343 research outputs found

    Dimethyl sulfoxide-respiring bacteria in Suribati Ike, a hypersaline lake, in Antarctica and the marine environment

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    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) occurs worldwide, especially in marine environments as well as in lakes and rainwater. DMSO respiration by bacteria is assumed to play an important role in the sulfur cycle in Antarctica and on earth. We first studied whether DMSO-respiring bacteria existed in Antarctica. Eight strains were isolated that grew by DMSO respiration under anaerobic conditions from water of the halocline in a meromictic lake, Suribati Ike, near Syowa Station in Antarctica. All of them were related to known species belonging to the genus Marinobacter based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. Using a clone library analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences, 38 of total 48 clones from water of the halocline were identified as Marinobacter. Studies on the various anaerobic respiration capabilities by bacteria in the halocline water found only DMSO respiration. Studies on bacteria with anaerobic respiration abilities in seawater from the Pacific Ocean and Seto Inland Sea, showed that either DMSO-respiring or nitrate-respiring bacteria were present and that all of isolates capable of DMSO respiration were closely related to Vibrio species


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    The relationsships between fruit drop induced by seed injury and seed development were investigated in “Beni Shimizu” peach. Seed injury(Injury) was done by drilling from opposite side of suture line upto seed coat using an electric drill(outre diameter of 2.5mm) at 40, 50, 60, 72 and 80 days after full bloom(DAFB). Injections of gibberellic acid(GA) and paclobutrazol(PBZ) (Injection), which relate to fruit drop and seed development were carried out just after the injury for seed. In all of the Injury and Injection treatments, treated fruit dropped in 40, 50 and 60 DAFB treatments but not in 72 and 80 DAFB treatments. Weight of fruit and seed debreased rapidly at 3 days after treatment(DAT) in 60 DAFB treatment. Morphology of endosperm and embryo was compared among 60, 72 and 80 DAFB treatments. Growth of endosperm and embryo stopped from 3 DAT in 60 DAFB treatment but embryo continued to grow until 5 DAT in 72 DAFB treatment. Collapsed cell nucleus in endosperm and embryo occurred at 3 DAT in 60 DAFB treatment. On the other hend, in 72 DAFB treatment cell nuclei in endosperm collapsed in a similar manner as in 60 DAFB treatment although the cell nuclei in embryo did not collapse. When morphology of chalazal haustorium in 60 DAFB treatment was examined, chalazal haustorium began to shrink just after the treatment and percentage of seed with normal chalazal haustorium decreasedrapidly in all treatments. Based on these results, the process of seed abortion as a result of seed injury and its relationship between embryo growth and fruit drop is discussed.モモ‘紅清水’において種子への傷害が誘起する落果と種子発育との関係を検討した.種子への傷害(傷害処理)と して果実の縫合線と逆の位置から種皮まで外径2.5㎜のドリルを満開後40,50,60,72および80日に挿入した.落果や 種子発育と関係するジベレリンとパクロブトラゾールの種子への注入(注入処理)も傷害処理後に行った.傷害処理, 注入処理ともに,満開後40~60日処理には処理した果実が全て落下したのに対し,72および80日処理では,いずれも 落下しなかった.60日処理では,果実および種子の新鮮重がともに処理3日後に減少し始めた.胚乳と胚の形態を満 開後60,72および80日処理間で比較した.胚乳および胚の成長は60日処理では処理3日後に停止したが,72日処理で は胚が処理5日後まで成長し続けた.胚乳と胚の細胞核の崩壊は,処理時の胚長が5㎜未満であった60日処理では, 処理3日後に生じた.一方,処理時の胚長が約8㎜であった72日処理では,胚乳における細胞核の崩壊は60日処理と 同様の傾向で生じたが,胚の細胞核は崩壊しなかった.60日処理において合点側吸器の形態を観察したところ,吸器 は傷害処理や注入処理によって直ちに収縮し始め,正常な合点側吸器を持つ種子の割合は急速に低下した.これらの 結果に基づいて,種子への傷害による種子の退化過程ならびに胚の成長と落果との関係を考察し

    Women's anxiety in old age and long-term care provision for the elderly.

