8 research outputs found

    On the transcendence of certain real numbers

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    In this article we discuss the transcendence of certain infinite sums and products by using the Subspace theorem. In particular we improve the result of Han\v{c}l and Rucki \cite{hancl3}.Comment: 14 page

    Linear independence of values of the qq-exponential and related functions

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    In this paper, we derive results concerning the linear independence of values of the qq-exponential and certain cognate functions at algebraic arguments when the associated modulus qq is a Pisot-Vijayraghavan number. As a consequence, we deduce the irrationality of special values of these functions, some of which were known earlier using alternate methods

    On inhomogeneous extension of Thue-Roth's type inequality with moving targets

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    Let ΓQ×\Gamma\subset \overline{\mathbb Q}^{\times} be a finitely generated multiplicative group of algebraic numbers. Let δ,βQ×\delta, \beta\in\overline{\mathbb Q}^\times be algebraic numbers with β\beta irrational. In this paper, we prove that there exist only finitely many triples (u,q,p)Γ×Z2(u, q, p)\in\Gamma\times\mathbb{Z}^2 with d=[Q(u):Q]d = [\mathbb{Q}(u):\mathbb{Q}] such that 0<δqu+βp<1Hε(u)qd+ε, 0<|\delta qu+\beta-p|<\frac{1}{H^\varepsilon(u)q^{d+\varepsilon}}, where H(u)H(u) denotes the absolute Weil height. As an application of this result, we also prove a transcendence result, which states as follows: Let α>1\alpha>1 be a real number. Let β\beta be an algebraic irrational and λ\lambda be a non-zero real algebraic number. For a given real number ε>0\varepsilon >0, if there are infinitely many natural numbers nn for which λαn+β<2εn||\lambda\alpha^n+\beta|| < 2^{- \varepsilon n} holds true, then α\alpha is transcendental, where x||x|| denotes the distance from its nearest integer. When α\alpha and β\beta both are algebraic satisfying same conditions, then a particular result of Kulkarni, Mavraki and Nguyen, proved in [3] asserts that αd\alpha^d is a Pisot number. When β\beta is algebraic irrational, our result implies that no algebraic number α\alpha satisfies the inequality for infinitely many natural numbers nn. Also, our result strengthens a result of Wagner and Ziegler [6]. The proof of our results uses the Subspace Theorem based on the idea of Corvaja and Zannier [2] together with various modification play a crucial role in the proof.Comment: To appear in International Mathematics Research Notices(IMRN

    On the trace of linear combination of powers of algebraic numbers

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    In this article, we prove three main results. Let λ1,,λk\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_k and α1,,αk\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_k be nonzero algebraic numbers for some integer k1k\geq 1 and let L=Q(λ1,,λk,α1,,αk)L = \mathbb{Q}(\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_k, \alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_k) be the number field. Let KK be the Galois closure of LL and let hh be the order of the torsion subgroup of K×K^\times. We first prove an extension of a result of B. de Smit [3] as follows: {\it Take λi=biQ\lambda_i = b_i \in\mathbb{Q} for i=1,,ki=1,\ldots, k such that b1++bk=n0b_1+\cdots+b_k = n\ne 0 and αj\alpha_j's are some of the Galois conjugates (not necessarily distinct) of α1\alpha_1 for all j=2,,kj = 2, \ldots, k and d1d\geq 1 is the degree of α1\alpha_1. If TrL/Q(b1α1j++bkαkj)Z\displaystyle{\mathrm{Tr}}_{L/\mathbb{Q}}(b_1\alpha_1^j+\cdots+b_k\alpha_k^j) \in \mathbb{Z} for all j=1,2,,d+d[log2(nd)]+1j = 1, 2, \ldots, d+d[\log_2(nd)]+1, then α1\alpha_1 is an algebraic integer.} We then prove a general result for the infinite version as follows. {\it Suppose TrL/Q(λiαia)0{\mathrm{Tr}}_{L/\mathbb{Q}}(\lambda_i\alpha_i^a) \ne 0 for all integers a{0,1,2,,h1}a\in \{0, 1, 2, \ldots, h-1\} and for all integers i=1,,ki=1,\ldots,k. If TrL/Q(λ1α1n++λkαkn)Z{\mathrm{Tr}}_{L/\mathbb{Q}}(\lambda_1\alpha_1^n+\cdots +\lambda_k \alpha^n_k)\in\mathbb{Z} holds true for infinitely many natural numbers nn, then each αi\alpha_i is an algebraic integer for all i=1,,ki=1,\ldots,k. } Here the extra assumption is a necessary condition for k>1k > 1 (See Remark 1.3). We also prove a Diophantine result which states: {\it For a given rational number p/qp/q, there are at most finitely many natural numbers nn such that TrL/Q(λ1α1n++λkαkn)=p/q{\mathrm{Tr}}_{L/\mathbb{Q}}(\lambda_1\alpha_1^n+\cdots +\lambda_k \alpha^n_k) = p/q.

    Set Equidistribution of subsets of (Z/nZ) *

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    In 2010, Murty and Thangadurai [MuTh10] provided a criterion for the set equidistribution of residue classes of subgroups in (Z/nZ) *. In this article, using similar methods, we study set equidistribution for some class of subsets of (Z/nZ) *. In particular, we study the set equidistribution modulo 1 of cosets, complement of subgroups of the cyclic group (Z/nZ) * and the subset of elements of fixed order, whenever the size of the subset is sufficiently large

    Linear independence of certain numbers

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