10 research outputs found

    Влияние весеннего половодья на вертикальное распределение почвенных беспозвоночных в прирусловой пойме р. Самара

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    Taxonomic composition of soil invertebrates and peculiarities of their vertical distribution in the Samara River flood-lands after spring tide is under consideration.Розглянуто таксономічний склад ґрунтових безхребетних, особливості їх вертикального розподілу по ґрунтових горизонтах у прирусловій заплаві р. Самара після весняної повені.Розглянуто таксономічний склад ґрунтових безхребетних, особливості їх вертикального розподілу по ґрунтових горизонтах у прирусловій заплаві р. Самара після весняної повені

    Трофічні переваги двопарноногих багатоніжок (Diplopoda) під час відновлення територій, порушених гірничодобувною промисловістю

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    The food selectivity of millipedes (Diplopoda) was studied in different variants of mine spoils and chernozem fillings applied as topsoil. It was found that the ordinary chernozem fillings determines the formation of food priorities increasingly in comparison with the mine spoil. There are shown statistically significant differences between millipeds food priorities depending on the proposed feed: litter leaves of trees (Acer platanoides, Robinia pseudoacacia, Juniperus virginiana) used in forest revegetation of mining lands. Изучалась пищевая избирательность представителей кивсяков (Diplopoda) на различных вариантах шахтной породы и насыпке гумусированного слоя чернозема обыкновенного, используемого в качестве почво-грунта. Насыпка гумусированного слоя чернозема обыкновенного в большей степени обуславливает формирование пищевых предпочтений по сравнению с шахтной породой. Существуют статистически достоверные отличия в питании кивсяков, зависящем от предлагаемого животным корма – листового опада древесных пород (клен остролистный, робиния псевдоакация, можжевельник виргинский), применяемых в лесной рекультивации нарушенных земель.Вивчено трофічні переваги представників ківсяків (Diplopoda) на різних варіантах шахтної породи та гумусованому шарі чорнозему звичайного, який використовують у рекультивації як насипний ґрунт. Наявність гумусованого шару чорнозему звичайного значніше зумовлює формування трофічної вибірковості порівняно з шахтною породою. Існують статистично достовірні відмінності щодо трофічних пріоритетів ківсяків, що залежать від запропонованого тваринам корму – листяного опаду деревних порід (клен гостролистий, робінія псевдоакація, ялівець віргінський), які застосовують у ході лісової рекультивації порушених земель.

    Characteristic of terrestrial snails fauna of artificial stands and rehabilitated territories in the town of Zhovti Vody

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    Досліджено таксономічний склад, структуру домінування, розповсюдження представників черевоногих молюсків у штучних деревних насадженнях, рекультивованих ділянках м. Жовті Води.Исследована таксономический состав, структуру доминирования, распространения представителей брюхоногих моллюсков в искусственных древесных насаждениях, рекультивированных участках м. Желтые ВодыTaxonomic composition, structure of domination, distribution of the snails species in artificial stands and rehabilitated plots of Zhovti Vody were studied

    Soil algae and mesofauna communities in biotopes of forest rehabilitation in zhovti vody (Dnipropetrovsk region)

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    Вивченорізноманіття ґрунтових водоростей на рекультивованих ділянках і на ділянках за межами рекультивації у м. Жовті Води. Визначено систематичну та екологічну структуру альго­флори, домінантні види альгоугруповань. Складено конспект флори ґрунтових водоростей ділянки рекультивації (28 видів): Chlorophyta – 11 (39,5 %), Cyanophyta– 11видів (39,5 %), Xanthophyta – 2 (7,0 %), Bacillariophyta – 2 (7,0 %), Eustigmatohyta – 2 (7,0 %). Визначено таксономічний склад представників ґрунтової мезофауни.Изучено многообразие почвенных водорослей на рекультивированных участках и на участках за пределами рекультивации в г.. Желтые Воды. Определены систематическую и экологическую структуру альго¬флоры, доминантные виды альгоугруповань. Составлен конспект флоры почвенных водорослей участки рекультивации (28 видов): Chlorophyta - 11 (39,5%), Cyanophyta - 11 видов (39,5%), Xanthophyta - 2 (7,0%), Bacillariophyta - 2 (7,0 %), Eustigmatohyta - 2 (7,0%). Определены таксономический состав представителей почвенной мезофауны.The variety of soil algae was studied on areas of revegetation and without it in the Zhovti Vody. The systematic and ecological structure of algal flora and algae dominant species were indicated. We counted 28 species of soil algae on the dumps of uranium mining: Chlorophyta – 11 species (39.5 %), Cyanophyta – 11 (39.5 %), Xanthophyta – 2 (7 %), Bacillariophyta – 2 (7 %), Eustigmatohyta – 2 (7 %)

