33 research outputs found
Empowering refugee families in transit: the development of a culturally competent and compassionate training and support package
Background: Refugee parents who fled conflicts suffered violence and traumas and face huge challenges in supporting the health and welfare of their children whilst in transit.
Aims: To describe the development of a culturally competent and compassionate Training and Support Package (TSP) for nurses, social and health care workers and volunteers, with a focus on parenting needs among unsettled refugees fleeing conflict.
Methods: The multi-method approach included: a scoping review covering parenting needs of refugees fleeing conflict zones; collection of stories from refugee parents, healthcare workers and volunteers via a mobile application; discussions between team members; a piloted and evaluated curriculum.
Results: High levels of family distress and deterioration of parental identity were identified. Informed by these results, the curriculum is articulated along twenty bite-sized learning units, covering four age stages of childhood as well as targeting adults’ wellbeing. Pilot training was evaluated positively confirming feasibility and usefulness of TSP.
Conclusions: Unsettled refugee parents fleeing conflicts face psychosocial and practical difficulties negatively affecting their parenting skills. Care workforce should be trained in order to provide culturally competent and compassionate support to help these families. Open access digital platforms are promising as autodidactic and self-help tools amongst hard-to-reach populations
LGBT+ Training needs for health and social care professionals: a cross-cultural comparison among seven European countries
Research suggests that specific training on LGBT+ issues may improve the competencies and skills of health and social care (HSC) professionals, which reduces the negative attitudes toward LGBT+ people. Despite this, there seems to be a lack of coverage of LGBT+ needs in HSC education. The present study aims to explore the specific LGBT+ training needs of HSC professionals and to examine the relationship between these training needs and the four dimensions of the Papadopoulos model, i.e. cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and cultural competence.
The research used data from a cross-cultural project, “Intercultural Education for Nurses in Europe (IENE9),” which was administered to 412 HSC academics and workers (62% females; Mage=46.06, SDage=10.48) between February 2020 and July 2020, in seven European countries: UK (coordinator), Denmark, Spain, Germany, Cyprus, Italy, and Romania.
Hierarchical multiple regression showed that higher training needs were associated with cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, and cultural competence. The need for training on LGBT+ issues was higher for Cyprus, Romania, Spain, Italy, and the UK, compared with Denmark (no differences between Germany and Denmark were found).
We believe that there has been a lack of focus on the LGBT+ training needs of HSC professionals: Greater efforts are required to develop a culturally competent and compassionate LGBT+ curriculum.
Social Policy Implications
Findings from the present study will inform the development of a free, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), for culturally competent and compassionate HSC professionals in Europe to improve the quality of their car
Socially assistive robots in health and social care: Acceptance and cultural factors. Results from an exploratory international online survey
Aim: This study explored the views of an international sample of registered nurses and midwives working in health and social care concerning socially assistive robots (SARs), and the relationship between dimensions of culture and rejection of the idea that SARs had benefits in these settings. Methods: An online survey was used to obtain rankings of (among other topics) the extent to which SARs have benefits for health and social care. It also asked for free text responses regarding any concerns about SARs. Results: Most respondents were overwhelmingly positive about SARs' benefits. A small minority strongly rejected this idea, and qualitative analysis of the objections raised by them revealed three major themes: things might go wrong, depersonalization, and patient‐related concerns. However, many participants who were highly accepting of the benefits of SARs expressed similar objections. Cultural dimensions of long‐term orientation and uncertainty avoidance feature prominently in technology acceptance research. Therefore, the relationship between the proportion of respondents from each country who felt that SARs had no benefits and each country's ratings on long‐term orientation and uncertainty avoidance were also examined. A significant positive correlation was found for long‐term orientation, but not for uncertainty avoidance. Conclusion: Most respondents were positive about the benefits of SARs, and similar concerns about their use were expressed both by those who strongly accepted the idea that they had benefits and those who did not. Some evidence was found to suggest that cultural factors were related to rejecting the idea that SARs had benefits
Ältere LGBTQI* Männer, viel mehr als schwul und trans
Seit einigen Jahren beschäftigen sich immer mehr Autor*innen mit der Frage, welche Handreichungen Mitarbeitende im Gesundheitssystem brauchen, um adäquater auf die Bedürfnisse älterer LGBTQI* Personen einzugehen, deren (pflegerische) Anliegen nicht erkannt werden, von schwer zu überwindenden Barrieren im Gesundheitssystem berichten und die sich diskriminiert fühlen. Der Fokus der Publikationen liegt auf der sexuellen Orientierung und / oder der Genderidentität, einem Teilaspekt der Identität einer Person. Je nach Kontext und Personen sind andere Teilidentitäten, wie z.B. Familienstatus, Alter, Ethnizität, Teilhabe an sozialen Gruppen unterschiedlich stark berücksichtigt. In einer qualitativen Studie wurden, unter Integration der autoethnographischen Methode, acht Männer zwischen 53 und 75 Jahren aus den Niederlanden und Deutschland in autobiografischen-narrativen Interviews befragt, inwiefern die Coronapandemie ihre Vorstellungen vom gesunden Altern verändert hat. Alle Männer hatten komplexe Biografien, gekennzeichnet von Partnerverlust, Arbeitslosigkeit, Altersfragen, familiären und gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen neben anderen identitätsstiftenden Faktoren. Aber alle identifizierten sich seit ihrer Jugend mit ihrer sexuellen oder Genderidentität, hatten aus vielen Krisen gelernt und sorgten mit einem für sich klaren Management, dass sie auch im Alter gesund bleiben würden – Autonomie stand hoch im Kurs! Die Person nicht nur auf die Zugehörigkeit zur LGBTQI* Gruppe zu reduzieren, sondern in ihrer gesamten Identität in den Gesundheitseinrichtungen zu berücksichtigen kennzeichnet eine adäquate Pflege
Checkliste "Pflegedokumentation und fäkale Ausscheidung"
Die Checkliste „Pflegedokumentation“ basiert auf einer Literaturrecherche. Verschiedene Artikel bildeten die Grundlage für die Kriterien der Checkliste „Defäkation in der Pflegedokumentation“. Anhand dieser Checkliste wird untersucht, ob die genannten Items in der Pflegedokumentation enthalten sind und wenn ja, ob diese dann auch tatsächlich ausgefüllt und welche begründeten Rückschlüsse daraus gezogen werden und wie die Umsetzung überprüft wird und Maßnahmen ggfs angepasst werden. Z.B. Möglichkeiten der Erprobung bestimmter Interventionen gut dokumentieren
Checkliste "Sanitäre Einrichtung"
Die Checkliste „Sanitäre Einrichtung“ (Toilette, Badezimmer) basiert auf einer aktuellen Literaturstudie. Anhand verschiedener Fachtermen wurden in unterschiedlichen Datenbanken nach relevanten Artikeln gesucht, diese in Bezug auf die Fragestellung „Kriterien, die eine sanitäre Einrichtung (Toilette / Badezimmer) für Menschen in einer stationären Altenpflegeeinrichtung erfüllen muss“ analysiert und die entsprechenden geforderten Kriterien in die Checkliste aufgenommen