53,295 research outputs found

    Generation of Biometric key for use in DES

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    Cryptography is an important field in the area of data encryption. There are different cryptographic techniques available varying from the simplest to complex. One of the complex symmetric key cryptography techniques is using Data Encryption Standard Algorithm. This paper explores a unique approach to generation of key using fingerprint. The generated key is used as an input key to the DES Algorith

    Reconstruction of quintessence field for the THDE with swampland correspondence in f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity

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    In the present work, we construct the Tsallis holographic quintessence model of dark energy in f(R,T)f(R, T) gravity with Hubble horizon as IR cut-off. In a flat FRW background, the correspondence among the energy density of the quintessence model with the Tsallis holographic density permits the reconstruction of the dynamics and the potentials for the quintessence field. The suggested Hubble horizon infrared cut-off for the THDE density acts for two specific cases: (i) THDE 1 and (ii) THDE 2. We have reconstructed the Tsallis holographic quintessence model in the region ωΛ>βˆ’1\omega_{\Lambda} > -1 for the EoS parameter for both the cases. In addition, the quintessence phase of the THDE models is analyzed with swampland conjecture to describe the accelerated expansion of the Universe.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Theoretical Formulation of the Origin of Cataclysmic Late Heavy Bombardment Era based on the New Perspective of Birth & Evolution of Solar Systems

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    Based on the planet-satellite dynamics, a new perspective on the birth and evolution of the Solar System was proposed in 2004. This new perspective has 1:2 Mean Motion Resonance (1:2 MMR, that is Ps/Pj = 2) implicit in itself . This paper has shown that if we assume the sequential birth of the planets with the heaviest, i.e. Jupiter, being born the earliest and this axiom is central to the new perspective then there is an unique initial condition for which 1:2 MMR crossing occurs exactly 300My after the birth of Jupiter. It is shown that 25 My time gap between the birth of Jupiter and Saturn results in the 300 My time delay in the occurrence of 1:2 MMR. Because the process by which Late Heavy Bombardment is triggered involves the movement of Neptune over enormous distances hence almost 200 My time delay occurs between 1:2MMR crossing and the actual spike in the Meteoritic Shower on all the terrestrial planets as evidenced by the petrology record on the Moon. The analytical derivation of the time delay in the spike is a vindication of this new perspective of the application of planet-satellite dynamics to the birth and evolution of Solar Systems.Comment: 20 pages,11 tables and 3 figure

    Scrutiny of stagnation region flow in a nanofluid suspended permeable medium due to inconsistent heat source/sink

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    In present analysis, nanofluid transport near to a stagnation region over a bidirectionally deforming surface is scrutinized. The region is embedded with Darcy-Forchheimer medium which supports permeability. The porous matrix is suspended with nanofluid, and surface is under the influence of inconsistent heat source/sink. Using similarity functions, framed governing equations are switched to a collection of ordinary differential equations. Output is procured via optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM). Basic notion of OHAM for a vector differential set-up is presented along with required convergence theorems. At different flow stagnation strengths, nanofluid behavior is investigated with respect to variations in porosity parameter, Forchheimer number, Brownian motion, stretching ratio, thermophoretic force, heat source/sink and Schimdt number. Stagnation flow strength invert the pattern of boundary layer profiles of primary velocity. Heat transfer has straightforward relation with Forchheimer number when stagnation forces dominate stretching forcesComment: The paper is communicated to Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing for publicatio

    MHD Pulsatile Two-Phase Blood Flow Through a Stenosed Artery with Heat and Mass Transfer

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    In this paper, effects of heat and mass transfer on two-phase pulsatile blood flow through a narrowed stenosed artery with radiation and the chemical reaction have been investigated. A vertical artery is assumed in which magnetic field is applied along the radial direction of the artery. The characteristics of blood in narrow arteries are analyzed by considering blood as Newtonian fluid in both core as well as in plasma regions. Exact solutions have been found for velocity, energy and concentration equations of the blood flow. To understand the behavior of blood flow, graphs of the velocity profile, wall shear stress, flow rate, flow impedance and concentration profile have been portrayed for different values of the magnetic and radiation parameter. In order to validate our result, a comparative study has been presented between the single-phase and two-phase model of the blood flow and it is observed that the two-phase model fits more accurately with the experimental data than the single phase model. For pulsatile flow, the phase difference between the pressure gradient and flow rate has been displayed with magnetic field parameter and height of the stenosis. Contour plots have been plotted for 10%, 20% and 30% case of an arterial blockage

