24 research outputs found

    Acrylates in Dental Applications

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    In the presented chapter, the role that is played by acrylates in dentistry has been characterized. In the introduction, subject of oral diseases has been raised as well as an issue of development of dentistry over the centuries. Furthermore, characteristics of the materials that have been used over the years to receive elements used in the form of prosthetic devices or dental implants that in the most favourable way from the user’s point of view enable the restoration of the missing piece of the dentition have been performed. Next, composition, functions and types of teeth have been described. In the following sections, materials (including dentures, adhesives, impression trays and dental crowns) widely used in dentistry and dental prosthetics in the preparation of which the key role is played by acrylates have been characterized. The preparation of prostheses was described. Particular attention has been drawn on the possibility of modification of the synthesis of acrylic materials that can lead to the improvement of their properties and result in making them more favourable from the point of view of the patient. The chapter is crowned with a brief description of the studies of properties, which are subjected to dental materials before application in the dental office

    Physicochemical Investigations of Hydrogels Containing Gold Nanoparticles Designed for Biomedical Use

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    Currently, many investigations are being performed to develop dressing materials with a positive effect on the wound healingprocess. In general, innovative dressings should ensure wound exudate absorption, constitute an external barrier limiting thepossibility of wound contamination and, importantly, also provide therapeutic properties. This work is focused on obtainingmaterials with potential use as dressings for treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds. The synthesis methodology of acrylic hydrogelsmodified with selected modifiers, i.e. arabic gum, nanogold, bee pollen and chamomile extract, was developed. Next, thesorption properties of the materials were determined as well as their behavior during the incubation in fluids imitating theenvironment of the human body. Additionally, the impact of such an incubation on their structure was evaluated by FT-IR spectroscopy.It was proved that the modifiers affected the sorption properties of hydrogels, i.e. samples with additives showed evenapprox. 2.5-fold lower swelling ability. In turn, incubation of hydrogels in simulated body fluids did not cause any rapid changesin pH, which may indicate the biocompatibility of the tested materials with the tested fluids. Thus, it may be concluded that thedeveloped materials show great application potential for biomedical purposes and may be subjected to more advanced studiessuch as cytotoxicity assessments towards selected cell lines

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Chitosan-Based Hydrogels Containing Albumin Particles and Aloe vera Juice as Transdermal Systems Functionalized in the Viewpoint of Potential Biomedical Applications

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    In recent years, many investigations on the development of innovative dressing materials with potential applications, e.g., for cytostatics delivery, have been performed. One of the most promising carriers is albumin, which tends to accumulate near cancer cells. Here, chitosan-based hydrogels containing albumin spheres and Aloe vera juice, designed for the treatment of skin cancers or burn wounds resulting from radiotherapy, were developed. The presence of albumin in hydrogel matrices was confirmed via Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopy. Albumin spheres were clearly visible in microscopic images. It was proved that the introduction of albumin into hydrogels resulted in their increased resistance to the tensile load, i.e., approximately 30% more force was needed to break such materials. Modified hydrogels showed approximately 10% more swelling ability. All hydrogels were characterized by hydrophilicity (contact angles were <90°) which may support the regeneration of epithelial cells and non-cytotoxicity towards murine fibroblasts L929 and released Aloe vera juice more effectively in an acidic environment than in a neutral one wherein spheres introduced into the hydrogel matrix extended the release time. Thus, the developed materials, due to their chemical composition and physicochemical properties, constitute promising materials with great application potential for biomedical purposes

    Novel Hydrogels Modified with Xanthan Gum – Synthesis and Characterization

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    Due to their interesting features, hydrogels are attracting growing interest in the polymer materials market. Therefore, many studies are currently conducted to characterize these materials and to modify them in order to increase the range of their potential use. In the presented article, hydrogels based on acrylic acid and chitosan and modified with xanthan gum were obtained by photopolymerization. Their swelling ability and behaviour in solutions that simulate fluids in the human body were determined. The effect of incubation in various fluids on the chemical structure of the synthesized materials was characterized using spectroscopic analysis. Furthermore, the surface morphology of the attained materials was characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Geopolymers: Advanced Materials in Medicine, Energy, Anticorrosion and Environmental Protection

