206 research outputs found

    Drying process in the formation of sol-gel-derived TiO2 ceramic membrane

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    Accurate drying data for thin titania gel layers dried at 40°C and 20% relative humidity (RH) are given. The drying rate versus free moisture content diagram should show three regions as predicted by the classical drying theory. They are the constant rate period, the first falling rate period and the second falling rate period. The second falling rate period was not observed in the present case, because at 40°C and 20% RH the equilibrium moisture content will be enough to provide a continuous fluid network in the gel. The total drying time in the falling rate period increases with layer thickness. The drying mechanism in the first falling rate period was identified as capillary flow

    Finite-Dimensional Quantum Model For The Stock Market, Discrete Nature Of The Quantities Used In Finance, Spectral Representation Of Bessel Processes With Constant Drift, Credit Spreads, And Stochastic Volatility In Finance, Quantum Structure In Cognition

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    Following structural and syllogistical confederational concatenation is studied with concomitant and consummative properties: Finite-Dimensional Quantum Model For The Stock Market, Discrete Nature Of The Quantities Used In Finance, Spectral Representation Of Bessel Processes With Constant Drift, Credit Spreads, And Stochastic Volatility In Finance, Quantum Structure In Cognition, Non Classicality Of The Membership Weight Structure, Minimal Length Uncertainty And The Quantum Model For The Stock Market, Superpositions Of Probability Distributions, Quantum Finance: The Finite Dimensional Case, Foreign Exchange Market As A Lattice Gauge Theory, Classical Logical Versus Quantum Conceptual Thought, Adaptive-Wave Alternative For The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model Key words: Spectral Representation Of Bessel Processes, Quantum Conceptual Thought, Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model, Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model, Quantum Structure In Cognition The full paper: http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-648791-654990.pd

    Thermodynamics Of Black Holes, On The Extra Mode And Inconsistency Of Hořava Gravity, Quantum Gravity At A Lifshitz Point, Membranes At Quantum Criticality, Heterotic And Type I String Dynamics From Eleven Dimensions, Fractal Spacetime Structure In Asympt

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    Recently Hořava proposed a renormalizable gravity theory in (eb) four dimensions which reduces to (e&eb) Einstein gravity with (e&eb) a non-vanishing cosmological constant in IR but with (e&eb) improved UV behaviors. Here, authors study an IR modification which breaks ``softly'' (e) the detailed balance condition in (eb) Hořava model and allows (eb) the asymptotically flat limit as well. Authors obtain the black hole and cosmological solutions for ``arbitrary'' cosmological constant that represent (eb) the analogs of the standard Schwarzschild-(A)dS solutions which can be asymptotically (A)dS as well as flat and authors discuss their thermodynamical properties. They also obtain solutions for (e) FRW metric with (e&eb) an arbitrary cosmological constant. Authors study its implication to (e&eb) the dark energy and find that it seems to be consistent with..The full paper: http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-484144-487784.pd

    Numerical Computations Of Continuous Densities Of States, Simulation Of Finite Density Quantum Field Theories, Black Holes And Quantum Computation, Holographic Zero Sound At Finite Temperature, Strong Coupling In Hořava Gravity, Supergravity And N = 2 Sup

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    D. T. Son, A. O. Starinets review recent progress in applying the AdS/CFT correspondence to (e&eb) finite-temperature field theory. In particular, they show how the hydrodynamic behavior of field theory is reflected in (e&eb) the low-momentum limit of (e) correlation functions computed through (e&eb) a real-time AdS/CFT prescription, which they formulate. Authors also show how the hydrodynamic modes in field theory correspond to (e&eb) the low-lying quasinormal modes of (e) the AdS black p-brane metric. They provide a proof of the universality of (e) the viscosity/entropy ratio within (eb) a class of theories with (e&eb) gravity duals and formulate (eb) a viscosity bound conjecture. Possible implications for real systems are mentioned. Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) Journal reference: Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.57:95-118,2007 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.nucl.57.090506.123120Report number: INT PUB 07-02Cite as: arXiv:0704.0240 [hep-th] (or arXiv:0704.0240v2 [hep-th] for this version) Viscosity, Black Holes, and Quantum Field Theory D. T. Son, A. O. Starinets STOP Authors study information retrieval from evaporating black holes, assuming that the internal dynamics of a black hole is unitary and rapidly mixing, and assuming that the retriever has unlimited control over the emitted Hawking radiation. If the evaporation of the black hole has already proceeded past the ``half-way'' point, where (e) half of the initial entropy has been radiated away, then (eb) additional quantum information deposited in (eb) the black hole is revealed in (eb) the Hawking radiation very rapidly. The full paper: http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-510562-515349.pd

    Quantum Model Of Option Pricing: When Black–Scholes Meets Schrödinger And Its Semi-Classical Limit, Black–Scholes Option Pricing Model In A More General Quantum Physics Setting, Perfect Market Equilibrium State Postulated By The Black–Scholes Model Repres

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    Following system is investigated with its corresponding properties in detail: A Quantum Model Of Option Pricing: When Black–Scholes Meets Schrödinger And Its Semi-Classical Limit, Black–Scholes Option Pricing Model In A More General Quantum Physics Setting, Perfect Market Equilibrium State Postulated By The Black–Scholes Model Represents A Particular Case., Controlled Markov Processes And Mathematical Finance, Controlled Markov Processes And Mathematical Finance, Dynamic Optimization And Its Relation To Classical And Quantum Constrained Systems, Consistency Relation, Inter-Occurrence Times And Universal Laws In Finance, Earthquakes And Genomes, Quantum Cognition Beyond Hilbert Space Ii, Quantum Master Equation For Long-Term Prognosis..The full paper: http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-654991-661307.pd

