32 research outputs found

    A basis theorem for the degenerate affine oriented Brauer-Clifford supercategory

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    We introduce the oriented Brauer-Clifford and degenerate affine oriented Brauer-Clifford supercategories. These are diagrammatically defined monoidal supercategories which provide combinatorial models for certain natural monoidal supercategories of supermodules and endosuperfunctors, respectively, for the Lie superalgebras of type Q. Our main results are basis theorems for these diagram supercategories. We also discuss connections and applications to the representation theory of the Lie superalgebra of type Q.Comment: 37 pages, many figures. Version 3 replaces the partial results from the previous versions with a proof by the first author of a basis theorem for cyclotomic quotients at all levels. Various other minor corrections and revisions were mad

    Presenting Schur superalgebras

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    We provide a presentation of the Schur superalgebra and its quantum analogue which generalizes the work of Doty and Giaquinto for Schur algebras. Our results include a basis for these algebras and a presentation using weight idempotents in the spirit of Lusztig's modified quantum groups.Comment: 28 pages, to appear in the Pacific Journal of Mathematic

    Cohomology and Support Varieties for Lie Superalgebras II

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    In \cite{BKN} the authors initiated a study of the representation theory of classical Lie superalgebras via a cohomological approach. Detecting subalgebras were constructed and a theory of support varieties was developed. The dimension of a detecting subalgebra coincides with the defect of the Lie superalgebra and the dimension of the support variety for a simple supermodule was conjectured to equal the atypicality of the supermodule. In this paper the authors compute the support varieties for Kac supermodules for Type I Lie superalgebras and the simple supermodules for gl(m∣n)\mathfrak{gl}(m|n). The latter result verifies our earlier conjecture for gl(m∣n)\mathfrak{gl}(m|n). In our investigation we also delineate several of the major differences between Type I versus Type II classical Lie superalgebras. Finally, the connection between atypicality, defect and superdimension is made more precise by using the theory of support varieties and representations of Clifford superalgebras.Comment: 28 pages, the proof of Proposition 4.5.1 was corrected, several other small errors were fixe