9 research outputs found

    Formation of the hydrogen line 21-cm in Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn: dependences on cosmology and first light

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    We analyze the formation of the redshifted hyperfine structure line 21-cm of hydrogen atom in the Dark Ages, Cosmic Dawn, and Reionization epochs. The evolution of the global differential brightness temperature in this line was computed to study its dependence on the values of cosmological parameters and physical conditions in the intergalactic medium. Variations of the depth of the Dark Ages absorption line at z∼80z\sim80 with variations of the cosmological parameters Ωb\Omega_b, Ωcdm\Omega_{cdm}, ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda}, ΩK\Omega_K and H0H_0 are studied. The standard model with post-Planck parameters predicts a value of the differential brightness temperature in the center of the absorption line ∼\sim30-50 mK. The profile of this line can be quite another in the non-standard cosmological models, which include the annihilating or decaying dark matter, a primordial stochastic magnetic field, etc. It can be shallower or be an emission bump instead of an absorption trough. It is also shown that the position and depth of the Cosmic Dawn absorption line formed at 10<z<30, due to the Wouthuysen-Field effect, is mainly defined by the spectral energy distribution of the first sources of light. If reionization occurs at zri=7±1z_{ri}=7\pm1, then the differential brightness temperature in the center of this line is ∼\sim80 mK. During the reionization, the emission with an amplitude of ∼\sim20 mK is possible. It is also shown that the temperature, density, and degree of ionization of the baryonic component are decisive in calculating the intensity of the 21-cm absorption/emission line from these epochs.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, 1 appendix. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Non-linear power spectra of dark and luminous matter in halo model of structure formation

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    The late stages of large-scale structure evolution are treated semi-analytically within the framework of modified halo model. We suggest simple yet accurate approximation for relating the non-linear amplitude to linear one for spherical density perturbation. For halo concentration parameter, cc, a new computation technique is proposed, which eliminates the need of interim evaluation of the zcolz_{col}. Validity of the technique is proved for Λ\LambdaCDM and Λ\LambdaWDM cosmologies. Also, the parameters for Sheth-Tormen mass function are estimated. The modified and extended halo model is applied for determination of non-linear power spectrum of dark matter, as well as for galaxy power spectrum estimation. The semi-analytical techniques for dark matter power spectrum are verified by comparison with data from numerical simulations. Also, the predictions for the galaxy power spectra are confronted with 'observed' data from PSCz and SDSS galaxy catalogs, good accordance is found.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; major changes from the previous version; accepted for publivation in Phys. Rev.

    Samuil Kaplan and the development of astrophysical research at the Lviv University (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of his birth)

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    Samuil Kaplan (1921-1978) was a productive and famous astrophysicist. He was affiliated with a number of scientific centers in different cities of former Soviet Union. The earliest 13 years of his career, namely in the 1948-1961 years, he worked in Lviv University in Ukraine (then it was called the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic). In the present paper, the Lviv period of his life and scientific activity is described on the basis of archival materials and his published studies. Kaplan arrived in Lviv in June 1948, at the same month when he obtained the degree of Candidate of science. He was a head of the astrophysics sector at the Astronomical Observatory of the University, was a professor of department for theoretical physics as well as the founder and head of a station for optical observations of artificial satellites of Earth. He was active in the organization of the astronomical observational site outside of the city. During the years in Lviv, Kaplan wrote more than 80 articles and 3 monographs in 9 areas. The focus of his interests at that time was on stability of circular orbits in the Schwarzschild field, on white dwarf theory, on space gas dynamics, and cosmic plasma physics, and turbulence, on acceleration of cosmic rays, on physics of interstellar medium, on physics and evolution of stars, on cosmology and gravitation, and on optical observations of Earth artificial satellites. Some of his results are fundamental for development of theory in these fields as well as of observational techniques. The complete bibliography of his works published during the Lviv period is presented. Respective scientific achievements of Samuil Kaplan are reviewed in the light of the current state of research in these areas.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Europian Physical Journal