29 research outputs found

    アキタ ケンナイ ノ チュウガクセイ コウコウセイ ヲ タイショウ ト シタ セイ キョウイク コウザ ノ ジッサイ

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    秋田県における「性教育講座」は、1990年代の秋田県における10代の人工妊娠中絶率(15-19歳の女性人口1,000対)が全国平均より高い数値であったことに端を発している。この状況から秋田県教育庁・秋田県教育委員会では、秋田県内の全高等学校へ、性教育講座講師派遣事業を開始した。また秋田県医師会でも、秋田県の若年出産・中絶数の多さや日本におけるHIV/AIDS増加の現状をふまえ、2003年、性教育プロジェクト委員会を立ち上げ性教育派遣講座への医師派遣の窓口になった。中学校・高校での「性教育講座」では、生命の大切さ、性感染症、男女交際、妊娠・出産・避妊、妊娠中絶などについて、学校ごとの実態に即した講演が行われている。私は秋田県性教育研究会会員として2003年(平成15年)から県事業である「性教育講座」を担当している。この「性教育講座」の目的は、様々な性情報が氾濫するなかで性感染症や性に関する正しい知識を身に付け、社会的な風潮に流されることなく、正しい行動を選択できることである。講座では生命や生命を育む女性の心と身体について、そして自分を大切にし、他人にも思いやりをもつことを学習する。本稿では秋田県内の中学生・高校生を対象とした性教育講座の実際の一部を紹介している。Sex education in Akita prefecture stems from the higher than national average in the 1990s of artificial abortion in Akita prefecture among girls in the 15-19 age group. This situation prompted a sex education lecturer to be dispatched to all high schools throughout the prefecture, by the Prefectural Office of Education within the Prefectural Board of education. In conjunction, the Prefectural Medical Association found that in Akita prefecture, births to young mothers and abortion numbers were higher in relationship with the increase of HIV/AIDS cases throughout Japan. Based upon the Board of Education\u27s 2003 projection, doctors were thus dispatched and sent to the Education Office to begin lectures to all schools. These lectures stressed the importance of one\u27s life, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual relations, pregnancy, childbirth, contraception and abortion. These lectures have been conducted at the junior high school level as well as the high school level ever since. From 2003, I have been in charge of Akita prefecture\u27s sex education lectures as lectures and researcher helpingto improve young peoples\u27 knowledge of sex education. This includes correct knowledge of sexually transmitted infections which is influenced by the flood of correct and incorrect information from social media. From these lectures we have taught the importance of women\u27s mental and physical health life with compassion to others. Thus, this paper introduces sex education lectures targeted at junior high school and high school students


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    学生の母性看護学実習における満足度を知ることは,今後の母性看護学実習のあり方,また教員の指導のあり方についての示唆を得る上で重要であると考え,本学の学生を対象に,母性看護学実習全体の満足度,意欲への満足度,教員の関わりへの満足度,各実習場所における満足度の4項目について質問紙による調査を母性看護学実習終了後に実施した。40の有効回答を集計した結果,以下のことが明らかになった。1.「母性看護学実習全体」の満足度については,まぁまぁ満足しているも含めると,満足している学生は75.0%であった。2.「意欲」への満足度については,まぁまぁ満足しているも含めると満足している学生は80.0%であった。3.「教員の関わり」への満足度については,まぁまぁ満足しているも含めると,満足している学生は95.0%であった。ただし,満足していない学生はいなかった。4.「各実習場所」の満足度については,実習場所によりばらつきがみられた。「未熟児室」「外来」「新生児室」では,まぁまぁ満足しているも含めると満足している学生は90.0%以上であった。また「分娩室」「褥室」では,まぁまぁ満足しているも含めると満足している学生は70.0%以下であった。We considered it important to know to what degree the students were satisfied with the practical traning of maternal nursing to get hints on how practical training of maternal nursing and teachers\u27 instruction should be given in the future. Then, with the students of our school who had completed the practical traning of maternal nursing as the subjects, we conducted a questionnaire consisting of the following four items : to what degree they were satisfied with the training of maternal nursing in general, to what degree they were satisfied with motivation, to what degree they were satisfied with teachers\u27 involvement, and to what degree they were satisfied with each hospital room where they had practiced maternal nursing. Forty respones were valid and revealed the following fact. 1. Satisfaction at the traning in general : 75.0% of the students responded that it was very or fairly satisfactory. 2. Satisfaction at motivation : 80% of the students responted that it was very or fairly satisfactory. 3. Satisfaction at involvement of the teachers : 95.0% of the students responded that it was very or fairly satisfactory, and no one indicated dissatisfaction. 4. Satisfaction at hospital rooms : the students were satisfied with each room to different degree. As to premature infant room, outpatients, and new-born infant room, more than 90.0% of the students were very or fairly satisfied, while less than 70.0% of the students were very or fairly satisfied with the training at the delivery room and puerperal room

