96 research outputs found

    <Book Review>Anek Laothamatas, Business Associations and the New Political Economy of Thailand : From Bureaucratic Polity to Liberal Corporatism. Boulder : Westview Press and Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1992, 202p.

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    Introduction(<Special Issue>Oei Tiong Ham Concern: The First Business Empire of Southeast Asia)

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    Interview: Oei Tjong Ie(<Special Issue>Oei Tiong Ham Concern: The First Business Empire of Southeast Asia)

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    The Problem of Continuity in Chinese Businesses in Southeast Asia(<Special Issue>Commemorative Issue on the Retirement of Professor Shinichi Ichimura: Economic and Social Changes in Southeast Asia)

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    Culture, Institutions, and Economic Growth : A Comparative Study of Korea and Thailand

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    The Comparative Economic Performance of Malaysia : An Analysis

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。A large difference in income today among East Asian countries was brought about mainly by differenteconomic growth rates in the second half of the twentieth century. How do we explainthis difference? Neoclassical economists would argue that it was due to difference in the rates ofcapital formation and export growth. This is true, but the question still remains as to why theydiffered. This paper, focusing on Malaysia, explains its relative performance in terms of institutionsand culture. Due to the growing influence of neo-institutionalists, institutions have beengaining importance, but culture is still an unpopular subject among the social scientists who arelooking at the cause of development. But if we ignore it, it is difficult to explain the better economicperformance of South Korea vis-&agrave;-vis Malaysia (or more generally, Northeast Asian countriesvis-&agrave;-vis Southeast Asian countries). Of course, culture is not the only explanatoryvariable. Neo-institutionalists are right in emphasizing the importance of institutions. Forexample, the better performance of Malaysia vis-&agrave;-vis the Philippines and Indonesia seems to belargely due to the fact Malaysia could make its institutions more favorable to economicgrowth. But we also have to recognize the fact that culture influences people's economic decision,shapes institutions, and mediates their effect on economic growth

    <Book Reviews>Gabriel Kolko. Vietnam : Anatomy of a Peace. London : Routledge, 1997,190p

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    <Note>A Note on Information Sources on Philippine Business History

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    <Book Reviews>Takashi Tomosugi, Changing Features of a Rice-Growing Village in Central Thailand : A Fixed-Point Study from 1967 to 1993,Tokyo : The Center for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko, 1995, 124p

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    <Book Review>Benedict J. Tria Kerkvliet. Everyday Politics in the Philippines: Class and Status Relations in a Central Luzon Village. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990; and Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1991, 310p.

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