    Influence of saprophages (Isopoda, Diplopoda) on leaf litter decomposition under different levels of humidification and chemical loading

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    The paper presents a study about the influence of two saprophage groups (Isopoda, Diplopoda) on leaf litter decomposition under different levels of humidification and chemical stress. Because of their worldwide distribution, we focused on the common pillbug Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804) (Isopoda, Armadillidiidae), and the common millipede species Rossiulus kessleri (Lohmander, 1927) (Julida, Julidae). The function of environment creation by the given saprophages, as destructors of dead plant matter, supporting such ecosystem services as soil fertility improvement and nutrients’ turnover, is highlighted. To conduct the experiment, the animals were collected manually and using pitfall trapping. In order to bring the experimental conditions closer to the natural, the individuals were not sexed. The maximum consumption of leaf litter by woodlice was recorded in the conditions with adequate moisture (0.5 mL of distilled water per box) and amounted to 2.52 mg/10 individuals per day, which exceeds its consumption with low and increased moisture, respectively, by 1.82 and 1.24 times. As for the effect of interaction, the consumption of maple litter with optimal moisture (4.77 mg/10 individuals per day) was the greatest. The largest absolute difference between broad-leaved tree species in the average weight of leaf litter consumed by woodlice was between maple leaf litter and oak leaf litter, the minimum – between robinia leaf litter and oak leaf litter. According to the results of the obtained data (Diplopoda), it can be stated that there is a statistically significant effect of chemical stress and discrepancy of the average zinc content in the object of study (in Diplopoda and their faecal pellets). We found that the diet provided did not affect the distribution of zinc in Diplopoda under conditions of chemical stress. According to the results of pairwise comparisons, we determined that the zinc content in the Diplopoda clearly differs for control and almost every concentration of zinc sulfate solution – 0.03 and 0.15 g/L, the samples of which do not form a homogeneous group. The species composition, abundance and distribution in space of soil invertebrates are informative indicators which reflect the ecological state of soils, intensity in development of soil horizons as well as intensity of processes occurring in them

    Трофометаболическая активность дождевых червей (Lumbricidae) как зоогенный фактор поддержания устойчивости рекультивированных почв к загрязнению медью

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    Soil contamination by heavy metals, first of all, influences biological and ecological conditions, and it is able to change the conservative soil features, such as humus content, aggregation, acidity and others, leading to partial or total diminishing of soil fertility and decrease in soil economic value. Zoogenic issues of soil protective capacity formation in conditions of heavy metal content rise under technogenesis have been studied. The article discusses the features of earthworm trophic-metabolic activity in the afforested remediated site (Western Donbass, Ukraine) with different options of mixed soil bulk. Western Donbass is the large center of coal mining located in South-Western part of Ukraine. High rates of technical development in this region lead to surface subsidence, rising and outbreak of high-mineralized groundwater, and formation of dump pits of mine wastes. Remediated area is represented by the basement of mine wastes covered by 5 options of artificial mixed soil with different depth of horizons. The following tree species were planted on top of artificial soil: Acer platanoides L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., and Juniperus virginiana L. The main practical tasks were to define on the quantitative basis the buffer capacity of artificial mixed soil and earthworm excreta in relation to copper contamination and to compare its immobilization capacity in conditions of artificial forest plants in the territory of Western Donbass. It was proved that earthworm excreta had a great influence on soil immobilization capacity (particularly, on soil buffering to copper) which increased for excreta in the following range: humus-free loess loam – top humus layer of ordinary chernozem. Immobilization efficiency of copper by earthworm excreta from ordinary chernozem bulk compared with baseline (ordinary chernozem) was significantly higher. It should be noted that trophic-metabolic activity of earthworms plays very important role as a zoogenic factor which restricts movement of excess chemicals, maintains stability and increases resistance to soil contamination, in particular, with copper. Besides, it is possible to accelerate the artificial forest edaphotop naturalization on reclaimed land, and to increase its ecological valueРассматриваются вопросы зоогенного формирования защитных возможностей почвы к действию повышенного содержания тяжелых металлов в условиях техногенеза. Исследованы особенности трофометаболической активности дождевых червей на участке лесной рекультивации Западного Донбасса с различными вариантами насыпных почвогрунтов. Доказано, что копролиты червей активно влияют на иммобилизационную способность почвогрунтов (в частности, на буферность к тяжелым металлам на примере меди), которая увеличивается для копролитов в ряду «безгумусный лессовидный суглинок – верхний гумусированный слой чернозема обыкновенного». Эффективность иммобилизации меди копролитами дождевых червей на участке с насыпкой из чернозема статистически достоверно больше, чем эффективность иммобилизации исходного почвогрунта. Проведенные исследования позволяют рассматривать трофометаболическую активность дождевых червей как зоогенный фактор, важный для ограничения движения избыточного количества химических элементов, поддержания устойчивости и повышения защитных свойств почвогрунтов к загрязнению медью. При этом возможно ускорение натурализации искусственного лесного эдафотопа на рекультивированных землях и возрастание его экологической ценности