    Means For Enduring The Eternal Return, Freedom From Morality, Pain Conceived As A Tool, As The Father Of Pleasure, Structure And Genesis Of Sense, Theory Of The Proposition Is Caught In A Circle; With Each Condition In Turn Being Conditioned By What It Su

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    Nietzsche writes with extreme candidness the following passage quoting of which irrestible: When someone asks 'what's the use of philosophy?' the reply must be aggressive, since the question tries to be ironic and caustic. Like Dostoevsky’s what is morality but a codicil of criminality? This question reverberates and tintinabullates in mind for a long time. It serves no established power. The use of philosophy is to sadden. A philosophy which saddens no one, that annoys no one, is not a philosophy. It is useful for harming stupidity, for turning stupidity into something shameful. Its only use is the exposure of all forms of baseness of thought. . . . Philosophy is at its most positive as a critique, as an enterprise of demystification. (NP 106).The full paper: http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-396796-401372.pd

    P-V Criticality Of Topological Black Holes In Lovelock-Born-Infeld Gravity, Phase Transitions, Geometrothermodynamics And Critical Exponents Of Black Holes, Strong Gravitational Lensing In A Brane-World Black Hole, Strong Coupling In Hořava Gravity...

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    Monitoring the orbits of stars around (e&eb) Sgr A* offers(eb)the possibility of detecting (e&eb) the precession of (e) their orbital planes due to (e) frame dragging, of (e) measuring the spin and quadrupole moment of (e) the black hole, and of (e)testing the no-hair theorem. Here authors investigate whether the deviations of stellar orbits from (e) test-particle trajectories due to (e) wind mass loss and (e&eb) tidal dissipation of (e) the orbital energy compromise such measurements. Authors find that the effects of stellar winds are (=), in general, negligible. On the other hand, for the most eccentric orbits (e>0.96) for which an optical interferometer, such as GRAVITY, will detect orbital plane precession due to (e) frame dragging, the tidal dissipation of orbital energy occurs at (eb) timescales comparable to....The full paper: http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-487785-493061.pd

    Studies In Econophysics: Black Scholes Theory-Schrödinger’s Equations And Other Topics Sonderforschungsbereich-Collaborative Research

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    Abstract: At the outset, I write to state I donot vouchsafe for the originality of this abstract. This paper deals with almost all subjects like economics, sociology, quantum mechanics, philosophy, quantum computation, psychology and others. This is the point at which a human being realizes that there is nothing. Absolutely nothing. It is at this point internal topological space comes in contact with the external and transcendental being and man , a connoisseur , rancouter, cognoscenti, standing on the threshold of infinity tries to ponder what lies beyond the veil which separates the seen from unseen. Discrimination jurisprudence, concept formulation, phenomenological methodological formulations’, former characterizations, differential contiguities, presuppositioal resemblances, all merge in to one interrogation of nothingness. And interrogation such as this, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially is the shadow of the problem projected or rather reconstructed on the basis of empirical proposition. Problem of existence itself is the reality of the genetic element, the cosmic one which all of us are endowed, but remain ignoramuses until there is evolution of the individual consciousness to cosmic consciousness; it is a complex theme which does not allow itself to be reduced to any propositional thesis or basis. It is at this point all dualities and contradictions disappear. There just is nothing absolutely nothing. Neither father, mother nor wife, children, neither world, nor the God; neither the God nor the human. Only I exist. I have become Brahman. Nothing encompasses me and I encompass everything. It is at this point philosophy merges with ontology; ontology merges with univocity of being; analogy has always a theological vision; not a philosophical vision; one becomes adapted to the forms of god; self and world; the univocity of being does not mean that there is one and the same being; on the contrary, beings are multiple and different they are always produced by disjunctive synthesis; and they themselves are disintegrated and disjoint and divergent; membra disjuncta.the univocity of being signifies that that being is a voice that is said and it is said in one and the same "consciousness”. Everything about which consciousness is spoken about. being is the same for everything for which it is said like gravity; it occurs therefore as an unique event for everything; for everything for which it happens; even tum tan tum; it is the ultimate form for all of the forms; and all these forms are disjointed; it brings about resonance and ramification of its disjunction; the univocity of being merges with the positive use of the disjunctive synthesis, and this is the highest affirmation of its univocity like gravity; it is the eternal resurrection or a return itself, the affirmation of all chance in a single moment, the unique cast for all throws; a simple rejoinder for Einstein’s god does not play dice; one being, one consciousness, for all forms and all times. a single instance for all that exists, a single phantom for all the living; a single voice for very hum of voises; or a single silence for all the silences; a single vacuum for all the vaccuum es; consciousness should not be said without occurring; if consciousness is one unique event in which all the events communicate with each other; univocity refers both to what occurs to what it is said. This is attributable to all states of bodies and states of affairs and the expressible of every proposition. So univocity of consciousness means the identity of the noematic attribute and that which is expressed linguistically and usefulness. Univocity means that it does not allow consciousness to be subsisting in a quasi state and but expresses in all pervading reality (Wikipedia, Deleuze, Ken Wilber, Hawking and Penrose, Parsons et al.). Albeit some derivations are with respect to US economy, instructions and injunctions for the rest of the world is seminal.www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-56325-63815.pd
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