355 research outputs found

    Signals for R-parity-violating Supersymmetry at a 500 GeV e+ e- Collider

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    We investigate the production of charginos and neutralinos at a 500 GeV e^+e^- collider (NLC) and study their decays to the lightest neutralino, which then decays into multi-fermion final states through couplings which do not conserve R-parity. These couplings are assumed to affect only the decay of the lightest neutralino. Detailed analyses of the possible signals and backgrounds are performed for five selected points in the parameter space.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX, 12 postscript figure

    Pitting studies of plain carbon steel in chloride containing borate buffer solution

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    Passivation is the process of temporary or permanent halt in degradation or corrosion rate of a metal due to the formation of different types of surface layers or films that protects the underlying metal. Pitting corrosion is the breakdown of the surface film due to presence of aggressive ions such as chloride ions. The breakdown of the passivity film is characterized by breakdown potential (Vc) which is dependent on the pH of the solution, concentration of the aggressive ions and the potential sweep rate. This study used the Point Defect Model to characterize the breakdown potential with respect to varying pH and concentration. The pH of the solution was kept a constant at 10.4. The breakdown potential is found to decrease with increasing chloride concentration and decrease with increasing pH. The cumulative distribution of the breakdown potential was found to be in well agreement with the experimentally obtained data. Optical micrographs showed stable and Meta stable pitting. The parameters from point defect model was found to be in well agreement with the experimental data

    Using Jet Substructure at the LHC to Search for the Light Higgs Bosons of the CP-Violating MSSM

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    The CP-violating version of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is an example of a model where experimental data do not preclude the presence of light Higgs bosons in the range around 10 -- 110 GeV. Such light Higgs bosons, decaying almost wholly to b-bbar pairs, may be copiously produced at the LHC, but would remain inaccessible to conventional Higgs searches because of intractable QCD backgrounds. We demonstrate that a significant number of these light Higgs bosons would be boosted strongly enough for the pair of daughter bb-jet pairs to appear as a single `fat' jet with substructure. Tagging such jets could extend the discovery potential at the LHC into the hitherto-inaccessible region for light Higgs bosons.Comment: LaTeX, 33 pages, 5 eps figures and 5 tables embedded. minor changes, to appear in Physical Review

    Total hip resurfacing/replacement with metal-on-metal prosthesis in young patients: studying efficacy

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    Background: This prospective case series study was carried out to review the literature and compare the efficacy of usage of metal over metal prosthesis in young patients undergoing hip replacement versus conventional metal over polyethylene prosthesis.Methods: The study was conducted at tertiary care hospital of Indian armed forces with sample size of n=25, to assess early functional outcome of total hip replacement with metal-on-metal prosthesis. Analysis was carried out in terms of improvement in functional status, pain relief, achieving greater range of motion and joint stability.Results: Mean follow up period was 26 months. The average pre-op Harris hip score was 38.96. The average post-op and last follow up Harris hip score was 84.92 and 86.1. The average pre and post op Harris hip scores of the patients with Idiopathic AVN were 39.7 and 82.5 respectively and the average pre and post op Harris hip scores of the patients with post-traumatic AVN were 37.4 and 86.2. The average pre op and post op Harris hip scores of the patients with non union fracture neck of femur were 36.5 and 86.7 respectively. None of the patient had aseptic loosening, heterotopic ossification or migration of the components, stem failure. There were no cases of dislocation of prosthesis, aseptic loosening, osteolysis, heterotrophic ossification.Conclusions: This observational study demonstrated better clinical acceptability and profile of metal on metal prosthesis in young patients, having undergone hip replacement

    Can the Aleph Four-Jet Excess be Explained in a Supersymmetric Model with R-Parity Violation?

