154 research outputs found

    Species recognition by the sequence of discharge intervals in weakly electric fishes of the genus Campylomormyrus (Mormyridae, Teleostei)

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    In two Campylomormyrus species, tamandua and rhynchophorus from Central Africa, the electric organ discharge (EOD) activity was studied during the nocturnal activity phase in the laboratory. Both species have a pulse-type EOD of less than 200 μs duration and similar waveform; the sequence of inter-discharge intervals, however, differed characteristically: C. tamandua displayed a 'micro-pattern' encompassing nearly the whole range of intervals in a sequence of only three intervals (long-intermediate-short), while in C. rhynchophorus adjacent intervals tended to be more similar in duration. Four C. rhynchophorus and five C. tamandua were tested for their preference of conspecific pulse sequences rather than those of the other species, respectively, in playback experiments. These were performed in a T-maze paradigm such that two pulse patterns, one from each species, were simultaneously presented via two electric fish dipole models. Two pulse sequences recorded from different individuals were used to represent each species; the natural EOD waveform was replaced by a square-wave pulse of approximately natural duration. The pattern pairings and the sequence of stimulus patterns followed a randomized blocks design. Each of the four C. rhynchophorus had significantly higher preference scores for the conspecific pulse patterns than for those of C. tamandua, while in C. tamandua no such discrimination was observed. It is suggested that the juvenile C. tamandua used would probably have joined mixed-species schools as reported to exist in the wild, while this appears unlikely in the more mature C. rhynchophorus. One of the functions of the inter-discharge interval code of communication in mormyrids is species recognition although this may be seen only in sufficiently mature fish

    Novel blood protein based scaffolds for cardiovascular tissue engineering

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    A major challenge in cardiovascular tissue engineering is the fabrication of scaffolds, which provide appropriate morphological and mechanical properties while avoiding undesirable immune reactions. In this study electrospinning was used to fabricate scaffolds out of blood proteins for cardiovascular tissue engineering. Lyophilised porcine plasma was dissolved in deionised water at a final concentration of 7.5% m/v and blended with 3.7% m/v PEO. Electrospinning resulted in homogeneous fibre morphologies with a mean fibre diameter of 151 nm, which could be adapted to create macroscopic shapes (mats, tubes). Cross-linking with glutaraldehyde vapour improved the long-term stability of protein based scaffolds in comparison to untreated scaffolds, resulting in a mass loss of 41% and 96% after 28 days of incubation in aqueous solution, respectively

    A single vaccination with an inactivated bovine respiratory syncytial virus vaccine primes the cellular immune response in calves with maternal antibody

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The efficacy of a single dose of an inactivated bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) - Parainfluenaza type 3 (PI3) - <it>Mannheimia haemolytica </it>(<it>Mh</it>) combination vaccine, in calves positive for maternal antibodies, was established in a BRSV infection study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As expected the single vaccination did not have any effect on the decline of BRSV-specific neutralising or ELISA antibody. The cellular immune system was however primed by the vaccination. In the vaccinated group virus excretion with nasal discharge was reduced, less virus could be re-isolated from lung tissues and the lungs were less affected.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that a single vaccination with an inactivated BRSV vaccine was able to break through the maternal immunity and induce partial protection in very young calves. It can be speculated that the level and duration of protection will improve after the second dose of vaccine is administered. A two-dose basic vaccination schedule is recommended under field conditions.</p

    Evaluation of the copolymer P(VDF-TrFE) as an electrospun piezoelectric filtration membrane for fouling reduction

