62 research outputs found

    L'utilisation du numérique dans l'apprentissage du français

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    peer reviewedhttp://www.cahiers-pedagogiques.com/L-utilisation-du-numerique-dans-l-apprentissage-du-francai

    Un robot humanoïde (NAO) comme outil de gestion des enfants dans une salle de classe de maternelle

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    editorial reviewedWhether it is Bee-Boot or Thymio, education professionals need to be pedagogically creative in order to reinvent their learning strategies to best fit their context. Several studies have shown that these robots are potential educational tools, especially for students with learn- ing difficulties. Among these robots, there are humanoid robots that can induce a different learning experience, moving from an object to be manipulated to the emergence of social situations and interactions with psycho-affective valence. As part of our reflections on the integration of digital technology in schools, we have chosen to introduce the humanoid robot Nao in several kindergarten classes in order to propose an unusual pedagogical use of the robot

    Online information problem solving. An overview of the strategies used by 8- to 13-year-old students in French-speaking Belgium

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    peer reviewedn French-speaking Belgium, one of the new missions of the teacher will be to develop learners’ information skills, namely their skills in searching, evaluating, and using information on the web. But do teachers know the strategies used by their students to adapt their teaching interventions? The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the different strategies used by 8 to 13 year old students when searching online. To achieve this objective, we use the IPS-I model and a methodology based on the analysis of the actual practices of 260 primary and secondary school students. Our results show that almost all of the students tested are novices in information retrieval. They do little or no research planning, use basic strategies, never check the reliability and relevance of the information they find and do not cite the sources used. These findings, in the light of previous empirical research on online search behaviour, allow for reflection on educational interventions and provide recommendations for educational practice

    Online information problem solving. An overview of the strategies used by 8- to 13-year-old students in French-speaking Belgium

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    In French-speaking Belgium, one of the new missions of the teacher will be to develop learners' information skills, namely their skills in searching, evaluating, and using information on the web. But do teachers know the strategies used by their students to adapt their teaching interventions? The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the different strategies used by 8 to 13 year old students when searching online. To achieve this objective, we use the IPS-I model and a methodology based on the analysis of the actual practices of 260 primary and secondary school students. Our results show that almost all of the students tested are novices in information retrieval. They do little or no research planning, use basic strategies, never check the reliability and relevance of the information they find and do not cite the sources used. These findings, in the light of previous empirical research on online search behaviour, allow for reflection on educational interventions and provide recommendations for educational practice

    La pédagogie du XXIème siècle : Montessori ou les GAFA ?

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    INVITED PLENARY TALKS « La pédagogie du XXIe siècle: Montessori ou les GAFA? » Pr. Bruno de lièvre Université de Mons, Belgique Il s'agira de faire le point sur la culture numérique : que veut-elle dire ? d'où vient- elle ? quelle est celle à vivre aujourd'hui ? à anticiper pour demain ? Nous aurons alors des pistes pour agir dans le domaine de l'Education ou de la Formation. Quels seront nos fils conducteurs : les pédagogies actives comme 'Montessori' qui revient au goût du jour ? ou celles que nous imposerons les GAFA ? ou celles que nous choisirons sur base d'autres critères ? Les questions seront posées.https://sites.google.com/view/cititice5/BookOfAbstractsINVITED PLENARY TALKS « La pédagogie du XXIe siècle: Montessori ou les GAFA? » Pr. Bruno de lièvre Université de Mons, Belgique Il s'agira de faire le point sur la culture numérique : que veut-elle dire ? d'où vient- elle ? quelle est celle à vivre aujourd'hui ? à anticiper pour demain ? Nous aurons alors des pistes pour agir dans le domaine de l'Education ou de la Formation. Quels seront nos fils conducteurs : les pédagogies actives comme 'Montessori' qui revient au goût du jour ? ou celles que nous imposerons les GAFA ? ou celles que nous choisirons sur base d'autres critères ? Les questions seront posées