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    We investigate the possibility that the excess of four-jet events in e+ee^+e^- collisions at LEP-1.5 which has been reported by the ALEPH Collaboration could be due to the production of charginos or neutralinos, followed by their decay into quark jets through baryon number-violating (λ\lambda^{\prime\prime}) couplings. An estimate at the parton level shows, however, that these events cannot be due to neutralinos because of the low cross-section, and is unlikely to be due to the production of chargino pairs because of the largely different event shapes.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, uses epsf, extensively revised and update

    Utilization Of Wastes For The Production Of Single Cell Protein (SCP)

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    In Nigen·a, industries especial.')• petroleum, food, agricultural and phannaceutica! 1 generaJe a_ lot ofwasres at one stage or the other during processing. These wastes ;i cause haiarils to the en..,.;ironme/11 uizd: Ju~mal! health if tuft ·disposed off. J appropriaJely: Chemical of physical treatment of wastes in cure additional capilal, .. . ! operating costs mui ;subsequent :disposal without economic gai11. Although there ·1 are 110 accuraJe daJa in Nigeria tm the quantities of wastes p_eneraJed allnually, the.~ l wastes could be a rich and inexpensive potential source oj raw nu:.;aials for the· 1 productio11 a/different pfoducts. One of .well products is single ceU protein. Single ·-i cell protein is a microbial cell harvested for human food a11i1 animal feeds. SCP l!tas been produced from molasses, com steep, liqour; cobs and stcJk.s,. animal 'l dung, peels of plcmJain at!d yam, wastes water from different food industries, rice 1 straw tuui refinery effluents using various microbial organisms like Q:zr.adida ! uti/is and Geotrichum candiduni. - · · . . · . · '~ Proper managemc1U of \va.~tes" a~aiiabi"ejorproduction of singic ~ell protei II ,will j Cl,!itigate waste disposal probleni and provide an alternalhc so.'ircc of'proreitz ·I supplement for human food tuzd animal feeds in Nigeri

    YIG Oscillators: Is a Planar Geometry Better?

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    Two yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) oscillator technologies are comparerk the more mature YIG sphere oscillator technology which is based on the uniform (resonant) precession of the electron spins in a smafl sphere of YIG, and the new planar YIG technology which utilizes the propagation of magnetostatic waves in an epitaxiaf film of YIG. The YIG sphere technology has been used for microwave oscillators for more than 25 years, but has two significant areas of difficulty in applications the alignment of the YIG sphere in the magnetic bias field coupfbrg cavity requires great precision and the gain element requires a negative resistance element to sustain oscillation. The MSW technology is much newer and less well understood, but the resonator elements are fabricated using a 50- pm line width planar technology making it assappealhg candidate. Both technologies are reviewed herein with regard to resonant element theory, temperature, and noise characteristics. New data and theory are presented on MSW resonator optimization

    Probing the CP-violating light neutral higgs in the charged higgs decay at the LHC

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    The CP-violating MSSM allows existence of a light neutral Higgs boson (MH150 GeV) in the CPX scenario in the low tan β (5)region, which could have escaped the LEP searches due to a strongly suppressed H1ZZ coupling. This parameter space corresponds to a relatively light H+ (MH+<Mt), which is predicted to decay dominantly into the WH1 channel. Thus one expects to see a striking tt- signal at the LHC, where one of the top quarks decays into the bbb-W channel, via t→bH±, H±→WH1 and H1→bb-. The characteristic correlation between the bb-,bb-W and bbb-W invariant mass peaks is expected to make this signal practically free of the SM background. Our parton level Monte Carlo simulation yields upto 5000 events, for L=30 fb-1, over the parameter space of interest, after taking into account the b-tagging efficiency for three or more b-tagged jets

    A mathematical model for improving the mechanism of satellite antenna

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    The functionality of any type of antenna could be traced to the Maxwell's electromagnetic field equations. However,salient operational problems of antennas are traced back to the Maxwell's. The inclusion of the effects of particulate to either transmission or reception unit of antenna is paramount. The Schrodinger was used to model a now reformed Maxwell's equation which explains in details the electrostatic and induced magnetic field of either transmitting or receiving antenna. This theory applies to only to stationary satellite antennas