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    The initial predictions of the importance of geopolymers primarily assumed use mainly in the construction sector. However, as research progresses, it is becoming clear that these versatile materials demonstrate the ability to greatly exceed their original applications, as characterized in detail in this review article. To the best of our knowledge, there is no literature review concerning geopolymer materials that compiles the diverse applications of these versatile materials. This paper focuses on geopolymer applications beyond the construction industry. The surprising application potential of geopolymers in medicine has become a topic of particular interest. Therefore, considerable attention in this paper is devoted to characterizing the utility of these materials in tissue engineering, dentistry and drug delivery systems. Geopolymers not only have exceptional heat resistance and compressive strength, making them durable and resistant to manipulation (over five times less drug released from the geopolymer carrier compared to the commercial formulation), but also provide a robust solution for extended-release drug delivery systems, especially in opioid formulations. Their chemical stability, porous structure and ability to maintain structure after repeated regeneration processes speak to their potential in water treatment. Geopolymers, which excel in the energy industry as refractory materials due to their resistance to high temperatures and refractory properties, also present potential in thermal insulation and energy storage. It was demonstrated that geopolymer-based systems may even be 35% cheaper than conventional ones and show 70% lower thermal conductivity. In terms of protection against microorganisms, the possibility of modifying geopolymers with antimicrobial additives shows their adaptability, maintaining their effectiveness even under high-temperature conditions. Research into their use as anticorrosion materials is targeting corrosion-resistant coatings, with geopolymers containing graphene oxide showing particularly promising results. The multitude of potential applications for geopolymers in a variety of fields reflects their enormous potential. As research progresses, the scope of their possibilities continues to expand, offering innovative solutions to pressing global challenges

    Biomaterials in Drug Delivery: Advancements in Cancer and Diverse Therapies—Review

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    Nano-sized biomaterials are innovative drug carriers with nanometric dimensions. Designed with biocompatibility in mind, they enable precise drug delivery while minimizing side effects. Controlled release of therapeutic substances enhances efficacy, opening new possibilities for treating neurological and oncological diseases. Integrated diagnostic-therapeutic nanosystems allow real-time monitoring of treatment effectiveness, which is crucial for therapy personalization. Utilizing biomaterials as nano-sized carriers in conjunction with drugs represents a promising direction that could revolutionize the field of pharmaceutical therapy. Such carriers represent groundbreaking drug delivery systems on a nanometric scale, designed with biocompatibility in mind, enabling precise drug delivery while minimizing side effects. Using biomaterials in synergy with drugs demonstrates significant potential for a revolutionary impact on pharmaceutical therapy. Conclusions drawn from the review indicate that nano-sized biomaterials constitute an innovative tool that can significantly improve therapy effectiveness and safety, especially in treating neurological and oncological diseases. These findings should guide researchers towards further studies to refine nano-sized biomaterials, assess their effectiveness under various pathological conditions, and explore diagnostic-therapeutic applications. Ultimately, these results underscore the promising nature of nano-sized biomaterials as advanced drug carriers, ushering in a new era in nanomedical therapy

    Badania właściwości fizykochemicznych wybranych pszczelich produktów ubocznych jako materiałów do wytwarzania sfer białkowych

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    The main purpose of this work was to determine the impact of the location of bee apiaries in different parts of Poland on the physicochemical properties of selected bee honeys. Studies focused on the determination of the antioxidant properties of apiproducts. The water content in honeys as well as their pH values were also analyzed. Four types of honeys (honeydew, linden, buckwheat, acacia) originating from various parts of Poland were selected for the research. Based on the obtained results, it can be stated that the examined honeys differed in physicochemical properties, which was related to the differences in their chemical composition. All honeys tested showed antioxidant properties. It can also be found that the water content in analyzed products was related to their origin and variety. Analyzing pH measurements, it can also be observed that all tested samples were characterized by acidic properties.Głównym celem tej pracy było określenie wpływu lokalizacji pasiek pszczelich w różnych częściach Polski na właściwości fizyko-chemiczne wybranych miodów pszczelich. Badania koncentrowały się na określeniu właściwości przeciwutleniających produktów api (pszczelich) . Analizowano również zawartość wody w miodzie, a także ich wartości pH. Do badań wybrano cztery rodzaje miodów (spadziowy, lipowy, gryczany, akacjowy) pochodzące z różnych regionów Polski. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można stwierdzić, że wytwarzane miody różniły się właściwościami fizykochemicznymi, co było związane z różnicami w ich składzie chemicznym. Wszystkie badane miody wykazały właściwości przeciwutleniające. Można również stwierdzić, że zawartość wody w analizowanych produktach była związana z ich pochodzeniem i odmianą. Analizując pomiary pH, można również zauważyć, że wszystkie badane próbki charakteryzowały się właściwościami kwasowymi

