28 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Fatty-Acid Ethanolamides from Linum catharticum Oils and Cololabis saira Fats

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    Ethanolamides of polyunsaturated fatty acids (9Z,12Z,15Z-octadecatrienoic; 5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z-eicosapentaenoic; and 4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z-docosahexaenoic) and mixtures of ethanolamides of fatty acids from natural fats (oils) were synthesized. It was found that the polyunsaturated fatty acids did not isomerize under the proposed conditions for aminolysis of the ester bond. Conditions for analyzing the complicated mixtures of ethanolamides of fatty acids by HPLC-MS were determined.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41528/1/10600_2004_Article_495514.pd

    Application of MALDI Mass-Spectrometry for Diagnostics of Particularly Dangerous Infectious Diseases: Current State of Affairs and Prospects

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    Mass spectrometry is a modern physical-chemical analytical method that provides for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the substance composition. It is based on pre-ionization of the atoms and molecules included into it. One of the advanced methods of ionization, due to which mass-spectrometry investigation of macromolecules has become a frequent practice, is matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI). The essence of it is the pulsed laser irradiation of the matter under study, mixed with the matrix. The review discusses current data on MALDI mass-spectrometry application for the performance of species-specific and genus-specific identification of microorganisms at the premises of diagnostic laboratories. Considered are the basic advantages of MALDI-TOF identification as compared to bacteriologic, immunologic, and molecular-genetic methods of assessment. Allocated is the mass-spectrometry position in the system of laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases, including particularly dangerous ones, in the territory of the Russian Federation

    Non-Specific Indication of Microorganisms in Environmental Samples

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    The review presents an analysis of modern methods and instruments for performing nonspecific detection of pathogenic biological agents in environmental objects. Discussed are technological characteristics of application of these methods for the detection of biological substances of protein nature in samples. The spectrum of means for non-specific PBA detection includes home-produced and foreign field devices based on protein contamination indication using various colorimetry variants. Technologies for remote and direct monitoring of environment for the presence of aerosols of biological nature are represented by hybrid lidar systems (biolidars) and biodetectors. For PBA nucleic acids tracing, the complexes based on DNA molecule binding with fluorophore with further fluorescence detection are described. Given are the examples of chemiluminescent analysis application in the developed automatic impurity detectors, as well as systems using bioluminescence. Based on the literature data analysis, put forward is a possible algorithm for indication of pathogenic biological agents when carrying out monitoring of the environment in zones of possible emergency situation occurrence and mass events holding

    MALDI-TOF Mass-Spectrometry Analysis of Plague Agent Strains

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    Objective of the study was to demonstrate practicability of data base creation, containing reference mass-spectra of agents of particularly dangerous infections, using MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry, by the example of plague agent strains. Materials and methods. MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry was deployed for the obtainment of mass-spectra of ribosomal proteins from the microorganisms under investigation with the help of mass-spectrometers - Microflex LT. Results and conclusions. Carried out was comparative analysis of the obtained mass-spectra of 10 Y. pestis strains and reference spectra of Y. tuberculosis , contained in commercial data base of MALDI Biotyper 3.1 (Bruker Daltonics, Germany). Developed data base was validated in the process of identification of plague microbe strains, isolated in the territory of natural plague foci of the Russian Federation. That data base provided for correct identification of Y. pestis strains up to a species

    Improvement of Diagnostic System in a Real-Time RT-PCR “AmpliSens EBOV (ZAIRE)-FL” Format for Zaire ebolavirus RNA Detection

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    Taking into consideration experience in utilization of “AmpliSens EBOV (ZAIRE)-FL” in the setting of SAET mobile laboratory complex, carried out has been the improvement of the panel with a view to elapsed time reduction and analytical sensitivity enhancement. It provides for the analytical sensitivity increase up to 200 copies per ml, which is 10 times higher than the previous measurement, that accounted for 2·103 copies per ml. The timing of the assay has been reduced up to 1 h 25 min, which is 25 % less than the time needed for the standard study. Modification of “AmpliSens EBOV (ZAIRE)-FL” panel benefits to the enhancement of epidemiological surveillance activities intended to stop the spread of Zaire ebolavirus in West Africa and prevent its importation into the Russian Federation