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    Die Antifouling-Wirkung von piezoelektrischen Filtrationsmembranen gilt in der Membrantechnik als ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um Verschmutzungen der Membranoberflächen während der Filtrationsprozesse zuvorzukommen und die Filtrationsleistung zu steigern. Hierzu wird die Eignung einer elektrogesponnenen Mikrofiltrationsmembran aus dem piezoelektrischen Copolymer Poly(vinylidenfluorid-co-trifluorethylen) evaluiert. Maßgeblich für die piezoelektrische Phasenbildung und den resultierenden Eigenschaften der Polymerlösung für die Membranherstellung im Elektrospinnprozess ist der Einfluss von Lösemitteln und -gemischen. Durch die Untersuchung der Löslichkeitsparameter des Copolymers werden gezielt Lösemittelkombinationen und Volumenverhältnisse variiert, um deren Auswirkungen auf die Bildung des piezoelektrischen Beta-Phasenanteils zu analysieren. Zur Bestimmung der Membran-Resonanzfrequenz werden Vibrometermessungen genutzt. Diese Frequenz ist ausschlaggebend zur piezoelektrischen Anregung der Membran und damit zur Realisierung einer Antifouling-Wirkung. Die anschließende Überprüfung von leistungssteigernden Filtrationsmaßnahmen erfolgt über die transportspezifische Charakterisierung des Transmembranfluxes und –drucks in einem zur piezoelektrischen Anregung konstruierten Dead-End-Filtrationssystem durch Filtrationsversuche mit und ohne angelegte Wechselspannung.In membrane technology, the antifouling-effect of piezoelectric filtration membranes to increase filtration performance is promising. It could reduce fouling of membrane surfaces during filtration processes. This thesis evaluates the effectiveness of an electrospun microfiltration membrane made from piezoelectric copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene). The influence of solvents and solvent mixtures is relevant for the piezoelectric phase formation and the resulting properties of the polymer solution for membrane production in the electrospinning process. Through studying the solubility parameters of copolymer, the impact that all these parameters have on the formation of the piezoelectric beta phase fraction is specifically analysed. Vibrometer measurements are used to determine the membrane resonance frequency. This frequency is crucial for optimising the piezoelectric oscillation of the membrane, and is therefore critical in order to achieve the desired antifouling-effect. The subsequent verification of filtration performance enhancements is conducted using transport-specific characterisation of the transmembrane flux and pressure. This is done in a dead-end filtration system designed for piezoelectric actuation through filtration experiments with and without alternating voltage

    DELIKAT – Fachdialoge Deliberative Demokratie: Analyse Partizipativer Verfahren für den Transformationsprozess

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    Das Projekt erfasst und bewertet die Potenziale existierender Partizipationsformate für die Transformation des politischen Systems zu einer kooperativen und deliberativen Demokratie. Angestrebt wird kein Alternativentwurf zu einer repräsentativen Demokratie, sondern Empfehlungen für eine Ergänzung dieser Regierungsform durch kooperative und deliberative Elemente, die der gesellschaftlichen Forderung nach einem „Mehr an Beteiligung“ Rechnung tragen. Den Hintergrund für die theoretische Reflexion bildet die normative Annahme, dass die Öffentlichkeit nicht nur an Wahlprozessen beteiligt sein soll, sondern auch an der Entscheidungsvorbereitung und der Abwägung von kollektiv verbindlichen Handlungsoptionen, von deren Konsequenzen sie in ihrem Lebensumfeld betroffen sein werden. Anhand der Ergebnisse des Projektes ergeben sich Anknüpfungspunkte für zukünftige Vorhaben auf zwei Ebenen. Die Partizipationsmatrix bietet auf der Verfahrensebene gute Möglichkeiten zur Kombination und Rekombination einzelner Verfahren wie auch Verfahrensbestandteile. Die Politikempfehlungen zeigen weitergehend konkrete Wege für die Umsetzung einer neuen Partizipationskultur durch Politik und Verwaltung im Sinne eines neuen Mainstreamings von Partizipation. Diese sprechen sich im Kern dafür aus, mehr Beteiligung zu wagen, ja, eine „Kultur der Beteiligung“ zu etablieren. Diese ist jedoch an Voraussetzungen gebunden, die ebenso aufgeführt werden. Der institutionelle Unterbau einer solchen Beteiligungskultur wird letztlich in einem Mainstreaming von Partizipation auf allen Ebenen von Politik und Verwaltung lokalisiert.The project detects and evaluates the potential of existing participation formats to transform the political system into a cooperative and deliberative democracy. The aim is to develop recommendations for the integration of cooperative and deliberative elements into representative democracy, rather than to develop an alternative model. These new elements take societal demands for increased involvement into account. The normative assumption that the public should not only be involved in elections but also in the preparation of collectively binding decisions and in the assignment of trade-offs between various political options serves as the basis for the theoretical reflection. The results of this project have significant implications for future projects on two levels. On the procedural level, the participation matrix offers opportunities for combining and recombining individual procedures and procedural elements. On the substantive level, the political recommendations offer structural advise on how to realise a new participation culture through politics and administration. This can also be described as a “mainstreaming” of participation. The recommendations promote attempts at increased participation and the establishment of a “culture of participation”. This, however, is bound to certain conditions, which are also listed and explained. Ultimately, the institutional foundation of such a participation culture is localised in a serious attempt to implement mainstreaming of participation on all levels of politics and administration

