16 research outputs found

    Spectra of infinite graphs via freeness with amalgamation

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    We use tools from free probability to study the spectra of Hermitian operators on infinite graphs. Special attention is devoted to universal covering trees of finite graphs. For operators on these graphs we derive a new variational formula for the spectral radius and provide new proofs of results due to Sunada and Aomoto using free probability. With the goal of extending the applicability of free probability techniques beyond universal covering trees, we introduce a new combinatorial product operation on graphs and show that, in the non-commutative probability context, it corresponds to the notion of freeness with amalgamation. We show that Cayley graphs of amalgamated free products of groups, as well as universal covering trees, can be constructed using our graph product.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures, comments welcome; v2:Key references and new results have been included. In particular, we realized that a result on the band structure of the spectrum, which we believed to be new, had actually appeared in previous literature (see the bibliographic note just before Sec 1.1); v3:Minor edits, added discussions, generalized Thm 1.6 from adjacency matrices to graph Jacobi matrice

    Achieving Starvation-Freedom with Greater Concurrency in Multi-Version Object-based Transactional Memory Systems

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    To utilize the multi-core processors properly concurrent programming is needed. Concurrency control is the main challenge while designing a correct and efficient concurrent program. Software Transactional Memory Systems (STMs) provides ease of multithreading to the programmer without worrying about concurrency issues such as deadlock, livelock, priority inversion, etc. Most of the STMs works on read-write operations known as RWSTMs. Some STMs work at high-level operations and ensure greater concurrency than RWSTMs. Such STMs are known as Object-Based STMs (OSTMs). The transactions of OSTMs can return commit or abort. Aborted OSTMs transactions retry. But in the current setting of OSTMs, transactions may starve. So, we proposed a Starvation-Free OSTM (SF-OSTM) which ensures starvation-freedom in object based STM systems while satisfying the correctness criteria as co-opacity. Databases, RWSTMs and OSTMs say that maintaining multiple versions corresponding to each key of transaction reduces the number of aborts and improves the throughput. So, to achieve greater concurrency, we proposed Starvation-Free Multi-Version OSTM (SF-MVOSTM) which ensures starvation-freedom while storing multiple versions corresponding to each key and satisfies the correctness criteria such as local opacity. To show the performance benefits, We implemented three variants of SF-MVOSTM (SF-MVOSTM, SF-MVOSTM-GC and SF-KOSTM) and compared it with state-of-the-art STMs.Comment: 68 pages, 24 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0103

    Sums and differences of correlated random sets

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    Many fundamental questions in additive number theory (such as Goldbach's conjecture, Fermat's last theorem, and the Twin Primes conjecture) can be expressed in the language of sum and difference sets. As a typical pair of elements contributes one sum and two differences, we expect that AA>A+A|A-A| > |A+A| for a finite set AA. However, in 2006 Martin and O'Bryant showed that a positive proportion of subsets of {0,,n}\{0, \dots, n\} are sum-dominant, and Zhao later showed that this proportion converges to a positive limit as nn \to \infty. Related problems, such as constructing explicit families of sum-dominant sets, computing the value of the limiting proportion, and investigating the behavior as the probability of including a given element in AA to go to zero, have been analyzed extensively. We consider many of these problems in a more general setting. Instead of just one set AA, we study sums and differences of pairs of \emph{correlated} sets (A,B)(A,B). Specifically, we place each element a{0,,n}a \in \{0,\dots, n\} in AA with probability pp, while aa goes in BB with probability ρ1\rho_1 if aAa \in A and probability ρ2\rho_2 if a∉Aa \not \in A. If A+B>(AB)(BA)|A+B| > |(A-B) \cup (B-A)|, we call the pair (A,B)(A,B) a \emph{sum-dominant (p,ρ1,ρ2)(p,\rho_1, \rho_2)-pair}. We prove that for any fixed ρ=(p,ρ1,ρ2)\vec{\rho}=(p, \rho_1, \rho_2) in (0,1)3(0,1)^3, (A,B)(A,B) is a sum-dominant (p,ρ1,ρ2)(p,\rho_1, \rho_2)-pair with positive probability, and show that this probability approaches a limit P(ρ)P(\vec{\rho}). Furthermore, we show that the limit function P(ρ)P(\vec{\rho}) is continuous. We also investigate what happens as pp decays with nn, generalizing results of Hegarty-Miller on phase transitions. Finally, we find the smallest sizes of MSTD pairs.Comment: Version 1.0, 19 pages. Keywords: More Sum Than Difference sets, correlated random variables, phase transitio