    母性看護学実習における学習効果の検討 : 分娩見学レポートの分析

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    学生の母性看護学実習における学習効果を検討することは,今後の母性看護学の教育のあり方・教員の指導のあり方についての示唆を得る上で重要であると考え,本学の母性看護学実習において分娩を見学した学生を対象に,質問紙による調査を実施した。それにより得られた結論を以下に示す。1.「分娩見学」をすることによって,分娩前の妊娠経過と分娩後の産褥経過(新生児含む)を有機的に結びつけることができ,「母性看護学実習」の成果がより大きくなる。2.産婦の看護,特に産痛緩和の援助を通して,産婦と一体になるような母性実習体験をすることで対象の理解も深まり,学習効果が拡大する。3.学生は「母児対面」の場に居合わせることで学生自身の母性意識を高める。The purpose of this research explained the effect of the thing that a student does a delivery study, and it was to examine it. The result that a student\u27s delivery study report was analyzed and which was examined is shown in the following. 1. A student can understand it by the delivery study, and he can increase the result of "the maternal nursing study practice" of the pregnancy・puerperium progress. 2. A connection, effect on learning are bigger in deepening parturient woman\u27s understanding than experiencing parturient woman\u27s nursing for the student, too. 3. Student\u27s own maternal consciousness is raised by a student\u27s being in the place of "the mother meets baby"


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    母性看護学実習評価の実態について明らかにすることを目的に、全国の赤十字教育施設において母性看護学実習の指導経験を有する指導者に対して、アンケート調査を実施した。その結果を以下に示す。1.学生は、臨床での豊富な看護の経験者から、指導・評価を受けながら看護実践を習得している。2.実習評価には評価に至るための手段として、段階的基準を設けた評価表を用い、点数化されている。また、看護過程、実習態度、看護技術、記録類提出状況、出席時間、カンファレンス参加状況など総合的に学生を把握し、学習者の成長に応じた評価(形成的評価)をしている。3.指導者は、今後の学習効果を期待・考慮しながら、実習終了後2週間以内に、何らかの形で学生に評価結果をフィードバックしている。その結果、最終的に到達目標に達しているかどうかを確認している。4.評価方法の過程(フィードバック、形成評価、総合評価)については、本学の他科目に敷衍できるように検討する必要がある。In order to investigate the real situation of evaluation in the training course of the maternal nursing practice, a questionnaire survey was conducted on trainers who have experience as trainers in the training course of the maternal nursing practice at domestic Red Cross educational institutions. The following results were obtained. 1. Students learn practical nursing and are evaluated under the supervision of trainers who have broad experience in clinical nursing. 2. Student\u27s achievements in the training course are evaluated by graded point rating with a checklist. Students are also evaluated comprehensively from various viewpoints, such as nursing process, attitude during the training, nursing techniques, report submission, attendance and participation in conferences, according to degree of advancement (formative evaluation). 3. Trainers give feedback to students in some way within 2 weeks after the end of training, taking expected future learning effects into account, before rating then finally as to whether or not the learning goal has been reached. 4. Consideration should be made on applying the evaluation process comprising feedback, formative evaluation and comprehensive evaluation to other subjects

    Influence of LINE-Assisted Provision of Information about Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer Prevention on HPV Vaccine Intention: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    We conducted a prospective, randomized two-arm, parallel group, and open label trial to investigate whether the use of LINE would increase HPV vaccine intention among not completely vaccinated university students. In June 2020, we recruited students aged between 18 and 35 years from four universities in Japan. Among the 357 enrollees (female, 53%), 178 and 179 participants were randomized into the LINE and Mail groups, respectively. At baseline, within three years, vaccine intention was observed in 40% vs. 42% of participants, respectively. At the first intervention, which provided similar PDF leaflets about HPV vaccine and cervical cancer prevention, there was no significant difference in vaccine intention between the two groups. However, at the second intervention of LINE-assisted knowledge intervention for 5 days per week for 7 weeks, the LINE group had a higher proportion of vaccine intention than the no intervention group (66% vs. 44%, OR: 2.62, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.59-4.35) in per-protocol analysis. The significance remained in the intention-to-treat analysis of multiply imputed datasets. Although LINE did not directly increase HPV vaccine intention compared to conventional posts, the LINE-assisted provision of information was effective in improving HPV vaccine intention among Japanese university and college students