    Interspecific differences of antioxidant ability of introduced Chaenomeles species with respect to adaptation to the steppe zone conditions

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    Plants of the genus Chaenomeles are traditionally used in the countries of South-East Asia, due to their high nutritional and health-promoting properties. However, the successful introduction of species promising for gardening from geographically remote areas requires the study of plant ontogeny under the conditions of new habitat. This is a very substantial problem for the steppe zone, where the continental climate has features of aridity and complicates the process of increasing the diversity of fruit crops by introducing the desired species. The present study aims to assess the effectiveness of the protective enzymatic system of different Chaenomeles genotypes subject to a steppe climate as well as the accumulation of the biologically active compounds with high antioxidant capacity. The study was performed on the basis of the introduced horticultural plants collection in the Botanical Garden of the DNU, and the Chaenomeles fruits, leaves, and the seeds were examined. The highest activity of catalase, benzidine-peroxidase and guaiacol-peroxidase, and the greatest enzymes activation during vegetation were found in leaves of Ch. cathayensis and Ch. speciosa, while the lowest activity was in leaves of both Japanese species. The biggest total phenolic content in the isopropanolic plant extracts, determined by Folin–Ciocalteau assay, was found in leaves of Ch. × superba, Ch. × californica and Ch. cathayensis (44.8, 52.8, and 43.6 mg GAE/g WW); a less high level was found in leaves of Ch. japonica and Ch. japonica var. maulei (43.1 and 40.2 mg GAE/g), while the lowest was in leaves of Ch. speciosa (29.3 mg GAE/g). The total flavonoids content determined using the aluminum chloride method, did not differ by variety or species in the plant leaves, being in the range of 2.6–2.9 mg of RE per g WW (accordingly, in leaves of Ch. japonica var. maulei and Ch. × californica). The high total reducing power determined by potassium ferricyanide assay was found in leaves of both hybridogenic species and Ch. cathayensis (respectively, 11.6, 14.1, and 11.4 AAE/g WW); leaves of both Japanese species had slightly lower values and the lowest was in leaves of Ch. speciosa (7.7 AAE/g). In the Chaenomeles fruits, the total phenolic content was the lowest in Ch. speciosa (17.8 mg GAE/g), average in both Japanese species (28.7 and 27.8 mg GAE/g), and the highest (33.3 mg GAE/g) was in Ch. cathayensis. The flavonoid accumulation was highest in the fruits of Ch. cathayensis and Ch. japonica var. maulei (0.67 and 0.63 mg RE/g), intermediate in both hybridogenic species and Ch. japonica (accordingly, 0.57, 0.42 and 0.38 mg RE/g), and the lowest in Ch. speciosa (0.30 mg RE/g). The total reducing power of Chaenomeles fruit was lower as compared to leaves, and decreased from 11.2 to 5.7 mg AAE/g in the series Ch. cathayensis > Ch. × californica > Ch. japonica > Ch. japonica var. maulei > Ch. × superba > Ch. speciosa. High correlation coefficients between total reducing power and total phenols content in the Chaenomeles leaves and fruits (respectively, r = 0.96 and r = 0.95, P < 0.05) confirm the significant contribution of phenolic compounds to the antioxidant capacity. The study results indicate a high antioxidant capacity of the Chaenomeles species in the conditions of the steppe climate due to the antioxidant enzymes activity and the accumulation of a significant amount of phenolic metabolites in leaves and fruits

    Формування угруповань ґрунтових водоростей та ґрунтової мезофауни на ділянках лісової рекультивації м. Жовті води

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    The variety of soil algae was studied on areas of revegetation and without it in the Zhovti Vody. The systematic and ecological structure of algal flora and algae dominant species were indicated. We counted 28 species of soil algae on the dumps of uranium mining: Chlorophyta – 11 species (39.5 %), Cyanophyta – 11 (39.5 %), Xanthophyta – 2 (7 %), Bacillariophyta – 2 (7 %), Eustigmatohyta – 2 (7 %)