the ensemble averaged fuel/oxidizer concentrations and the motion of their level curves. We recover the empirical formulas of combustion in the thin reaction zone limit and show that these approximate formulas can either underestimate or overestimate average concentrations when reaction zone is not tending to zero. We show that the averaged reaction rate slows down locally in space due to random advection induced diffusion; and that the level curves of ensemble averaged concentration undergo diffusion about mean locations.Comment: 18 page
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