    Sets Characterized by Missing Sums and Differences in Dilating Polytopes

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    A sum-dominant set is a finite set AA of integers such that A+A>AA|A+A| > |A-A|. As a typical pair of elements contributes one sum and two differences, we expect sum-dominant sets to be rare in some sense. In 2006, however, Martin and O'Bryant showed that the proportion of sum-dominant subsets of {0,,n}\{0,\dots,n\} is bounded below by a positive constant as nn\to\infty. Hegarty then extended their work and showed that for any prescribed s,dN0s,d\in\mathbb{N}_0, the proportion ρns,d\rho^{s,d}_n of subsets of {0,,n}\{0,\dots,n\} that are missing exactly ss sums in {0,,2n}\{0,\dots,2n\} and exactly 2d2d differences in {n,,n}\{-n,\dots,n\} also remains positive in the limit. We consider the following question: are such sets, characterized by their sums and differences, similarly ubiquitous in higher dimensional spaces? We generalize the integers in a growing interval to the lattice points in a dilating polytope. Specifically, let PP be a polytope in RD\mathbb{R}^D with vertices in ZD\mathbb{Z}^D, and let ρns,d\rho_n^{s,d} now denote the proportion of subsets of L(nP)L(nP) that are missing exactly ss sums in L(nP)+L(nP)L(nP)+L(nP) and exactly 2d2d differences in L(nP)L(nP)L(nP)-L(nP). As it turns out, the geometry of PP has a significant effect on the limiting behavior of ρns,d\rho_n^{s,d}. We define a geometric characteristic of polytopes called local point symmetry, and show that ρns,d\rho_n^{s,d} is bounded below by a positive constant as nn\to\infty if and only if PP is locally point symmetric. We further show that the proportion of subsets in L(nP)L(nP) that are missing exactly ss sums and at least 2d2d differences remains positive in the limit, independent of the geometry of PP. A direct corollary of these results is that if PP is additionally point symmetric, the proportion of sum-dominant subsets of L(nP)L(nP) also remains positive in the limit.Comment: Version 1.1, 23 pages, 7 pages, fixed some typo

    Pseudospectral Shattering, the Sign Function, and Diagonalization in Nearly Matrix Multiplication Time

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    We exhibit a randomized algorithm which given a square n×nn\times n complex matrix AA with A1\|A\| \le 1 and δ>0\delta>0, computes with high probability invertible VV and diagonal DD such that AVDV1δ\|A-VDV^{-1}\|\le \delta and VV1O(n2.5/δ)\|V\|\|V^{-1}\| \le O(n^{2.5}/\delta) in O(TMM(n)log2(n/δ))O(T_{MM}\>(n)\log^2(n/\delta)) arithmetic operations on a floating point machine with O(log4(n/δ)logn)O(\log^4(n/\delta)\log n) bits of precision. Here TMM(n)T_{MM}\>(n) is the number of arithmetic operations required to multiply two n×nn\times n complex matrices numerically stably, with TMM(n)=O(nω+η)T_{MM}\,\,(n)=O(n^{\omega+\eta}\>\>) for every η>0\eta>0, where ω\omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication. The algorithm is a variant of the spectral bisection algorithm in numerical linear algebra (Beavers and Denman, 1974). This running time is optimal up to polylogarithmic factors, in the sense that verifying that a given similarity diagonalizes a matrix requires at least matrix multiplication time. It significantly improves best previously provable running times of O(n10/δ2)O(n^{10}/\delta^2) arithmetic operations for diagonalization of general matrices (Armentano et al., 2018), and (w.r.t. dependence on nn) O(n3)O(n^3) arithmetic operations for Hermitian matrices (Parlett, 1998). The proof rests on two new ingredients. (1) We show that adding a small complex Gaussian perturbation to any matrix splits its pseudospectrum into nn small well-separated components. This implies that the eigenvalues of the perturbation have a large minimum gap, a property of independent interest in random matrix theory. (2) We rigorously analyze Roberts' Newton iteration method for computing the matrix sign function in finite arithmetic, itself an open problem in numerical analysis since at least 1986. This is achieved by controlling the evolution the iterates' pseudospectra using a carefully chosen sequence of shrinking contour integrals in the complex plane.Comment: 78 pages, 3 figures, comments welcome. Slightly edited intro from previous version + explicit statement of forward error Theorem (Corolary 1.7). Minor corrections mad