12 research outputs found

    Directive Utterances in Be Smart In English For Grade XI Of Senior High Schools: Language Major

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    This research aims to explain the types of directive speech acts mostly performed by characters in the dialogues and to describe the strategies of directive speech acts in the textbook Be Smart in English for Grade XI of Senior High Schools: Language Major. This research employed a descriptive qualitative method. The existence of number was used to reveal the frequencies of the types of directive speech acts. The objects of this research is dialogues of directive speech act uttered by the characters in English course book in titled Be Smart in English for Grade XI of Senior High Schools: Language Major by Ira Wijayanti. The method of data collection employed by the researcher was the documentation. The data were in the form of dialogues that were analyzed based on Searle’s classification of speech acts, Hymes’s theory of context, the strategies of requesting based on House and Kasper, the strategies of ordering based on Blum-kulka, and the strategies of suggestion based on Martinez-Flor. The result is the researcher found 92 utterances used by the characters in textbook. There were 49 data that are clasified to be request utterances (53,3%). Those were 30 data that are clasified to be order utterances (32,6%) and then 13 data clasified into suggestion utterances (14,1%). The next finding was the strategies of directive speech acts. In the type of order, the strategy used is most direct strategy (8,7%). It seems that the speakers tend to used imperative to state the order utterances. In the type of request, the strategy used is query preparatory strategy (22.8%). It means the speaker prefer to makes a preparation to do the request, preparing fot the hearer to response his request. In the type of suggestion, the strategies used are possibility and interrogative form (7,6%). The result is type of request was found to be higher than the other types of directive speech acts. The speakers tend to use request utterance to ask something, and hopes the recipient will respect what the speakers want or request. While query preparatory strategy was found to be higher than the other strategies of directive speech acts. It means the speaker prefer to makes a preparation to do the request, preparing fot the hearer to response his request

    Implementasi Mindfulness Spiritual dengan Metode Stop dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Pasien Resiko Perilaku Kekerasan Melakukan Proses Pengobatan

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    Era globalisasi dan persaingan bebas menambah kecenderungan jiwa semakin meluas, hal ini menyebabkan adanya stresor dalam kehidupan semakin kompleks. Ganggun jiwa adalah gangguan dalam cara perbikir (cognitive), keauan (volition), eomosi (affaectife), tindakan (psychomotor). Terapi Mindfulness diterapkan karena memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap pasien gangguan jiwa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pasien dengan gangguan jiwa dengan mengukur pasien dengan tanda dan gejala resiko peilaku kekerasan dengan menggunakan mindfulness. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan one group pretest-posttest. instrumen yang digunakan penulis sebagai alat pengumpulan data adalah lembar evaluasi tanda gejala resiko perilaku kekerasan. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien gangguan jiwa dengan diagnosa perilaku kekerasan yang di rawat di ruang UPIP RSJD Amino Gondohutomo semarang. Jumlah sampel 12 pasien dengan konsecutife sampling. Mindfulness mampu meningkatkan insting pasien melalui kesadaran akan perilaku yang membuat pasien menderita, mindfulness juga berhasil memberikan kesadaran tentang pentingnya melakukan proses pengobatan