1,904 research outputs found

    Anti-VEGF Agents for Ocular Angiogenesis and Vascular Permeability

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    We review articles describing intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drug trials, while discussing the mechanisms of the action of anti-VEGF antibodies, and also evaluating their outcomes. Intraocular injections of anti-VEGF drug are considered to be an effective treatment for macular edema after retinal vein occlusion, however, recurrent/persistent edema is common. The recent reports may lead to a shift in treatment paradigm for DME, from laser photocoagulation, to newer approaches using anti-VEGF drugs. There have been several well-publicized prospective, randomized studies that demonstrated the efficacy of intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drugs for patients with AMD. Adjuvant bevacizumab for neovascular glaucoma may prevent further PAS formation, and it is likely to open up a therapeutic window for a panretinal photocoagulation and trabeculectomy. Intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (IVB) results in a substantial decrease in bleeding from the retinal vessels or new vessels during a standard vitrectomy. IVB has also been reported to be effective for inducing the regression of new vessels in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The use of bevacizumab in stage 4 or 5 retinopahty of permaturity (ROP) is to reduce the plus sign to help reduce hemorrhage during the subsequent vitrectomy. Some authors reported cases of resolution of stage 4 A ROP after bevacizumab injection

    “Goodness” Criteria for Qualitative Research from the Viewpoint of Paradigm Theory

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    質的研究の重要性は教育工学分野においても,次第に認知されるようになってきた.しかし,まだ当学会内において質的研究に関する評価基準は十分に確立されているとは言えない.そこで本稿では,量的研究と質的研究のパラダイムの違いが,研究方法や評価基準の違いに関係してくることを明らかにする.研究方法論の違いは,単なる手法の違いではなく,パラダイムの基本前提に根ざしたものであり,量的研究の評価基準をそのまま質的研究に当てはめることはできない.そのため,質的研究の評価をするためには量的研究とは違った基準を設定する必要がある.また,質的研究には多様なアプローチがあり,厳密な基準を一元的に当てはめることも適切ではないことに言及し,これからの教育工学における質的研究の評価について展望する. Although the importance of qualitative research has been recognized among practitioners and researchers of Educational Technology, consensus of "goodness" criteria among professionals has not yet been well established. In this paper, the author clarifies that the differences between two paradigms are rooted in their basic assumptions so that methodologies and goodness criteria should be different in qualitative and quantitative research. Since qualitative research includes a variety of approaches, it is not appropriate to apply the same rigorous criteria of quantitative research to qualitative research. In addition, since Educational Technology is regarded as an interdisciplinary field, researchers need to appreciate different paradigms, respect other methodologies, and develop new criteria for qualitative research.資

    Philosophical Assumptions in Instructional/Learning Theory: A Paradigmatic Viewpoint

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    教育をとりまく状況が大きく変化する中で,客観主義と構成主義の教授・学習理論についての議論が活発になってきた.本論文では,いくつかのパラダイム論について考察を加え,それぞれの教授・学習理論が構築された前提の違いを概略する.客観主義パラダイムでは,科学的な方法を用い「唯一の真理」を求めることにより,時間や状況に依存しない普遍的な法則を発見する事をめざしている.一方,構成主義パラダイムでは,真理はそれぞれの人の中で構成されるため多様なものと見なしている.二つのパラダイムの教授・学習理論は,それぞれの哲学的前提が大きく異なるため,互いに相いれない部分を持っている.パラダイムの視点は,これまで暗黙の前提だったものに光を当て,理論的な考え方の違いを明確にすることができる. The debate between objectivism and constructivism has been growing apace with the changes presently coming about in the educational environment. In this article, the author reviews several paradigmatic theories and explains how instructional/learning theories have been developed under different paradigms. In the objective paradigm, it is assumed that goal is to seek the "absolute truth" through scientific methods and researchers try to develop grand time- and context-independent theories. On the other hand, under the constructive paradigm, each individual constructs his or her own reality, in other words. Therefore there are really multiple realities. Objectivist methods, which regard all knowledge as objective and independent of human cognition and which involves the manipulation of symbols, are quite different from constructivist methods. Since these two paradigms have complete different sets of basic assumptions, their related instructional/learning theories are also quite different. A paradigmatic viewpoint can make tacit assumptions more visible as well as can clearly point out problematic situaions.資

    グループウェアを利用した一般教育 ーこれからの一般教育におけるコンピュータ活用についての一提案ー

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    Comparison of the Interactive Classroom Cultures in Japan and Bangladesh : Muhammmad Nur-E-Alam SIDDIQUEE

