123 research outputs found

    Towards the development of an automated electrical self-potential sensor of melt and rainwater flow in snow

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    To understand snow structure and snowmelt timing, information about flows of liquid water within the snowpack is essential. Models can make predictions using explicit representations of physical processes, or through parameterization, but it is difficult to verify simulations. In situ observations generally measure bulk quantities. Where internal snowpack measurements are made, they tend to be destructive and unsuitable for continuous monitoring. Here, we present a novel method for in situ monitoring of water flow in seasonal snow using the electrical self-potential geophysical method. A prototype geophysical array was installed at Col de Porte (France) in October 2018. Snow hydrological and meteorological observations were also collected. Results for two periods of hydrological interest during winter 2018-19 (a marked period of diurnal melting and refreezing, and a rain-on-snow event) show that the electrical self-potential method is sensitive to internal water flow. Water flow was detected by self-potential signals before it was measured in conventional snowmelt lysimeters at the base of the snowpack. This initial feasibility study shows the utility of the self-potential method as a non-destructive snow sensor. Future development should include combining self-potential measurements with a high-resolution snow physics model to improve prediction of melt timing

    Bedforms of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica: Character and Origin

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    Bedforms of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica both record and affect ice flow, as shown by geophysical data and simple models. Thwaites Glacier flows across the tectonic fabric of the West Antarctic rift system with its bedrock highs and sedimentary basins. Swath radar and seismic surveys of the glacier bed have revealed soft-sediment flutes 100 m or more high extending 15 km or more across basins downglacier from bedrock highs. Flutes end at prominent hard-bedded moats on stoss sides of the next topographic highs. We use simple models to show that ice flow against topography increases pressure between ice and till upglacier along the bed over a distance that scales with the topography. In this basal zone of high pressure, ice-contact water would be excluded, thus increasing basal drag by increasing ice-till coupling and till flux, removing till to allow bedrock erosion that creates moats. Till carried across highlands would then be deposited in lee-side positions forming bedforms that prograde downglacier over time, and that remain soft on top through feedbacks that match till-deformational fluxes from well upglacier of the topography. The bedforms of the part of Thwaites surveyed here are prominent because ice flow has persisted over a long time on this geological setting, not because ice flow is anomalous. Bedform development likely has caused evolution of ice flow over time as till and lubricating water were redistributed, moats were eroded and bedforms grew

    Seismic observations of a complex firn structure across the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica

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    We use seismic refraction data to investigate the firn structure across a suture zone on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, and the possible role of glacier dynamics in firn evolution. In the downstream direction, the data reveal decreasing compressional-wave velocities and increasing penetration depth of the propagating wave in the firn layer, consistent with 1 m firn thickening every 6 km. The boundary between the Lambert Glacier unit to the west and a major suture zone and the Mawson Escarpment Ice Stream unit to the east, is marked by differences in firn thicknesses, compressional-wave velocities and seismic anisotropy in the across-flow direction. The latter does not contradict the presence of a single-maximum crystal orientation fabric oriented 45– away from the flow direction. This is consistent with the presence of transverse simple shear governing the region's underlying ice flow regime, in association with elevated strain along the suture zone. The confirmation and quantification of the implied dynamic coupling between firn and the underlying ice requires integration of future seismic refraction, coring and modelling studies. Because firn is estimated to cover 98% of the Antarctic continent any such coupling may have widespread relevance to ice-sheet evolution and flow

    Englacial drainage structures in an East Antarctic outlet glacier

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    Assessing the potential for ice flow piracy between Totten and Vanderford glaciers, East Antarctica