    Physicochemical properties and cytotoxicity of hydrogels based on Beetosan® containing sage and bee pollen

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    Currently, increasing attention is being paid to issues related to environmental protection, waste management, as well as to the development of polymers with useful properties. The research presented here involved preparation of hydrogels based on Beetosan® - a chitosan derived from the multi-stage processing of dead bees. Moreover, hydrogels were additionally modified with natural substances - i.e. bee pollen and extract of Salvia officinalis (sage) that are well known for the presence of many compounds with beneficial properties from a medical point of view. Materials have been first obtained by photopolymerization. Then, their surface morphology, wettability and cytotoxicity to selected cell lines have been determined. It can be stated that such combination of Beetosan® hydrogel matrix and the mentioned additives resulted in a preparation of polymers characterized by negative impact on cancer cells. Impact of hydrogels with sage is slightly more intense due to the presence of substances such as ursalic or rosmaric acid that are characterized to have anticancer activity. Such negative impact has not been observed in case of studies using fibroblasts. Furthermore, addition of natural substances into hydrogels resulted in a more homogeneous surface and in the decrease of wettability angle of the tested polymers. It can be concluded that the use of natural-derived reagents and synthesis of polymers using these reagents (as a result of environmentally friendly photopolymerization) yields materials with interesting properties for medical purposes, with particular emphasis on antitumor activity, and without significant negative impact on fibroblasts

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Chitosan-Based Hydrogels Modified with Equisetum arvense L. (Horsetail) Extract in View of Their Usefulness as Innovative Dressing Materials

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    This work focused on obtaining and characterizing hydrogels with their potential application as dressing materials for chronic wounds. The research included synthesizing chitosan-based hydrogels modified with Equisetum arvense L. (horsetail) extract via photopolymerization, and their characteristics determined with regard to the impact of both the modifier and the amount of crosslinker on their properties. The investigations included determining their sorption properties and tensile strength, evaluating their behavior in simulated physiological liquids, and characterizing their wettability and surface morphology. The release profile of horsetail extract from polymer matrices in acidic and alkaline environments was also verified. It was proved that hydrogels showed swelling ability while the modified hydrogels swelled slightly more. Hydrogels showed hydrophilic nature (all contact angles were <77°). Materials containing horsetail extract exhibited bigger elasticity than unmodified polymers (even by 30%). It was proved that the extract release was twice as effective in an acidic medium. Due to the possibility of preparation of hydrogels with specific mechanical properties (depending on both the modifier and the amount of crosslinker used), wound exudate sorption ability, and possibility of the release of active substance, hydrogels show a great application potential as dressing materials

    The Impact of the Matricaria chamomilla L. Extract, Starch Solution and the Photoinitiator on Physiochemical Properties of Acrylic Hydrogels

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    Matricaria chamomilla L. extract is well-known for its therapeutic properties; thus, it shows potential to be used to modify materials designed for biomedical purposes. In this paper, acrylic hydrogels modified with this extract were prepared. The other modifier was starch introduced into the hydrogel matrix in two forms: room-temperature solution and elevated-temperature solution. Such hydrogels were synthesized via UV radiation, while two types of photoinitiator were used: 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone or phenylbis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine oxide. The main task of performed research was to verify the impact of particular modifiers and photoinitiator on physicochemical properties of hydrogels. Studies involved determining their swelling ability, elasticity, chemical structure via FTIR spectroscopy and surface morphology via the SEM technique. Incubation of hydrogels in simulated physiological liquids, studies on the release of chamomile extract from their matrix and their biological analysis via MTT assay were also performed. It was demonstrated that all investigated variables affected the physicochemical properties of hydrogels. The modification of hydrogels with chamomile extract reduced their absorbency, decreased their thermal stability and increased the cell viability incubated with this material by 15%. Next, hydrogels obtained by using phenylbis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine oxide as a photoinitiator showed lower absorbency, more compact structure, better stability in SBF and a more effective release of chamomile extract compared to the materials prepared by using 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone. It was proved that, by applying adequate reagents, including both photoinitiator and modifiers, it is possible to obtain hydrogels with variable properties that will positively affect their application potential