3 research outputs found
Study of the Effects of Ultra-low Intensity Electromagnetic Fields on Biological Objects
The object of research is the efficiency of exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) of ultra-low intensity on biological objects, which is formed by a generator of broadband radiation. The principle of action of the generator is based on formation of electromagnetic radiation induced by periodic pulsed gas discharge in coaxial system of electrodes, which is loaded on a dielectric rod antenna. The method of selection of signals and corresponding equipment, which energy characteristics of radiation correspond to the criterion of non-thermal influence on bioobjects, is developed for obtaining a comparative assessment of influence bioefficiency. The proposed new method for processing experimental data using statistical calculations that meet the requirements for the processing and interpretation of the results. The seeds of wheat and interaction of millimeter range electromagnetic oscillations with bone marrow cells of rats were used as biological objects for investigating the effect of millimeter range electromagnetic oscillations. A biosensory effect was obtained when exposed to broadband radiation of ultra-low intensity, compared to the control sample. A change in the properties of the seeds, in particular, heat resistance, is observed. According to the experimental data, seeds turn out to be less susceptible to heat as a result of their pretreatment with EMF. The biological response is observed to depend on the frequency and time of irradiation. Also, the dependence of the decrease in the number of dead cells on the time of EMF irradiation was experimentally proved. The equation of dependence of selective average proportion of dead cells in rat bone marrow on irradiation time was calculated. Biosensory effect of exposure to broadband ultra-low intensity EMF of the developed emitter was revealed. It was established and statistically proved that the minimum time with the maximum positive effect of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of millimeter range on bone marrow cells of rats is 30 minutes, compared with an unirradiated sample. The results make it possible to evaluate the positive effect of electromagnetic oscillations on biological objects and propose the results of studies for practical use in the development of medical systems
Expression of DNAJB9 and some other genes is more sensitive to SWCNTs in normal human astrocytes than glioblastoma cells
Objective. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are considered to be one of the nanomaterials attractive for biomedical applications, particularly in the health sciences as imaging probes and drug carriers, especially in the field of cancer therapy. The increasing exploitation of nanotubes necessitates a comprehensive evaluation of the potential impact of these nanomaterials, which purposefully accumulate in the cell nucleus, on the human health and the function of the genome in the normal and tumor tissues. The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of the expression of DNAJB9 and some other genes associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and cell proliferation to low doses of SWCNTs in normal human astrocytes (NHA/TS) and glioblastoma cells (U87MG) with and without an inhibition of ERN1 signaling pathway of the ER stress
Розробка метаповерхні для визначення концентрації білка в ензиматичній реакційній суміші
In the paper a standard multiwell plate structure was utilized to determine the concentration of human serum albumin in water solutions and enzymatic reaction mixtures. This study marks the first application of the multiwell plate structure as a resonant metasurface unit cell through numerical simulation using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. By adjusting the operating parameters of the proposed multiwell plate (MWP) metasurface, resonance phenomena within the microwave range could be observed. The complex permittivity (CP) values of the tested solutions, obtained experimentally using the microwave dielectrometry method, were employed for the MWP metasurface modelling. The correspondence between the resonance frequency shifts of the MWP metasurface and the changes in CP values of the tested solutions was demonstrated. For the convenience of the protein concentration determination, the concentration calibration graph was proposed. Our approach enables the detection of protein concentration in the reaction mixture after 60 minutes duration of the enzymatic reaction course. The study demonstrated the customization of metasurface dimensions to enable interaction with electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies. The availability of standard multiwell plates in different sizes allows for testing solutions across various frequency ranges.У роботі використано стандартну структуру багатолункового планшета для визначення концентрації сироваткового альбуміну людини у водних розчинах та ензиматичних реакційних сумішах. Це дослідження являє собою перше застосування структури багатолункового планшета як резонансної метаповерхневої комірки за допомогою чисельного моделювання з використанням програмного забезпечення COMSOL Multiphysics. Регулюючи робочі параметри запропонованої метаповерхні багатолункового планшета, можна було спостерігати резонансні явища в мікрохвильовому діапазоні. Значення комплексної діелектричної проникності досліджуваних розчинів, отримані експериментально за допомогою методу мікрохвильової діелектрометрії, були використані для моделювання метаповерхні. Продемонстровано відповідність між зсувами резонансної частоти метаповерхні та змінами значень комплексної діелектричної проникності досліджуваних розчинів. Для визначення концентрації білка запропоновано калібрувальний графік концентрації. Наш підхід дозволяє визначати концентрацію білка в реакційній суміші після 60-хвилинного перебігу ензиматичної реакції. Дослідження продемонструвало можливість налаштування розмірів метаповерхні для забезпечення взаємодії з електромагнітними хвилями на певних частотах. Наявність стандартних багатолункових планшетів різних розмірів дозволяє тестувати розчини в різних частотних діапазонах