733 research outputs found

    Effective attraction between oscillating electrons in a plasmoid via acoustic waves exchange

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    We consider the effective interaction between electrons due to the exchange of virtual acoustic waves in a low temperature plasma. Electrons are supposed to participate in rapid radial oscillations forming a spherically symmetric plasma structure. We show that under certain conditions this effective interaction can result in the attraction between oscillating electrons and can be important for the dynamics of a plasmoid. Some possible applications of the obtained results to the theory of natural long-lived plasma structures are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages in LaTeX2e, two columns, 3 eps figures; minimal changes, some typos are corrected; version published on-line in Proc. R. Soc.

    lmmuno Histochemical Profile of Endometrium in Patients With Genital Endometriosis

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    The aim of present study was to investigate the occurence of different lymphocyte subsets in the endometrium of endometriosis patients and in healthy women on every day of the menstrual cycle with special emphasis to the proliferative activity of endometrial cells with Ki-S3 antibody. We also conducted immunohistochemical studies of T-lymphocytes, B-lympho-cytes, macrophages, natural-killer-cells and also of antigens class II of the histocompatibility complex (HLA-DR) during the different phases of the menstrual cycle in endometriosis and non-endometriosis patients

    Strong 3D correlations in vortex system of Bi2212:Pb

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    The experimental study of magnetic flux penetration under crossed magnetic fields in Bi2212:Pb single crystal performed by magnetooptic technique (MO) reveals remarkable field penetration pattern alteration (flux configuration change) and superconducting current anisotropy enhancement by the in-plane field. The anisotropy increases with the temperature rise up to Tm=54±2KT_m = 54 \pm 2 K. At T=TmT = T_m an abrupt change in the flux behavior is found; the correlation between the in-plane magnetic field and the out-of-plane magnetic flux penetration disappears. No correlation is observed for T>TmT > T_m. The transition temperature TmT_m does not depend on the magnetic field strength. The observed flux penetration anisotropy is considered as an evidence of a strong 3D - correlation between pancake vortices in different CuO planes at T<TmT < T_m. This enables understanding of a remarkable pinning observed in Bi2212:Pb at low temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Fractional Models of Cosmic Ray Acceleration in the Galaxy

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    Possible formulations of the problem of cosmic rays acceleration in the interstellar galactic medium are considered with the use of fractional differential equations. The applied technique has been physically justified. A Fermi result has been generalized to the case of the acceleration of particles in shock waves in the supernovae remnants fractally distributed in the Galaxy.Comment: 10 page

    Raman spectra of MgB2 at high pressure and topological electronic transition

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    Raman spectra of the MgB2 ceramic samples were measured as a function of pressure up to 32 GPa at room temperature. The spectrum at normal conditions contains a very broad peak at ~590 cm-1 related to the E2g phonon mode. The frequency of this mode exhibits a strong linear dependence in the pressure region from 5 to 18 GPa, whereas beyond this region the slope of the pressure-induced frequency shift is reduced by about a factor of two. The pressure dependence of the phonon mode up to ~ 5GPa exhibits a change in the slope as well as a "hysteresis" effect in the frequency vs. pressure behavior. These singularities in the E2g mode behavior under pressure support the suggestion that MgB2 may undergo a pressure-induced topological electronic transition.Comment: 2 figure

    Интенсификация процессов испарения и конденсации в теплообменных аппаратах

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    The paper describes proposed design solutions for an intensification of heat transfer in evaporation and condensation heat exchangers. Complex experimental research of heat and mass transfer processes in flat and round cross-section miniature heat pipes is carried out. Optimization, development, manufacturing and an experimental investigation of copper miniature heat pipes with sintered powder are executed. Investigation results of capillary-porous structure properties that are used in evaporation and condensation heat-exchange apparatus are presented.Описаны предложенные конструктивные решения интенсификации теплообмена в испарительных и конденсационных теплообменниках. Проведено комплексное экспериментальное исследование процессов тепло- и массообмена в плоских и с круглым поперечным сечением миниатюрных тепловых трубах. Выполнены оптимизация, разработка, изготовление и экспериментальное исследование медных МТТ со спеченным порошком. Представлены результаты исследования свойств капиллярно-пористых структур, применяемых в испарительно-конденсационных теплообменных аппаратах

    Diamagnetism above Tc in underdoped Bi2.2Sr1.8Ca2Cu3O10+d

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    Single crystals of Bi2+xSr2xCa2Cu3O10+δ{\rm Bi}_{2+x}{\rm Sr}_{2-x}{\rm Ca}_{2}{\rm Cu}_{3}{\rm O}_{10+\delta}(Bi2223) with x=0.2x=0.2 were grown by a traveling solvent floating zone method in order to investigate the superconducting properties of highly underdoped Bi2223.Grown crystals were characterized by X-ray diffraction, DC susceptibility and resistivity measurements, confirming Bi2223 to be the main phase.The crystals were annealed under various oxygen partial pressures to adjust their carrier densities from optimally doped to highly underdoped.The fluctuation diamagnetic component above the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{\rm c} extracted from the anisotropic normal state susceptibilities χab(T)\chi_{ab}(T) (HcH\perp c) and χc(T)\chi_{c}(T) (HcH\parallel c) was found to increase with underdoping, suggesting a decrease in the superconducting dimensionality and/or increase in the fluctuating vortex liquid region.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, corrected fig.4 and references, published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79, 114711 (2010

    Структурно-параметрическая оптимизация систем автоматического регулирования с дифференцированием промежуточного сигнала

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    The paper proposes to improve a standard automatic control double-circuit system while changing a differentiator by difference of complete and incomplete inertial area models of the regulated object and also by using a PID-regulator instead of a PI-regulator and a device for internal disturbance compensations. Methods for structural and parametric optimization of the main regulator and device for internal disturbance compensations that allow to improve the regulation process have been proposed in the paper.Предлагается совершенствовать типовую двухконтурную систему автоматического регулирования путем замены дифференциатора на разность полной и неполной моделей инерционного участка объекта регулирования, а также использования ПИД-регулятора вместо ПИ-регулятора и устройства компенсации внутреннего возмущения. Предложены методы структурно-параметрической оптимизации основного регулятора и устройства компенсации внутреннего возмущения, позволяющие повысить качество регулирования

    Electron transport, penetration depth and upper critical magnetic field of ZrB12 and MgB2

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    We report on the synthesis and measurements of the temperature dependence of resistivity, R(T), the penetration depth, l(T), and upper critical magnetic field, Hc2(T), for polycrystalline samples of dodecaboride ZrB12 and diboride MgB2. We conclude that ZrB12 as well as MgB2 behave like simple metals in the normal state with usual Bloch-Gruneisen temperature dependence of resistivity and with rather low resistive Debye temperature, TR=280 K, for ZrB12 (as compared to MgB2 with TR=900 K). The R(T) and l(T) dependencies of ZrB12 reveal a superconducting transition at Tc=6.0 K. Although a clear exponential l(T)dependence in MgB2 thin films and ceramic pellets was observed at low temperatures, this dependence was almost linear for ZrB12 below Tc/2. These features indicate s-wave pairing state in MgB2, whereas a d-wave pairing state is possible in ZrB12. A fit to the data gives a reduced energy gap 2D(0)/kTc=1.6 for MgB2 films and pellets, in good agreement with published data for 3D \pi - sheets of the Fermi surface. Contrary to conventional theories we found a linear temperature dependence of Hc2(T) for ZrB12 (Hc2(0)=0.15 T).Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, submitted to JET