58 research outputs found

    FCNC in left-right symmetric theories and constraints on the right-handed scale

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    We revise the limits on the FCNC higgses in manifestly left-right symmetric theories. It is shown that the combination of the Kobayashi-Maskawa CP-violation with the tree level ΔS=2\Delta S=2 higgs exchange gives very large contribution to the CP-violating Ï”\epsilon parameter. It leads to the new strong constraint on the FCNC higgs mass, M>50- 100 TeV, enhanced by factor of the order mt/mc\sqrt{m_t/m_c}. Being addressed to the supersymmetric left-right models, FCNC problem requires both right-handed scale and supersymmetric mass parameters be heavier than 50 TeV for tanÎČ∌1tan\beta\sim 1. The most relaxed case corresponds to tanÎČ∌20−30tan\beta\sim 20- 30 where right-handed scale can be of the order of few TeV.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Supersymmetric Left-Right Model and Light Doubly Charged Higgs Bosons and Higgsinos

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    We point out that in a large class of supersymmetric left-right models with automatic R-parity conservation there are a pair of light doubly charged Higgs bosons and Higgsinos. Requiring the mass of these particles to satisfy the LEP Z-width bound implies that WRW_R mass must be above 10910^{9} GeV.Comment: 9 pages; no figure

    Simple supersymmetric solution to the strong CP problem

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    It is shown that the minimal supersymmetric left-right model can provide a natural solution to the strong {\it CP} problem without the need for an axion, nor any additional symmetries beyond supersymmetry and parity.Comment: Plain Latex. 10 pages, including two figures which are part of the Latex file. Shortened version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 7

    Higgs sector and R-parity breaking couplings in models with broken U(1)_B-L gauge symmetry

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    Four different supersymmetric models based on SU(2)_L X U(1)_R X U(1)_B-L and SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R X U(1)_B-L gauge symmetry groups are studied. U(1)_B-L symmetry is broken spontaneously by a vacuum expectation value (VEV) of a sneutrino field. The right-handed gauge bosons may obtain their mass solely by sneutrino VEV. The physical charged lepton and neutrino are mixtures of gauginos, higgsinos and lepton interaction eigenstates. Explicit formulae for masses and mixings in the physical lepton fields are found. The spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism fixes the trilinear R-parity breaking couplings. Only some special R-parity breaking trilinear couplings are allowed. There is a potentially large trilinear lepton number breaking coupling - which is unique to left-right models - that is proportional to the SU(2)_R gauge coupling g_R. The couplings are parametrized by few mixing angles, making the spontaneous R-parity breaking a natural ``unification framework'' for R-parity breaking couplings in SUSYLR models.Comment: 19 pages, no figures, uses REVTeX. To be published in PR

    Solution to the Strong CP Problem: Supersymmetry with Parity

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    There is a natural solution to the strong CP problem in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model if it arises from a parity symmetric theory which is spontaneously broken to MSSM at Planck, GUT or intermediate scales. The strong CP phase is zero at the tree level and is not induced to two loops. The SUSY phase problems are also solved. The universal soft SUSY breaking parameters A, B, \mu, m_{1/2} are all automatically real and the only additional CP violation effects of the low-energy MSSM are characterized by a Hermitian squark mass matrix whose phases depend on the CKM phase. Cases with non-universal boundary conditions are also considered.Comment: Typo in an equation corrected. Results unchanged. 8 pages, Late

    Reconciling Supersymmetry and Left-Right Symmetry

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    We construct the minimal supersymmetric left-right theory and show that at the renormalizable level it requires the existence of an intermediate B−LB-L breaking scale. The subsequent symmetry breaking down to MSSM automatically preserves R-symmetry. Furthermore, unlike in the nonsupersymmetric version of the theory, the see-saw mechanism takes its canonical form. The theory predicts the existence of a triplet of Higgs scalars much lighter than the B−LB-L breaking scale.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure

    Minimal Supersymmetric Left-Right Model

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    We construct the truly minimal left-right symmetric model by utilizing only the fields dictated by supersymmetry and automatic R-parity conservation. Allowing for non-renormalizable operators in the superpotential, we show that parity can be spontaneously broken while preserving electromagnetic gauge invariance. The scale of parity breakdown is predicted in the intermediate region: MR>1010−1011GeVM_R > 10^{10}- 10^{11} GeV, and R-parity remains exact. The theory contains a number of charged and doubly charged Higgs scalars with a low mass of order MR2/MPlanckM_R^2/M_{Planck}, accessible to experiment.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, no figure

    Implications of supersymmetric models with natural R-parity conservation

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    In the minimal supersymmetric standard model, the conservation of R-parity is phenomenologically desirable, but is ad hoc in the sense that it is not required for the internal consistency of the theory. However, if B-L is gauged at very high energies, R-parity will be conserved automatically and exactly, provided only that all order parameters carry even integer values of 3(B-L). We propose a minimal extension of the supersymmetric standard model in which R-parity conservation arises naturally in this way. This approach predicts the existence of a very weakly coupled, neutral chiral supermultiplet of particles with electroweak-scale masses and lifetimes which may be cosmologically interesting. Neutrino masses arise via an intermediate-scale seesaw mechanism, and a solution to the Ό\mu problem is naturally incorporated. The apparent unification of gauge couplings at high energies is shown to be preserved in this approach. We also discuss a next-to-minimal extension, which predicts a pair of electroweak-scale chiral supermultiplets with electric charge 2.Comment: 19 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    P, C and Strong CP in Left-Right Supersymmetric Models

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    We systematically study the connection between P, C and strong CP in the context of both non-supersymmetric and supersymmetric left-right theories. We find that the solution to the strong CP problem requires both supersymmetry and parity breaking scales to be around the weak scale.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, no figures. Some minor changes, final version as published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4744 (1997

    b -> s gamma in the left-right supersymmetric model

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    The rare decay b→sγb \to s \gamma is studied in the left-right supersymmetric model. We give explicit expressions for all the amplitudes associated with the supersymmetric contributions coming from gluinos, charginos and neutralinos in the model to one-loop level. The branching ratio is enhanced significantly compared to the standard model and minimal supersymmetric standard model values by contributions from the right-handed gaugino and squark sector. We give numerical results coming from the leading order contributions. If the only source of flavor violation comes from the CKM matrix, we constrain the scalar fermion-gaugino sector. If intergenerational mixings are allowed in the squark mass matrix, we constrain such supersymmetric sources of flavor violation. The decay b→sγb \to s \gamma sets constraints on the parameters of the model and provides distinguishing signs from other supersymmetric scenarios.Comment: 12 figure
