18 research outputs found

    Relationship between efficiency and profitability: The case of Czech swine sector

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    Aim of study: To examine the link between economic efficiency and profitability of firms belonging to the swine sector.Area of study: This study is devoted to the Czech swine sector that forms the traditional and essential part of agriculture in the Czech Republic.Material and methods: Data from the Albertina CZ Gold Edition database for the period 2008-2017 were used. To evaluate the economic efficiency, the data envelopment analysis models are applied. Return on equity, return on assets and return on sales are used to measure profitability. To assess the relationship between economic efficiency and profitability, the Pearson correlation coefficient is used.Main results: The results demonstrate that there is no clear link between the economic efficiency of firms and their profitability in this industry. The correlation between all three profitability ratios and efficiency score were predominantly positive but not statistically significant in many cases. The economies of scale and scope and the construction of profitability indicators could be the main factors explaining the fact that companies achieving higher efficiency are not also more profitable.Research highlights: The study provides material useful to owners, managers, and customers of Czech agriculture firms. It identifies the relatively high efficiency of firms measured relatively to the best Czech company. In the European context, however, the efficiency of Czech firms belonging to the swine sector is low. It also reveals that the profitability of the firms is not a representative proxy for economic efficiency

    Economic sustainability as a future phenomenon: Moving towards a sustainable hotel industry

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    The issue of sustainability is frequently discussed in relation to the tourism industry. This is as a consequence of the rapidly increasing demands of tourists and the fact that tourism is perceived as one of the driving forces behind economic growth in some destinations. This can lead to both positive and negative future impacts. The emergence and growing economic impact of tourism means that it is essential to devote research into the implementation of sustainability issues and measurement indicators with regards to future economic prosperity. Historically, one of the first needs of a tourist was the need for shelter against the elements. Nowadays, the understanding of what accommodation is has been extended to include comfort and relaxation. The pressure on the accommodation sector to apply sustainability measures in practice in order to adapt to changing demands and to protect its economic prosperity, is enormous. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the main economic sustainability indicators, gross domestic product, and the internal consumption of tourists in accommodation facilities. The hypothesis that a mutual relationship exists in the Czech Republic between gross domestic and the contribution of domestic and inbound tourism expenditure on accommodation, is tested through a correlation analysis. The results of this analysis were used to determine how urgent the need is to implement sustainability measures within the Czech accommodation sector and within the hotel industry. © 2016

    Sustainable regional development trough tourism: Case of the Czech municipalities of Vysocina region

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    Cultural monuments are one of the key factors in tourism and they influence the economic and social development of the municipality or region and above its degree of sustainability tourism. The analysis of the potential of the tourism in municipalities and its comparison can be made by various methods and techniques such as local expenditure model, cost-benefit analysis, multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives or cluster analysis. The method that can give an objective comparison of the size of anthropogenic sphere potentials of individual regions or possibly other territorial units is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). DEA models are usually used to find the relative efficiency among homogenous units according to selected criteria (inputs and outputs). According to the data taken from the Czech Statistical Office about the municipalities with extended powers in the Vysocina Region as basic spatial units we try to apply DEA analysis in terms of utilization of cultural and natural heritage for tourism. The main task is to identify the problematic places in this region and then suggest ways for improvement so that the region's potential is primarily to fulfill sustainable tourism. © 2018, General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania

    Position of India in contemporary International Trade

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá zapojením Indie do mezinárodního obchodu a mezinárodního pohybu kapitálu. Pozornost je věnována hospodářské spolupráci Indie s Evropskou unií jako jejím největším obchodním a investičním partnerem a také spolupráci s Českou republikou. Cílem diplomové práce je na základě SWOT analýzy indického trhu identifikovat příčiny rostoucího významu Indie v zahraničně-obchodních vztazích, ale zároveň také upozornit na skutečnosti, které její zlepšující se postavení mohou ohrozit. V závěrečné části práce je naznačen předpokládaný vývoj Indie v jednu z hospodářských velmocí světa

    Analysis of the electricity market from the perspective of products offered to households in the tariff rate d25d in period 2011-2016