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    The largest regional drivers of current surface elevation increases in the Antarctic Ice Sheet are associated with ice flow reconfiguration in previously active ice streams, highlighting the important role of ice dynamics in responding to climate change. Here, we investigate controls on the evolution of the flow configuration of the Vanderford and Totten Glaciers – key outlet glaciers of the Aurora Subglacial Basin, the most rapidly thinning region of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. We review factors that influence the ice flow in this region, and use an ice sheet model to investigate the sensitivity of the catchment divide location to thinning at Vanderford Glacier associated with ongoing retreat, and thickening at Totten Glacier associated with an intensification of the east-west snowfall gradient. The present-day catchment divide between the Totten and Vanderford Glaciers is not constrained by the geology or topography, but is determined by the large-scale ice sheet geometry and its long-term evolution in response to climate forcing. Furthermore, the catchment divide is subject to migration under relatively small changes in surface elevation, leading to ice flow and basal water piracy from Totten to Vanderford Glacier. Our findings show that ice flow reconfigurations do not only occur in regions of West Antarctica like the Siple Coast, but also in the east, motivating further investigations of past, and potential for future, ice flow reconfigurations around the whole Antarctic coastline. Such modelling of ice flow and basal water piracy may require coupled ice sheet thermomechanical and subglacial hydrology models, constrained by field observations of subglacial conditions. Our results also have implications for ice sheet mass budget studies that integrate over catchments, and the validity of the zero flow assumption when selecting sites for ice core records of past climate

    Marine ice regulates the future stability of a large Antarctic ice shelf

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    Improved accuracy of cross-borehole radar velocity models for ice property analysis

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    Advancements in the Measurement of the Cryosphere Using Geophysics β€” Introduction

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    Frozen regions of the earth are known as the cryosphere. The arctic, Antarctica, permafrost, ice sheets, and glaciers are some of the most challenging places to measure subsurface parameters, but they can also be some of the most important places to science and engineering research due to their susceptibility to environmental change. Ground-based, airborne, and space-borne geophysical methods are deployed to observe targets below the ground or in ice that may be difficult or impossible to measure using conventional direct observations and measurements. The papers in this special section address recent advances in instrumentation development and deployment and computational capabilities that have advanced cryosphere geophysical sciences. As such, many of these papers discuss the science that the methodology has helped reveal

    Bulk meltwater flow and liquid water content of snowpacks mapped using the electrical self-potential (SP) method

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    Our ability to measure, quantify and assimilate hydrological properties and processes of snow in operational models is disproportionally poor compared to the significance of seasonal snowmelt as a global water resource and major risk factor in flood and avalanche forecasting. We show here that strong electrical self-potential fields are generated in melting in situ snowpacks at Rhone Glacier and Jungfraujoch Glacier, Switzerland. In agreement with theory, the diurnal evolution of self-potential magnitudes (β€‰βˆΌβ€‰60–250mV) relates to those of bulk meltwater fluxes (0–1.2 × 10βˆ’6m3sβˆ’1) principally through the permeability and the content, electrical conductivity and pH of liquid water. Previous work revealed that when fresh snow melts, ions are eluted in sequence and electrical conductivity, pH and self-potential data change diagnostically. Our snowpacks had experienced earlier stages of melt, and complementary snow pit measurements revealed that electrical conductivity (β€‰βˆΌβ€‰1–5 × 10βˆ’6Smβˆ’1) and pH (β€‰βˆΌβ€‰6.5–6.7) as well as permeabilities (respectively β€‰βˆΌβ€‰9.7 × 10βˆ’5 and β€‰βˆΌβ€‰4.3 × 10βˆ’5m2 at Rhone Glacier and Jungfraujoch Glacier) were invariant. This implies, first, that preferential elution of ions was complete and, second, that our self-potential measurements reflect daily changes in liquid water contents. These were calculated to increase within the pendular regime from β€‰βˆΌβ€‰1 to 5 and β€‰βˆΌβ€‰3 to 5.5% respectively at Rhone Glacier and Jungfraujoch Glacier, as confirmed by ground truth measurements. We conclude that the electrical self-potential method is a promising snow and firn hydrology sensor owing to its suitability for (1) sensing lateral and vertical liquid water flows directly and minimally invasively, (2) complementing established observational programs through multidimensional spatial mapping of meltwater fluxes or liquid water content and (3) monitoring autonomously at a low cost. Future work should focus on the development of self-potential sensor arrays compatible with existing weather and snow monitoring technology and observational programs, and the integration of self-potential data into analytical frameworks.ISSN:1994-0416ISSN:1994-042
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