35 research outputs found

    The Relevance of Grain Dissection for Grain Size Reduction in Polar Ice: Insights from Numerical Models and Ice Core Microstructure Analysis

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    The flow of ice depends on the properties of the aggregate of individual ice crystals, such as grain size or lattice orientation distributions. Therefore, an understanding of the processes controlling ice micro-dynamics is needed to ultimately develop a physically based macroscopic ice flow law. We investigated the relevance of the process of grain dissection as a grain-size-modifying process in natural ice. For that purpose, we performed numerical multi-process microstructure modelling and analysed microstructure and crystallographic orientation maps from natural deep ice-core samples from the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) project. Full crystallographic orientations measured by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) have been used together with c-axis orientations using an optical technique (Fabric Analyser). Grain dissection is a feature of strain-induced grain boundary migration. During grain dissection, grain boundaries bulge into a neighbouring grain in an area of high dislocation energy and merge with the opposite grain boundary. This splits the high dislocation-energy grain into two parts, effectively decreasing the local grain size. Currently, grain size reduction in ice is thought to be achieved by either the progressive transformation from dislocation walls into new high-angle grain boundaries, called subgrain rotation or polygonisation, or bulging nucleation that is assisted by subgrain rotation. Both our time-resolved numerical modelling and NEEM ice core samples show that grain dissection is a common mechanism during ice deformation and can provide an efficient process to reduce grain sizes and counter-act dynamic grain-growth in addition to polygonisation or bulging nucleation. Thus, our results show that solely strain-induced boundary migration, in absence of subgrain rotation, can reduce grain sizes in polar ice, in particular if strain energy gradients are high. We describe the microstructural characteristics that can be used to identify grain dissection in natural microstructures

    Physical properties of the NEGIS ice core - The upper 1700m in EGRIP

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    We will present the EGRIP CPO (c-axes fabric) dataset and give preliminary interpretations concerning the processes leading to its evolution. 120 bags were selected, with a minimum depth resolution of 15m. Bags were mostly measured continuously, and in total 778 thin sections were prepared, measured and pre-processed on site. Thus, c-axes distribution CPO data are already available, while other parameters on grain stereology are still to be processed at this stage. The CPO patterns found in the upper 1650m at EGRIP show (1) a rapid evolution of c-axes anisotropy compared to lower dynamics sites and (2) partly novel characteristics in the CPO patterns. (1) Starting the measurements at 118m of depth we find a very broad single maximum distribution. The c-axes align with depth in the upper 400m much more rapidly than seen in ice cores from divides or domes. Down to only 140m depth the almost random CPO develops into a very broad single maximum which is similar to those CPOs found in the shallowest samples of other ice cores. Possible interpretations of these distributions are deformation by vertical compression from overlying layers, or alternatively a temperature-gradient snow metamorphosis. This weak CPO pattern is, however, quickly overprinted in the depth zone below 140m where a progressive evolution towards a vertical girdle distribution is observed. As vertical girdles are produced by extension along flow, the observed distribution indicates that the ice at this depth is deforming rather than just being translated by rigid block movement. From approximately 600m of depth downward we observe crystal orientation anisotropy of a strength comparable to samples from ~1400m of depth at divides (NEEM and EDML). This strong girdle CPO remains rather stable down to approximately 1300m depth, where we reach the ice deposited during the last glacial period. A novel pattern, not observed before in natural ice, is a higher densities of c-axes horizontally oriented within the vertical girdle. (2) The early onset of deformation seems further supported by the observation of a broad “hourglass shaped” girdle, which seems to develop in some depths into a “butterfly shaped” cross girdle. Another characteristic deserves attention: the distribution density within the girdle. In contrast to observations in deep ice cores so far, the highest density seems to deviate from the vertical direction being (sub-)parallel to the horizontal. The origin of this may lay in the main deformation modes, e.g. a combination of along flow extension with additional deformation modes. Especially interesting is the cross girdle, which has not yet been observed in polar ice cores so far. We suggest three possible interpretations for its origin: a) In other materials, such as quartz, cross girdles can be interpreted as activation of multiple dislocation slip systems. b) Alternatively, the CPO pattern may reflect reminiscent features from previous deformation modes, which the ice experienced upstream or possibly even outside of the ice stream. This memory effect would point to a relevance of strain dependence of the CPO. c) The cross- /double-girdle might be caused by the early onset of dynamic migration recrystallization under horizontal uniaxial extension

    An analysis of the influence of deformation and recrystallisation on microstructures of the EastGRIP ice core