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    Trh s elektřinou se v České republice mění zejména od roku 2002 s počátkem jeho liberalizace. Od této doby mohly firmy volně volit dodavatele elektřiny. Domácnosti mají tuto možnost od roku 2006. Ačkoli lze předpokládat, že spotřeba elektřiny by měla stoupat vzhledem k rozvoji nových elektrospotřebičů, ve skutečnosti spotřeba v České republice rostla pouze do roku 2008, následně ve spojitosti s ekonomickou krizí poklesla a další nárůst již je velmi mírný. Vzhledem k této skutečnosti by i ceny spojené se spotřebou elektřiny měly být spíše klesající. Tento článek je zaměřen na situaci na trhu s elektřinou z pohledu nabídky produktů domácnostem v tarifu D25d v období let 2011-2016. Cílem je popsat trendy ve vývoji jednotlivých složek celkových nákladů domácnosti spojených se spotřebou elektřiny

    The choice of electricity supplier in the czech republic in 2020 in terms of the cost of electricity consumption for households and for small businesses - a simulation model

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    The situation on the Czech electricity market from the point of view of small customers or households is confusing every year. Although information on electricity consumption prices for households and small businesses is already freely available on the Internet (web pages of the Electricity Regulation Office), understanding the rules for calculating electricity consumption costs is still not easy for ordinary small consumers. For small entrepreneurs, the question often arises as to whether tariffs intended for households can be used for the electricity consumption, or whether it is necessary or appropriate to switch to tariffs for small business consumption. This article is focused on the analysis of the offer of electricity suppliers for the year 2020 in the Czech Republic from the point of view of the distribution rate D25d for households, resp. C25d for entrepreneurs in order to assess differences in the cost of electricity consumption and to select those products and suppliers for which the annual cost of electricity consumption is minimal. Monte Carlo simulation, where the monthly electricity consumption is generated (normal probability distribution), is used for the analysis together with the basics of multicriteria decision making, especially the non-dominance testing principle. The results show that the differences in the annual electricity consumption costs can be around 15% and the tariff rates for households are cheaper than the tariff rates for the entrepreneurs (also here the difference in annual costs can be around 15-20%)

    Využití simulačního modelování v programu SIMUL8 ke zlepšení podnikových procesů

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    Simulation is a method used for studying complex systems that are not solvable with standard analytical techniques. Main advantage of the simulation modelling is the fact that all changes are made in virtual reality, in simulation software, without the necessity of the change in real life situation. As it is hard to follow and analyze all the processes in a company, the simulation model can be a good solution for the analysis. To perform the simulation it is necessary to map the whole process including the sequencing of activities and then set the rules for the movement of entities between the activities. Entities are dynamic objects (customers, products, documents) moving through the processes and using various resources. Afterwards all resources required or used by entities must be defined and the probability distributions of activities’ times must be selected. Business processes can be modeled in software aimed at discrete event simulation principle. SIMUL8 belongs to these types of software. This contribution describes the use of the simulation model in different situation under the support of SIMUL8 software. All the examples described above (model of the administration processes in vehicle register system, model of the shields production system, model of the camshafts production) show how the model can help to study the system and to analyze the influence of the higher demand, higher production or other changes on the capacity utilization in the system. According to the simulation results some recommendations for the company relating workers, machines or processes could be made

    Simulation modelling application in SIMUL8 for the business processes improvement

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    Simulation is a method used for studying complex systems that are not solvable with standard analytical techniques. Main advantage of the simulation modelling is the fact that all changes are made in virtual reality, in simulation software, without the necessity of the change in real life situation. As it is hard to follow and analyze all the processes in a company, the simulation model can be a good solution for the analysis. To perform the simulation it is necessary to map the whole process including the sequencing of activities and then set the rules for the movement of entities between the activities. Entities are dynamic objects (customers, products, documents) moving through the processes and using various resources. Afterwards all resources required or used by entities must be defined and the probability distributions of activities’ times must be selected. Business processes can be modeled in software aimed at discrete event simulation principle. SIMUL8 belongs to these types of software. This contribution describes the use of the simulation model in different situation under the support of SIMUL8 software. All the examples described above (model of the administration processes in vehicle register system, model of the shields production system, model of the camshafts production) show how the model can help to study the system and to analyze the influence of the higher demand, higher production or other changes on the capacity utilization in the system. According to the simulation results some recommendations for the company relating workers, machines or processes could be made

    Analyse des Strommarktes aus der Sicht der Produkte, welche den Haushalten (Tarif D25d) im Zeitraum von 2011-2016 angeboten wurden

