62 research outputs found

    Koherentno upravljanje spektrom spontane emisije u dvojno tjeranom atomu tipa Y

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    We have studied the dynamic control of the spontaneous emission spectrum in a Y-type atomic system driven by two coherent fields. In different dynamic conditions, the evolution of coherent spectral features in the bare-state model, has been analyzed by using the dressed-state model. For the system under purely dissipative environment, it has been shown that the behaviour of spectral components can be coherently controlled by changing the values of the Rabi frequencies and detunings of external fields. At the condition of resonant evolution of spectra, present work highlights that the emission line shape can be strongly modified for unequal decay rates of the uppermost doublet states. In this situation, the phenomenon of constructive quantum interference gives rise to the emergence of a single peak at a certain spectral position when two distinct peaks disappear at the other spectral positions. Owing to the mutual orientation of polarizations of the fields interacting with the atom in a specific configuration, we have incorporated the static phase-variation effect to exhibit phase-dependent spectra. We consider the present model with a typical field configuration such that the frequency mismatch between two coherent fields introduces the dynamic phase-variation effect. This phenomenon leads to obtain anomalous peak-shifting effect accompanied by the selective quenching of emission within the spectral profile.Proučavamo dinamičko upravljanje spektrom spontane emisije atomskog sustava tipa Y koji tjeraju dva koherentna polja. Proučavamo ovisnost svojstava koherentnog spektra o različitim uvjetima, u oguljenom sustavu i primjenom potpunog sustava. Ako sustav troši energiju, onda svojstvima spektralnih sastavnica možemo koherentno upravljati mijenjanjem Rabijevih frekvencija i narušavanjem ugodbe vanjskih polja. Uz uvjet rezonantnog razvoja spektra, pokazujemo kako se oblik emisijske linije može jako promijeniti uz nejednoliko raspadanje gornjeg dubleta. U tim uvjetima konstruktivna kvantna interferencija uzrokuje nastanak jednog vrha na određenom mjestu u spektru kada dva jasna vrha nestanu u drugim dijelovima spektra. Radi međusobne orijentacije polarizacija polja koja djeluju na atom u nekom stanju, uključili smo i učinak promjene statičke faze da bismo prikazali faznoovisne spektre. Ovaj model predstavljamo s tipičnim oblikom polja tako da nesklad frekvencija dovodi do dinamičkih promjena faze. Ta pojava vodi na anomalne pomake vrhova i mogućnost odabira gušenja emisije unutar spektralnog područja

    Fault Detection In Wireless Sensor Network Using Distributed Approach

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    In recent days, Wireless Sensor Networks are emerging as a promising and interesting area. Wireless Sensor Network consists of a large number of heterogeneous/homogeneous sensor nodes which communicates through wireless medium and works cooperatively to sense or monitor the environment. The number of sensor nodes in a network can vary from hundreds to thousands. The node senses data from Environment and sends these data to the gateway node. Mostly WSNs are used for applications such as military surveillance and disaster monitoring. We propose a distributed localized faulty sensor detection algorithm where each sensor identifies its own status to be either ”good” or ”faulty” which is then supported by its neighbors as they also check the node behavior. Finally, the algorithm is tested under different number of faulty sensors in the same area. Our Simulation results demonstrate that the time consumed to find out the faulty nodes in our proposed algorithm is relatively less with a large number of faulty sensors existing in the network

    Distributed Fault Detection In Wireless Sensor Network

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    In recent days, WSNs are emerging as a promising and interesting area. Wireless Sensor Network consists of a large number of heterogeneous/homogeneous sensor nodes which communicates through wireless medium and works cooperatively to sense or monitor the environment. The number of sensor nodes in a network can vary from hundreds to thousands. The node senses data from environment and sends these data to the gateway node. Mostly WSNs are used for applications such as military surveillance and disaster monitoring. We propose a distributed localized faulty sensor detection algorithm where each sensor identifies its own status to be either ”good” or ”faulty” which is then supported by its neighbors as they also check the node behavior. Finally, the algorithm is tested under different number of faulty sensors in the same area. Our Simulation results demonstrate that the time consumed to find out the faulty nodes in our proposed algorithm is relatively less with a large number of faulty sensors existing in the networ