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    New and more detailed investigations from the EGRIP physical properties dataset down to 1650m of the ice core will be presented. EGRIP is the first deep ice core through one of our Earth’s ice sheets partly motivated by ice dynamics’ research. It is drilled just downstream of the onset of the largest ice stream in Greenland (North East Greenland Ice Stream). Data processing of the collected ice core physical properties data was done at the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Marine and Polar Research. The two main findings regarding CPO (c-axes fabric) pattern, 1) a rapid evolution of c-axes anisotropy and 2) partly novel characteristics, were further, and in more detail, investigated. To gain a better understanding of the dominating deformation mechanisms of NEGIS, different approaches considering different length scales were chosen (1650m versus 0.55m and 0.09m scale), including several case studies. A large-scale statistical analysis of the entire dataset results in new information about the depth-dependent evolution of parameters as for example the strength of c-axes anisotropy and grain-size in the polycrystal. In general, mean grain-size decreases with depth as we drill through the Holocene ice and approach the Glacial material. The grain size variability with fine and coarse grain layers is extreme in the Holocene ice but decreases in the Glacial ice. Microstructure properties were examined, with the aim to investigate the relationship between the remarkable rapid evolution of CPO-pattern and grain properties evolution. Furthermore, the evolution of a grain-size dependent anisotropy, found in the first 350m of the ice core, is investigated and examined also in deeper sections of the core. The large-scale evolution of density distributions of c-axes orientations differ significantly from observations in deep ice cores made so far: A novel "hourglass shaped" girdle was observed, characterized by a high density of horizontally oriented c-axes within the vertical girdle. In some parts of the core, this shape develops into a "butterfly shaped" cross girdle, varying in intensity and strength. It is the first time that this cross girdle was observed in polar ice and by combining approaches considering different length scales, we aimed to verify one of our three hypotheses for its origin: a) activation of multiple dislocation slip systems (in analogy to quartz), b) a memory effect or reminiscent features from older deformation modes, further upstream or even outside of NEGIS or c) horizontal uniaxial extension causing an early onset of dynamic migration recrystallization. Small-scale high-resolution studies were carried out on several selected bags (0.55m long) from different depth regimes and were chosen as case studies to better understand the formation mechanisms of the novel CPO patterns found in the EGRIP ice core. One approach is the examination of thin sections (9 x 7 x 0.03cm) regarding the occurrence of patches of grains with similar orientations, which was observed in several samples from different depths. Small grains with similar orientations seem to cluster around large grains with a different orientation. High-resolution images (5 to 20µm/pix), derived with a Large Area Scan Macroscope (LASM), enable detailed investigations of grain shape, grain boundaries and sub-grain boundaries and therefore the possibility to find distinct features from deformation and recrystallisation in the microstructure. Grains are rarely horizontally aligned and usually show irregular, circular or rectangular shapes rather than elongated shapes. Characteristic for our case studies are also amoeboid grain shapes and sutured grain boundaries, typical features of grain boundary migration. Furthermore, layering, "sandwiched grains" and strong gradients in grain-size over distances of only a few centimetres were observed in several samples. Although still under progress, at the current state of investigation, combining fabric data and microstructure analysis, the novel CPO patterns found in the EGRIP ice core are strongly influenced by dynamic migration recrystallisation

    Microstructural analysis of the NEEM ice core, Greenland by using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)

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    Mass loss of the Greenland ice sheet is accelerating, which is attributed to increased ice stream discharge and changes in surface mass balance including increased runoff. Ice stream discharge is caused by both ice deformation and basal sliding. For better projection of future mass loss, it is important to understand deformation mechanisms of polycrystalline ice in ice sheet. Deformation properties of polycrystalline material are related to its microstructure (e.g. crystal grain orientation and size). As recrystallization and recovery are occurring together in ice sheet, analysis of microstructure of ice is essential. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a method for measuring crystal lattice orientation with high angular and spatial resolutions. Both c- and a-axes of ice can be measured. We analyzed Greenland NEEM ice core and the preliminary result shows that most subgrain boundaries (SGBs) observed by optical microscopy have lattice misorientations < 4°. This result is in accordance with analyses of Antarctic EDML ice core by X-ray diffractometry while it differs from threshold angle of SGB/GB estimated with a dislocation theory. The observation results from ice sheet ice could contribute to better estimations of strain rate by models based on microstructural processes

    The effect of deformation mechanisms for ice sheet dynamics

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    To improve our understanding of dynamical processes in polar ice sheets by microstructural analysis of ice core samples and modelling of flow behaviour. One of these microstructural analysis techniques is electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). EBSD produces high resolution maps that show the crystal orientation of ice crystals. By analyzing these maps we can determine the slip systems that are active in the Greenland and Antactic ice sheets. Understanding these deformation mechanisms will improve ice sheet modelling and predicting the contribution of melting ice sheets to sea level rise in the future