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    近年,高校生の性意識および性行動は,開放的・積極的になりつつある。秋田県内の高校3年生男子122人,女子451人を対象に性行動と性意識について調査し,全国的調査の結果と比較した。その結果,以下のような結論が得られた。1)自分一人の部屋とテレビ,ビデオの両方を保有する者は,男女とも全国調査より高い(p<0.01)。2)性に関する行動や意識に影響しているものは,男子は「ビデオ」,女子は「友人」が最も多く,男子「ビデオ」は女子に比べて高い(p<0.01)。3)婚前性交に対する考えは,「愛し合っていれば・お互い納得していればかまわない」が約87~90%を占め,全国調査および東京都の調査結果と同じ傾向にある。4)性交経験率は,男子が女子よりわずかに上回っているが全国調査と差はない。また,「好奇心から」で「単なる友人」と初めて性交経験をする男子が女子より高い(p<0.05)。5)性交時「妊娠を気にする」は,男女とも85%以上である。「エイズや性病が気になる」は,男子35%,女子50.7%と予想に反して低く,全国調査結果と比較しても低い(p<0.05)。Recent high school students\u27 sexual consciousness and behavior seem active and open. We made researches on sexual consciousness and behavior for 122 boys and 451 girls of the third year high school students in Akita and compared the results with those of the nationwide survey in Japan (JASE). The results are as follows : 1) More students of boys and girls in Akita, have their own rooms with television sets and Videos than the average number of students of JASE. 2) The most effective factors which influence on their sexual consciousness and behavior are "Videos" for boys and "friends" for girls. Boys are most affected by "Videos" and the girs by "friends". 3) According to their opinions, it is no problem to have sexual activity before theirmarriage as long as they love each other or they agree. This shows the same tendency as in JASE. 4) The rate of sexual experience for boys is a little higher than that for girls. The motive of first sexual intercourse for many boys is curiousity and their curiousity is stronger than the girls. That is to say, they are more friends each other. 5) While mere than 85% of boys and girls "worry about getting pregnancy during sexual activity", only 35% of boys and 50.7% of girls "worry about AIDS or sexual disease"

    平成18年度日本赤十字社第一ブロック支部合同災害救護訓練に参加して : 訓練に参加した看護学科1年生の事後調査結果から

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    平成18年度の日本赤十字杜第一ブロック支部合同災害救護訓練に、本学看護学科1年生が参加したのでその概要を述べる。また学習の結果を事後のアンケート調査にもとづき評価・考察したので報告する。日本赤十字社第一ブロック北海道、東北各支部の10救護班による大規模な救護訓練に際し、学生は模擬被災者や防災ボランティア、また運搬要員として参加し、災害時の被災者の心理、災害時のボランティアとしての運搬要員の困難さ、そして救護員に求められる態度などについて多くの学びを得た。This paper summarizes "The 2006 Disaster Relief Drill for Block 1 branches of the Japanese Red Cross Society", to which the first-year students in the Department of Nursing at our college/university participated. Also reported are the evaluation and the discussion of what they learned from this program, based upon a post hoc questionnaire survey. The program was conducted on a large scale, involving ten relief squads from the Hokkaido and Tohoku branches in Block 1. Acting as disaster victims, disaster-relief volunteers, or transporting staff, our students learned various things, including the psychology of victims during a disaster, the difficulty of working as a volunteer transporting staff in a disaster, and the kinds of behavior called for from a rescue worker

