91 research outputs found

    Palynofacies classification of the depositional elements of confined turbidite systems : Examples from the Gres d'Annot, SE France

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    Acknowledgements We thank BG Brasil for financial support for this project and permission to publish. BG Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell. McArthur is grateful to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NĂ­vel Superior (CAPES) for the scholarship 049/2012. The AgĂȘncia Nacional do PetrĂłleo (ANP) are thanked for supporting this project. Massimo Zecchin is thanked for handling this paper and Roberto Tinterri is thanked for his constructive review, in addition to an anonymous reviewer.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution based on seismic sequence stratigraphy: Central rift section of the campos basin, offshore brazil

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    The rift section of the Brazilian basins represent the sedimentary record associated with the first stages of Gondwana break‐up in the Early Cretaceous phase (Berriasian to Aptian). The rift succession of the Campos Basin constitutes one of the main petroleum systems of Brazil’s marginal basins. This interval contains the main source rock and important reservoirs in the Lagoa Feia Group deposits. The Lagoa Feia Group is characterized by siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporite sediments deposited during the rift and post‐rift phases. Despite the economic relevance, little is known in stratigraphic terms regarding this rift interval. To date, most studies of the Lagoa Feia Group have adopted a lithostratigraphic approach, while this study proposes a tectonostrati-graphic framework for the deep‐rift succession of the Campos Basin (Lagoa Feia Group), using the fundamentals of seismic sequence stratigraphy. This work also aims to establish a methodological and practical procedure for the stratigraphic analysis of rift basins, using seismic data and seismofacies, and focusing on tectonicstratigraphic analysis. The dataset comprised 2D seismic lines, core and lithological logs from exploration wells. Three seismic facies were identified based on reflector patterns and lithologic data from well cores, providing an improved subdivision of the pre‐, syn‐ and post‐rift stages. The syn‐rift stage was further subdivided based on the geometric patterns of the reflectors. Tectonics was the main controlling factor in the sedimentary succession, and the pattern and geometry of the seismic reflectors of the syn‐rift interval in the Campos Basin allowed the identification of three tectonic systems tracts: (i) a Rift Initiation Systems Tract; (ii) a High Tectonic Activity Systems Tract and (iii) a Low Tectonic Activity Systems Tract

    Palynofacies classification of submarine fan depositional environments: Outcrop examples from the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation, Italy

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    Basin floor fans contain some of the largest deep-water hydrocarbon accumulations discovered, however they also demonstrate extremely complex stratigraphic architecture, understanding of which is crucial for maximum recovery. Here we develop a new method, based upon palynofacies analysis, for the distinction of the different depositional environments that are commonly associated with basin floor fans. Previous studies and our sedimentological analysis allow good confidence in the discrimination of the different depositional environments of the outcropping Marnoso-Arenacea Formation fan system. One hundred and thirty-five samples were collected from mudstones in conjunction with sedimentary logging of 871 m of outcrops. Six lithofacies associations are described and interpreted to represent lobe axis, lobe fringe, fan fringe, contained interlobe, basin plain, and starved high depositional sub-environments. Palynofacies of these elements demonstrate turbidites to be rich in terrestrial organic matter, with sixteen categories of matter recognised. The abundances and proportions of particles varies between sub-environments, with lobe axis deposits containing the largest, densest particles, with a transition to ever smaller and lighter particles moving toward the basin plain. Fuzzy C-means statistical analysis was used to explore this trend. Distribution of organic matter is not random, but is dominated by hydrodynamic sorting and sequential fall-out of particles as turbidity currents passed across the basin. This allows a palynofacies classification scheme to be constructed to assist the identification of depositional environments of submarine fans, which may be combined with subsurface data to assist reservoir characterisation

    Does fixed-angle plate osteosynthesis solve the problems of a fractured proximal humerus?: A prospective series of 87 patients

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    Background and purpose There is considerable controversy about the treatment of complex, displaced proximal humeral fractures. Various types of head-preserving osteosynthesis have been suggested. This prospective case series was designed to evaluate the perioperative and early postoperative complications associated with fixed-angle implants and to record outcome after bone healing

    Strongly coupled binuclear uranium-oxo complexes from uranyl oxo rearrangement and reductive silylation

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    The most common motif in uranium chemistry is the d0f0 uranyl ion [UO2]21 in which the oxo groups are rigorously linear and inert. Alternative geometries, such as the cis-uranyl, have been identified theoretically and implicated in oxo-atom transfer reactions that are relevant to environmental speciation and nuclear waste remediation. Single electron reduction is now known to impart greater oxo-group reactivity, but with retention of the linear OUO motif, and reactions of the oxo groups to form new covalent bonds remain rare. Here, we describe the synthesis, structure, reactivity and magnetic properties of a binuclear uranium–oxo complex. Formed through a combination of reduction and oxo-silylation and migration from a trans to a cis position, the new butterfly-shaped Si–OUO2UO–Si molecule shows remarkably strong UV–UV coupling and chemical inertness, suggesting that this rearranged uranium oxo motif might exist for other actinide species in the environment, and have relevance to the aggregation of actinide oxide clusters.JRC.E.6-Actinides researc