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    The objective of this study is to compare the interactive classroom cultures in Japan and Bangladesh. A qualitative research design and especially an ethnographic video study were employed as a part of this unique study. Twenty science lessons from elementary education of both countries\u27 were recorded. Video lessons were transcribed verbatim and analyzed with coded categories. The results of our study revealed that there were notable gaps between the classroom culture in Japan and Bangladesh. More specifically, it was observed that the current teaching practices in the elementary science classroom in Bangladesh are unable to effectively promote active learningThis research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17H04572

    Learning Theories and Models in the Constructivist Paradigm

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    本稿では,構成主義 (constructivism) パラダイムについて取り上げ,構成主義を土台とした教育における理論について検討を加える.人間活動を社会・文化・歴史的な視点から捉えようとする動きは、1980年代の終わり頃から活発になってきた。その潮流のもとになっている構成主義パラダイムについて、認識論を客観主義との比較することで明らかにする。さらに、構成主義の学習論を状況的学習、社会文化的理論、分散認知の視点から説明する。状況的学習では、徒弟的なコミュニティにおける学びの事例をもとに正統的周辺参加の概念を説明する。社会文化的理論では、子どもの発達・学習の過程において、子どもが集団活動の中で模倣や大人の指導で成長していくことを「発達の最近接領域」から説明する。分散認知では、仕事の中でどのように周りの環境を活用し、活動をするか、人と状況を一つの分析単位として説明をする。最後に、構成主義の学習理論の学校教育への適応可能性について検討する。The author analyzes learning theories based on the constructivist paradigm a movement describing human activities by social, cultural, and historical perspectives that began in the late 1980s. The author compares the root of this movement, on the basis of the constructivism paradigm, with objectivism. Constructivist learning principals are explained by three learning theories; situated learning, socio-cultural, and distributed cognition. For situated learning, the author describes learning in apprenticeship communities by using the concept of "legitimate peripheral participation. " For the socio-cultural theory, the author explains how children grow by imitating and scaffolding based on adult role models in the learner\u27s zone of proximal development For distributed cognition, the author describes how people work interactively with surrounding resources, a process in which the researcher cannot separate human beings and artifacts when analyzing human activities. Finally, the author examines applicability of constructivist learning theories to school learning contexts

    Empowerment and Gender Planning

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    Meet The Globe Project: Internet Communication Activities with Overseas Volunteers

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    Meet The Globe project (here after MTG) where Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and high school students exchange messages through e-mail for several months as a part of their intercultural education was started in 2000. Based on the practice of MTG at one elementary school and seven high schools, six important issues are proposed in order to utilize MTG at schools successfully. They are, 1) rigidity vs. flexibility, 2) group vs. individual, 3) resource persons vs. resource books, 4) etic vs. emic, 5) self disclosure vs. self presentation, 6) related topics vs. unrelated topics

    Synchronizing learning material on Moodle and lecture based supportive tool: The REST based approach

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    A lecturer's role are the important part for the success of any eLearning platform, include Moodle LMS. Because only lecturers that enrich learning materials. Unfortunately, Indonesia still faces the bandwidth gap that made difficulties to use Moodle as a daily basis. Moreover, it will become complex when lecturer decide to install it on a local machine. This paper presents supportive tool that not only for enrich learning materials in offline conditions with easy initiation steps, but also synchronize it on remote LMS using Moodle RE ST web service in order to share learning material in limited bandwidth

    The use of Lecturer Based Supportive Tools (LBST) as Data Provider for Indonesian Lecturer Administrative Problems

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    Recently, Indonesia has more than 3.000 Higher Education Institutions, 300.000 lecturers, and 7.8 million higher education students. To handle those numerous stakeholders, Directorate General Higher Education Indonesia Government (DGHEI - as the regulator of higher education institutions) has been developed several websites as Information Systems (IS). The developed information system was used to manage information that attached on the stakeholders entities. Those information entities were projected for open public data access. In other hand, the Information Systems that offered by DGHEI are not only single information system. But also several information system that not integrated yet become single portal. Moreover, DGHEI regulates lecturers to upload their entities such as portfolios and other supporting documents developed IS's. However, this will be cause a time consuming, repetition activities and data redundant. Those problems are called administrative problems. In the meantime, our current development Lecturer Based Supportive Tool (LBST) has been developed as lecturer assistance to enrich learning materials on limited bandwidth condition. This paper discusses the use of LBST as Data Provider to solve the administrative problems that has been occurred in Indonesia higher education environments. Instead of uploading into DGHEI information systems, lecturers eager to use LBST as an alternative systems that offered by DGHEI. As a result, LBST could be driven into data provider that provides information that needed by DGHEI or other data customers