    産褥早期の乳房・乳頭トラブルとそのケアの実態 : 秋田県内の医療施設における実態調査から

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    産褥早期の乳房・乳頭トラブルの発生件数・内容およびそれらに対するケア内容について明らかにすることを目的に、秋田県内医療施設(18施設の褥婦364名)に対して調査を行った。その結果を以下に示す。1.乳房・乳頭トラブルは153名(42.0%)の褥婦に発生しており、最も多い発生時期は産褥3日目の52名(34.0%)であり、次いで産褥2日目の42名(27.5%)、産褥4日目の26名(17.0%)であった。2.乳房・乳頭トラブルの発生状況で最も多いのは、亀裂の56名(36.6%)であり、次いで痛みの38名(24.8%)、うつ乳の30名(19.6%)、発赤の28名(18.3%)、硬結の27名(17.7%)であった。3.乳房・乳頭トラブル時のケア内容で最も多いのは、授乳指導の82名(53.6%)であり、次いで乳頭マッサージの50名(32.7%)、自己搾乳指導の47名(30.7%)、生活指導の35名(22.9%)、冷湿布の30名(19.6%)であった。Our aim is to elucidate the incidences and types of breast and nipple problems in puerperal women and their treatment at medical facilities in Akita prefecture (18 facilities, 364 women). Wepresent the results as follows. 1. Breast and nipple problems were experienced by 153 puerperal women (42.0%). Symptoms most commonly emerged at 3 days postpartum (52 women, 34.0%) followed by 2 days postpartum in (42 women, 27.5%) and 4 days postpartum (26 women, 17.0%). 2. The symptom with the highest incidence was cracked nipples (56 women, 36.6%) followed by pain (38 women, 24.8%), and galactostasis (30 women, 19.6%), redness (28 women, 18.3%), and engorgement (27 women, 17.7%). 3. The most common treatment in response to breast and nipple problems was breastfeeding assistance (82 women, 53.6%) followed by nipple massage (50 women, 32.7%), assistance in manual extraction of milk (47 women, 30.7%), lifestyle guidance (35 women, 22.9%) and cold compress (30 women, 19.6%)

    [その他] 統合実習研修会「教員と指導者の連携強化をめざして -実習指導の実態と課題から-」の報告

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    本学における統合実習指導の実態や課題を解決に導くために研修会を企画・運営したので報告する。研修会では統合実習開始当初からこれまでの指導体制に関する課題と各実習施設の工夫や取り組みについてグループワークをし、情報共有することができた。研修会を終えて、グループ毎のまとめをもとに、研修会担当者らで検討した結果、統合実習の指導体制、臨地実習PBL展開、夜間実習計画・指導、の3点が課題として集約できた。また大学と実習施設の連携強化のために必要な内容として、初めての実習施設で学生が力を発揮できるための学習環境の整備、臨地実習指導者と教員間の実習目標・指導方法・評価方法の共有、学生の心身両面のサポートも含めて教員と指導者の役割の明確化など、指導体制の連携強化の重要点が示唆された。Abstract:Planning workshops to guide in solving challenges and the realities of practice teaching methods at a university were conducted. Since leadership is challenging and the sharing of initiatives and information is important, there was a need to devise a training and work method for each practice of the integration exercise.The results of each group, based on consultation, training of personnel, training, integrated training in the education system, along with clinical practice PBL deployment, night-time practice planning and guidance, were summarized into three points. These key points were: strengthening leadership, such as clarification of the role of teachers and leaders; including support for shared training goals which can aid students at practice facilities for the fi rst time at a university for practical training necessary to foster a cohesive learning environment; and aiding clinical instructors and teachers, including teaching methods for evaluation of the student’s mental condition


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    本研究は,乳幼児を持つ勤労女性の夜間の育児による睡眠中断の状況を,携帯用活動量測定器アクチウォッチを用いて計測した活動量および睡眠日誌から検討した。その結果,以下のことが明らかになった。1.睡眠とみなされる時間は著しく少なくはなかったが,睡眠中断が頻回にみられ睡眠効率が悪い。2.育児による睡眠中断の際,彼女らはほとんど無意識でこれらを行っている。3.就労日・休日を問わず,睡眠中断があることによって,十分な休息をとることが困難である。The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of sleep who have to take care of infants. The subjects were two women who are working in daytime and taking care of infants during nights. Sleep logs and actiwatch activities were evaluated during 3 consecutive nights. The results were as follows 1. Altough time in bed was enough, there are many waking times with low sleep efficiency. 2. They took care of children several times during nights, but they could not remenber all of them in the next morning. 3. Even if in the weekend, they could not take enough sleep time, because of their interrupted sleep