4 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IP-Networks: Best-Effort and Quality-of-Service

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    The demand for video communication over internet has been growing rapidly in recent years and the quality of video has become a challenging issue for video transmission. Different types of video coding standards like MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 have been developed to support application like video transmission. MPEG-2 which requires high bit rate transmission has been successful video standard for DVD and satellite digital broadcasting. On the other hand, MPEG-4 supports low bit rate and is suitable for transmitting video over IP networks. In this paper, MPEG-4 Video standard has been used for evaluating the performance of video transmission over two IP networks:- Best-effort and Quality of Service (QoS). For both of the best-effort and QoS IP networks, peak signal noise ratio (PSNR), throughput, frame and packet statistics have been considered as performance metrics. The calculated values of these performance metrics reflect that video transmission over QoS IP network is better than that of the best-effort network. Keywords: video transmission, mpeg, ip networks, best-effort, quality of service, ns-

    Optimal Nonlocal means algorithm for denoising ultrasound image

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    We propose a new measure for denoising image by calculating mean distance of all pixels in an image in non-local means (NL-means) algorithm. We compute and analyze the original NL-means algorithm which total all the distance of the patches but, our proposed algorithm calculates the mean value of all distance of all the patches and then than get the sum of all distance. Our proposed algorithm exhibit better result with comparison of the existing NL-means algorithm. Keywords: NL-means, Patches, Mean Value, Measurement Matrix

    Studies of Structure and Impact Damage of Composite Materials by a Computer Tomograph

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    © 2020, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The paper discusses the possibilities of computed tomography in the study of the internal structure of samples of composite materials with different types of reinforcing the material. A technique has been developed for recording impact damage parameters on a stand with a vertically falling weight. Using CT data the character of the distribution of internal damages was carried out after a low-speed strike was studied. The unique technique allows reconstructing 3D geometry of the object and analyze object defects in spatial