    Effects of Phytoestrogen Extracts Isolated from Elder Flower on Hormone Production and Receptor Expression of Trophoblast Tumor Cells JEG-3 and BeWo, as well as MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells

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    Hereinwe investigated the effect of elderflower extracts (EFE) and of enterolactone/enterodiol on hormone production and proliferation of trophoblast tumor cell lines JEG-3 and BeWo, as well as MCF7 breast cancer cells. The EFE was analyzed by mass spectrometry. Cells were incubated with various concentrations of EFE. Untreated cells served as controls. Supernatants were tested for estradiol production with an ELISA method. Furthermore, the effect of the EFE on ER alpha/ER beta /PR expression was assessed by immunocytochemistry. EFE contains a substantial amount of lignans. Estradiol production was inhibited in all cells in a concentration-dependent manner. EFE upregulated ER alpha in JEG-3 cell lines. In MCF7 cells, a significant ER alpha downregulation and PR upregulation were observed. The control substances enterolactone and enterodiol in contrast inhibited the expression of both ER and of PR in MCF7 cells. In addition, the production of estradiol was upregulated in BeWo and MCF7 cells in a concentration dependent manner. The downregulating effect of EFE on ER alpha expression and the upregulation of the PR expression in MFC-7 cells are promising results. Therefore, additional unknown substances might be responsible for ER alpha downregulation and PR upregulation. These findings suggest potential use of EFE in breast cancer prevention and/or treatment and warrant further investigation


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    BACKGROUND:The endocrine balance between atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is critical for the maintenance of arterial blood pressure and volume homeostasis. This study investigated whether a cardiac imbalance between ANP and aldosterone, toward increased mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) signaling, contributes to adverse left ventricular remodeling in response to pressure overload.METHODS AND RESULTS:We used the MR-selective antagonist eplerenone to test the role of MRs in mediating pressure overload-induced dilatative cardiomyopathy of mice with abolished local, cardiac ANP activity. In response to 21 days of transverse aortic constriction, mice with cardiomyocyte-restricted inactivation (knockout) of the ANP receptor (guanylyl cyclase [GC]-A) or the downstream cGMP-dependent protein kinase I developed enhanced left ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis together with contractile dysfunction. Treatment with eplerenone (100 mg/kg/d) attenuated left ventricular hypertrophy and fully prevented fibrosis, dilatation, and failure. Transverse aortic constriction induced the cardiac expression of profibrotic connective tissue growth factor and attenuated the expression of SERCA2a (sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase) in knockout mice, but not in controls. These genotype-dependent molecular changes were similarly prevented by eplerenone. ANP attenuated the aldosterone-induced nuclear translocation of MRs via GC-A/cGMP-dependent protein kinase I in transfected HEK 293 (human embryonic kidney) cells. Coimmunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments demonstrated that a population of MRs were membrane associated in close interaction with GC-A and cGMP-dependent protein kinase I and, moreover, that aldosterone caused a conformational change of this membrane MR/GC-A protein complex which was prevented by ANP.CONCLUSIONS:ANP counter-regulates cardiac MR activation in hypertensive heart disease. An imbalance in cardiac ANP/GC-A (inhibition) and aldosterone/MR signaling (augmentation) favors adverse cardiac remodeling in chronic pressure overload.博士(医学)・甲第630号・平成27年3月16日© 2014 American Heart Association, Inc