37 research outputs found

    A patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 presenting with bilateral frontal lobe infarctions following anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture

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    Neurofibromatosis is a neurocutaneous genetic condition with dysplasia of the mesodermal and ectodermal tissues. Vascular abnormalities are well recognized in neurofibromatosis and cerebral aneurysms are rarely reported in literature. Here, we present a 20-year-old Sri Lankan female presented with headache, altered personality, disinhibited behaviour, and urinary incontinence. On imaging, she was found to have infarctions of both frontal lobes and evidence of a ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm with a small subarachnoid haemorrhage. Another small middle cerebral artery aneurysm was also seen in the angiogram. She was managed conservatively and gradually recovered. Because aneurysms in neurofibromatosis are usually asymptomatic and as rupture of such an aneurysm is rare, regular vascular screening is not recommended to all patients with neurofibromatosis. This is the first case report in literature in which a patient with neurofibromatosis presented with infarctions of both frontal lobes due to rupture of an anterior communicating artery aneurysm

    Electrocardiographic changes mimicking acute coronary syndrome in a large intracranial tumour: A diagnostic dilemma

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    Abstract Background ST elevation Myocardial infarction is a medical emergency. A variety of noncardiac conditions had been known to mimic the ECG changes that are seen in acute coronary syndrome. Although the common ECG changes that are documented with raised intracranial pressure are T inversions, prolongation of QT interval and sinus bradycardia, ST elevation or depression, arrhythmias and prominent U waves have also been recognized. However, ST elevations in association with primary intracranial tumours are rarely reported. Case presentation A 68-year-old female patient with a large left sided frontoparietal sphenoidal ridge meningioma with mass effect developed sudden onset shortness of breath while awaiting surgery. Her ECG showed ST segment elevations in the inferior leads along with reciprocal T inversions in anterior leads. The patient was treated with dual antiplatelet therapy and unfractionated heparin. The ST elevations in the ECG remained static and the cardiac Troponin assay was repeatedly negative. 2D ECHO, coronary angiogram and CT pulmonary angiography were normal. The repeat noncontract CT scan of the brain revealed two small areas of haemorrhage in the tumour. Conclusion The two mechanisms for ECG changes described in subarachnoid haemorrhage are the neurogenic stunned myocardium due to the catecholamine surge on the myocytes and stress cardiomyopathy. The same mechanisms could be the reasons for the ECG changes seen in intracranial tumours. These ECG changes could be easily misdiagnosed as acute coronary syndrome. This case emphasizes the importance of the cardiac biomarkers, 2D ECHO and coronary angiogram when confronted with such a diagnostic dilemma. Thus a more holistic analysis should be practiced in diagnosing acute coronary events in patients with intracranial pathologies to obviate a myriad of unnecessary investigations, interventions, costly treatment strategies which may well be detrimental to the patient

    A young female presenting with unilateral sacroiliitis following dengue virus infection: a case report

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    Abstract Background Dengue is a common arthropod-borne viral infection in Sri Lanka which is spread by the mosquitos of the genus Aedes. The clinical features of dengue include high-grade fever associated with arthralgia and myalgia. However, dengue virus is not considered an arthritogenic virus. We report a case of a previously healthy young female who presented with imaging-confirmed right-sided sacroiliitis 10 days after developing dengue fever. This is the first reported case that shows a possible link between dengue infection and development of arthritis. Case presentation A 14-year-old Sri Lankan female presented to our medical unit with right buttock and hip pain of 3 weeks’ duration. She had serologically confirmed dengue infection 10 days prior to the onset of buttock pain. A clinical examination revealed features of right sacroiliitis. An X-ray of her sacroiliac joint showed joint space widening and reactive bone changes. Magnetic resonance imaging of her pelvis and sacroiliac joint confirmed the diagnosis of acute sacroiliitis. She had an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 110 mm first hour with a normal C-reactive protein. Her human leukocyte antigen-B27, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody, chikungunya antibody, hepatitis serology, Brucella serology, and tuberculin skin test were negative. She was treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and showed gradual improvement. Conclusions After excluding possible causes for sacroiliitis, we postulated that sacroiliitis in the index case could have been caused or triggered by dengue virus infection. However there is a possibility that the sacroiliitis merely coincided with the dengue virus infection. This case illustrates the possibility that dengue virus could have a link with the development of arthritis in the same manner as other arthritogenic viruses; possible mechanisms for this include direct invasion of the synovium and the joint tissue by the virus, immune complex formation and deposition in the joint tissue, and immune dysregulation. Further studies are needed in this field to gain more knowledge, as dengue infection is highly prevalent in Sri Lanka

    Acute on chronic bilateral subdural hematoma presenting with acute complete flaccid paraplegia and urinary retention mimicking an acute spinal cord injury: a case report

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    Abstract Background A subdural hematoma refers to a collection of blood between the dura and the arachnoid membranes and is classified into acute, sub acute and chronic. Subdural hematoma has been referred to as the “great neurologic imitator” as it can mimic many neurological conditions. Case presentation Forty-three year old Sri Lankan female presented 2 weeks following traumatic head injury with bilateral flaccid complete paraplegia and urinary retention. Her non-contrast computer tomography of the brain revealed bilateral acute, chronic subdural hematomas. Both subdural hematomas were aspirated and she recovered completely. Conclusions Chronic subdural hematoma can present in many different unusual ways including bilateral complete paraplegia and acute urinary retention mimicking acute spinal cord pathology. The exact mechanism of this clinical presentation is not clear and may be due to direct compression of the motor cortex to the falx or due to compression of the anterior cerebral artery due to subfalcine herniation. This case illustrates the importance of considering subdural hematoma as a rare cause for acute paraplegia and the importance of performing a computer tomography scan in traumatic brain injury when indicated. Failure to consider non-spinal causes of paraplegia results in potential mismanagement. According to our knowledge this is the first case report of acute on chronic subdural hematoma presenting as acute flaccid complete paraplegia with urinary retention

    A case of anterior spinal cord syndrome in a patient with unruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm with a mural thrombus

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    Abstract Background Spinal cord infarction is an uncommon condition. Anterior cord syndrome present with paraparesis or quadriparesis with sparing of vibration and proprioceptive senses. The common causes of anterior cord syndrome are aortic dissection and aortic surgical interventions. Spontaneous unruptured nondissected aortic aneurysms with intramural thrombus can rarely cause anterior cord infarctions. Case presentation We report a case of anterior spinal cord syndrome due to aneurysm of the thoracic aorta with a mural thrombus. A 64 year old male presented with sudden onset paraparesis with a sensory level at T1 with preserved sense of proprioception and vibration. The MRI panspine revealed increased T2 intensity in the anterior portion of the spinal cord from C5 to T10 level with characteristic ‘owl eye’ appearance on axial imaging. The CT aortogram detected aneurysmal dilatation of the ascending aortic, arch and descending thoracic aorta with significant intimal irregularities, calcified atherosclerotic plaques and a small mural thrombus. Conclusion The possible mechanisms postulated are occlusion of ostia of radicular arteries by the atherosclerotic plaques and mural thrombus or thromboembolism to the anterior spinal artery. Nondissected atherosclerotic aortic aneurysms should be considered in patients presenting with spinal cord infarctions especially in the presence of vascular risk factors and smoking