    A Novel Hybrid Crossover based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Optimization Problem

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    Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm has proved its importance in solving a number of problems including engineering optimization problems. ABC algorithm is one of the most popular and youngest member of the family of population based nature inspired meta-heuristic swarm intelligence method. ABC has been proved its superiority over some other Nature Inspired Algorithms (NIA) when applied for both benchmark functions and real world problems. The performance of search process of ABC depends on a random value which tries to balance exploration and exploitation phase. In order to increase the performance it is required to balance the exploration of search space and exploitation of optimal solution of the ABC. This paper outlines a new hybrid of ABC algorithm with Genetic Algorithm. The proposed method integrates crossover operation from Genetic Algorithm (GA) with original ABC algorithm. The proposed method is named as Crossover based ABC (CbABC). The CbABC strengthens the exploitation phase of ABC as crossover enhances exploration of search space. The CbABC tested over four standard benchmark functions and a popular continuous optimization problem

    Multidimensional Shifts And Finite Matrices

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    Let XX be a 22-dimensional subshift of finite type generated by a finite set of forbidden blocks (of finite size). We give an algorithm for generating the elements of the shift space using sequence of finite matrices (of increasing size). We prove that the sequence generated yields precisely the elements of the shift space XX and hence characterizes the elements of the shift space XX. We extend our investigations to a general dd-dimensional shift of finite type. In the process, we prove that that elements of dd-dimensional shift of finite type can be characterized by a sequence of finite matrices (of increasing size).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1603.0075

    Conformal embeddings and higher-spin bulk duals

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    It is well-known that conformal embeddings can be used to construct non-diagonal modular invariants for affine lie algebras. This idea can be extended to construct infinite series of non-diagonal modular invariants for coset CFTs. In this paper, we systematically approach the problem of identifying higher-spin bulk duals for these kind of non-diagonal invariants. In particular, for a special value of the 't Hooft coupling, there exist a class of partition functions that have enhanced supersymmetry, which should be reflected in a bulk dual. As a illustration of this, we show that a partition function of a orthogonal group coset CFT has a N=1\mathcal N=1 supersymmetric higher-spin bulk dual, in the 't Hooft limit. We also propose that two of the series of CFT partition functions, obtained from conformal embeddings, are equal, generalising the well-known dual interpretation of the 3-state Potts model as a SU(2)3βŠ—SU(2)1SU(2)4\frac{SU(2)_3 \otimes SU(2)_1}{SU(2)_4} and also as a SU(3)1βŠ—SU(3)1SU(3)2\frac{SU(3)_1 \otimes SU(3)_1}{SU(3)_2} coset model.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure, Version to appear in Physical Review

    Foresee: Attentive Future Projections of Chaotic Road Environments with Online Training

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    In this paper, we train a recurrent neural network to learn dynamics of a chaotic road environment and to project the future of the environment on an image. Future projection can be used to anticipate an unseen environment for example, in autonomous driving. Road environment is highly dynamic and complex due to the interaction among traffic participants such as vehicles and pedestrians. Even in this complex environment, a human driver is efficacious to safely drive on chaotic roads irrespective of the number of traffic participants. The proliferation of deep learning research has shown the efficacy of neural networks in learning this human behavior. In the same direction, we investigate recurrent neural networks to understand the chaotic road environment which is shared by pedestrians, vehicles (cars, trucks, bicycles etc.), and sometimes animals as well. We propose \emph{Foresee}, a unidirectional gated recurrent units (GRUs) network with attention to project future of the environment in the form of images. We have collected several videos on Delhi roads consisting of various traffic participants, background and infrastructure differences (like 3D pedestrian crossing) at various times on various days. We train \emph{Foresee} in an unsupervised way and we use online training to project frames up to 0.50.5 seconds in advance. We show that our proposed model performs better than state of the art methods (prednet and Enc. Dec. LSTM) and finally, we show that our trained model generalizes to a public dataset for future projections

    Qualitative uncertainty principle for Gabor transform on certain locally compact groups

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    Classes of locally compact groups having qualitative uncertainty principle for Gabor transform have been investigated. These include Moore groups, Heisenberg Group Hn,HnΓ—D,\mathbb{H}_n, \mathbb{H}_{n} \times D, where DD is discrete group and other low dimensional nilpotent Lie groups.Comment: 17 page
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