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    Trh s elektřinou se v České republice mění zejména od roku 2002 s počátkem jeho liberalizace. Od této doby mohly firmy volně volit dodavatele elektřiny. Domácnosti mají tuto možnost od roku 2006. Ačkoli lze předpokládat, že spotřeba elektřiny by měla stoupat vzhledem k rozvoji nových elektrospotřebičů, ve skutečnosti spotřeba v České republice rostla pouze do roku 2008, následně ve spojitosti s ekonomickou krizí poklesla a další nárůst již je velmi mírný. Vzhledem k této skutečnosti by i ceny spojené se spotřebou elektřiny měly být spíše klesající. Tento článek je zaměřen na situaci na trhu s elektřinou z pohledu nabídky produktů domácnostem v tarifu D25d v období let 2011-2016. Cílem je popsat trendy ve vývoji jednotlivých složek celkových nákladů domácnosti spojených se spotřebou elektřiny.Rynek energii elektrycznej w Republice Czeskiej zmienia się od 2002 roku wraz z zapoczątkowaniem jego liberalizacji. Od tego czasu firmy mogły swobodnie wybierać sobie dostawców energii. Gospodarstwa domowe mają taką możliwość dopiero od 2006 roku. Choć można by się spodziewać, że zużycie energii elektrycznej powinno stale rosnąć, ze względu na rozwój nowych urządzeń elektrycznych i sprzętu AGD, to w rzeczywistości zużycie w Republice Czeskiej rosło tylko do 2008 roku a następnie w związku z kryzysem gospodarczym spadło, a kolejny wzrost jest już minimalny. Ze względu na to, ceny związane ze zużyciem energii elektrycznej powinny również raczej maleć. W niniejszym artykule opisano sytuację występującą na rynku energii elektrycznej z punktu widzenia oferty produktów dla gospodarstw domowych w taryfie D25d w latach 2011-2016. Celem jest przedstawienie trendów w rozwoju poszczególnych składowych całkowitych kosztów gospodarstw domowych związanych ze zużyciem energii elektrycznej.The electricity market in the Czech Republic has been changing every year since the liberalization of the market in the year 2002 for companies and since the year 2006 for households. Although we may think that the electricity consumption must be rising due to the development of electrical equipment, in reality the consumption had been rising till the year 2008. Afterwards it fell down in connection with the financial crises; and the next rise was not as big as before in the Czech Republic. Thus, the prices of the electricity consumption should be decreasing. The situation of the electricity market and the products offered to households in the tariff rate D25d in the period 2011-2016 are analyzed in this article, in order to find out the main trends of each part of the total electricity consumption cost of households.Der Strommarkt befindet sich seit dem Jahre 2002, als dessen Liberalisierung einsetzte, in einem Prozess der Veränderung. Seit dieser Zeit können die Firmen den Stromanbieter frei wählen. Die Haushalte haben diese Möglichkeit erst seit dem Jahre 2006. Obschon man davon ausgehen kann, dass der Stromverbrauch im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung neuer elektrischer Geräte steigen wird, stieg er de facto lediglich bis zum Jahr 2008. Hernach sank er im Zusammenhang mit der Wirtschaftskrise und der weitere Anstieg fiel sehr mäßig aus. In Anbetracht dieser Tatsache wäre eigentlich ein sinkender Strompreis zu erwarten. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Situation auf dem Strommarkt aus der Sicht des den Haushalten unterbreiteten Produktangebots (Tarif D25d) im Zeitraum zwischen 2011 und 2016. Er hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Trends in der Entwicklung einzelner Komponenten der Gesamtkosten der Haushalte zu beschreiben, die sich aus dem Stromverbrauch ergeben

    Working in Austria as a Czech subject. Official requirements to be met when applying for a job in Austria.

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    This bachelor{\crq}s thesis is focusing on analysis of possibilities of Czech citizens who want to get a job in Austria. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part analyses the contemporary health care system, social security system, tax system and the job market in Austria. Further on the thesis deals with conditions which have to be met when applying for a job in Austria. The practical part is devoted to job seeking process in Austria for two people in cooperation with many job agencies and Austrian AMS. Communication with the foreign agencies has been done by electronic mail. The thesis analyses the entire procedure of job seeking and its results. Approach of Austrian agencies to foreign applicants is evaluated as well. In conclusion the thesis provides comparison of theoretical part with personal experience gained in the process of job seeking and findings implying the comparisons