    Performance of the SAET of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute of the Rospotrebnadzor during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    Given is a general overview of the SAET performance during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games, 2014 in Sochi. Discussed are the peculiarities of work management of the SAET diagnostic facilities; represented are the data on the structure and scope of laboratory investigations of clinical material and environmental samples. Analyzed is the experience of operation under major international mass event. Consequently, it is concluded that current SAET structure, its stuffing and equipping, the laid-up stock of preparations and test-systems have allowed for coping with a diverse task complex in the laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases and indication of their agents

    Management and Performance of Diagnostic Investigations on the Platform of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team Mobile Complex During EVD Epidemics in 2014 in the Republic of Guinea

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    Given is an account of the EVD epidemics that started in the Republic of Guinea in December, 2013 and spread over West African countries within 2014. Established have been the grounds for the Rospotrebnadzor SAET deployment in the Republic of Guinea, objectives, goals and stuffing of the mission, and mobile complex technical performance. Described are the key stages of the work, including the process of integration into the UNMEER. Outlined are priority areas of collaboration with the National Public Health Ministry and international partner organizations. Represented are the results of work on the Ebola fever and other dangerous infectious diseases diagnostics, carried out at the mobile facility. Provided is molecular-genetic characteristics of the Ebola virus

    Results of Work of the Rospotrebnadzor SAET on the Provision of Sanitary Epidemiological Welfare of the Population during the Summer Health-Promotion Campaign, 2014 in the Crimean Federal District

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    Integration of the Crimean Federal District (CFD) into the Russian Federation in March, 2014 predetermined the necessity to organize preventive activities, aimed at the provision of sanitary epidemiological welfare in the region. The paper observes the results of work of the specialized anti-epidemic teams, affiliated to the Stavropol Research Anti-Plague Institute and Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe”, on the provision of assistance to CFD Sanitary Epidemiological Service (SES) in operational etiological investigation of infectious diseases outbreaks. Performed is the laboratory analysis of 2407 clinical and environmental samples. 676 tests out of 11518 have showed positive (non-standard) results. Given are the recommendations concerning optimization of work of the CFD SES facilities

    Scientific and Methodological Support of Activities on Carrying Out Immunological Monitoring of Vaccinated Against Plague Persons Residing in the Territories of Natural Foci of the Infection

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    The article covers the issues related to the scientific substantiation and methodological support of immunological monitoring of persons vaccinated against plague upon epidemic indications. The problematic issues of the methodology for the assessment of immunological efficiency (efficacy) of plague live vaccine (PLV) are noted. The current tasks and possible prospects for the introduction of immunological monitoring of persons vaccinated against plague upon epidemic indications have been defined. The algorithm of efficacy estimation of plague live vaccine in vaccinated (revaccinated) persons has been tested under real conditions. Analysis of the results of efficacy evaluation of plague live vaccine among vaccinated (revaccinated) people against plague living in the territories of natural foci of this infection has been performed. Demonstrated is the possibility of using immunological monitoring results in creating an objective basis for improving the strategy of specific plague prevention in natural foci of this infection. The priority areas for further optimization of the specific plague prevention in the territories of natural foci of the infection, including those related to the formation of individual regimen revaccination tactics, taking into account the possibilities of creating modern and effective vaccines, are outlined

    Infection of an Individual with Plague in the Gorno-Altaisk High-Mountain Natural Focus in 2014. Communication 2. Peculiarities of Laboratory Diagnostics and Molecular-Genetic Characterization of the Isolated Strains

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    Laboratory diagnostics of plague was carried out in compliance with valid operational guidelines and regulations. But its peculiarity consisted in the performance of diagnostic investigations secondary to antimicrobial therapy with application of preparations characterized by the expressed activity towards gram-negative microorganisms, including the agent of plague (ceftriaxone, ciprolet, and amikacin). The studies revealed that under antibiotic treatment during the early phase of infection the most effective method for the laboratory plague diagnostics was PCR. Based on the results of the assay it was possible to establish not only provisional, but also the final diagnosis in a patient. Obtained was genetic characteristics of the strains isolated from the patient and the marmot, withdrawn at the patient’s place, using techniques of molecular-genetic analysis, in particular PCR, multilocus VNTR, and multilocus and genome-wide sequencing. Thereupon the strains were attributed to antique biovar of the main subspecies of plague agent. In addition, close relation to Y. pestis of the main subspecies isolated in the same focus in 2012 and to the strains from Mongolian Altai and Tuvinian mountain focus was determined based on phylogenetic analysis of the isolates