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    The purpose of this study was to verify the differences in women's anxiety in old age, the expected long-term care provision, and the expected final location for terminal care for the women themselves and for their parents. In addition, we examined factors that related to their anxiety and needs. The subjects were 1,000 women of the Seikatsu Club customer cooperative association in Chiba; 539 responded to our survey. The subjects were more anxious for their parents than for themselves. They more strongly expected long-term care for their parents to be provided by their family than they expected the same for themselves. Although no differences were observed in the expected location for terminal care, most subjects expected their home to be the terminal location. Analysis by the multiple logistic regression model indicated that the following factors were significantly related to the anxiety in old age: age odds ratio [OR = 1.81], employment [OR = 2.25] for women, and planning to live with parents [OR = 2.42], housing conditions [OR = 0.56] for parents. The following factors were significantly related to the expected long-term care provision: age [OR = 2.22] for women, and age [OR = 2.15], living with parents [OR = 3.58], and employment [OR = 2.33] for parents. Age [OR = 2.14] for women, and planning to live with parents [OR = 2.09] for parents were significantly related to the expected final location of terminal care. This survey showed that women expected long-term care for their parents to be provided by their family, while many expected public long-term care services for themselves. This is the biggest difference in women's outlook on long-term care for their parents and for themselves. Multivariate analysis suggested that women aged 40 years or over, who will need long-term care in the future, tended to expect public home care services for themselves. It is virtually certain that the demand for public home care services will increase in the future.</p

    Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Stomach: A Case Study

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    Gastric neuroendocrine carcinomas are rare and have a poor prognosis, and the diagnostic criteria for this disease have recently changed. We herein report a case of sporadic gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma. A 75-year-old man was referred to our hospital with epigastric pain. Endoscopic examination revealed a localized ulcerative lesion (diameter, 4 cm) at the upper stomach. The diagnosis on biopsy was neuroendocrine carcinoma. Total gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy, splenectomy, and cholecystectomy was performed. Pathologically, the tumor infiltrated the subserosal layer, and 6/49 lymph nodes were involved. The tumor was uniform in shape and arranged in a rosette-like structure to form solid nests, with medium-sized, round-to-cuboid-shaped tumor cells and intense mitosis 46/10 HPF. It was positive for synaptophysin and chromogranin A, and the Ki-67 labeling index was 70–80%. The diagnosis of neuroendocrine carcinoma was made according to the WHO 2010 criteria. The patient was followed up for three years without recurrence

    Alzheimer’s disease manifests abnormal sphingolipid metabolism

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    IntroductionAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with disturbed metabolism, prompting investigations into specific metabolic pathways that may contribute to its pathogenesis and pathology. Sphingolipids have garnered attention due to their known physiological impact on various diseases.MethodsWe conducted comprehensive profiling of sphingolipids to understand their possible role in AD. Sphingolipid levels were measured in AD brains, Cerad score B brains, and controls, as well as in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells (AD, PS, and control), using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry.ResultsAD brains exhibited higher levels of sphingosine (Sph), total ceramide 1-phosphate (Cer1P), and total ceramide (Cer) compared to control and Cerad-B brains. Deoxy-ceramide (Deoxy-Cer) was elevated in Cerad-B and AD brains compared to controls, with increased sphingomyelin (SM) levels exclusively in Cerad-B brains. Analysis of cell lysates revealed elevated dihydroceramide (dhSph), total Cer1P, and total SM in AD and PS cells versus controls. Multivariate analysis highlighted the relevance of Sph, Cer, Cer1P, and SM in AD pathology. Machine learning identified Sph, Cer, and Cer1P as key contributors to AD.DiscussionOur findings suggest the potential importance of Sph, Cer1P, Cer, and SM in the context of AD pathology. This underscores the significance of sphingolipid metabolism in understanding and potentially targeting mechanisms underlying AD

    Gastrointestinal Endoscopy for Patients with High Levels of Serum CEA and CA19-9

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    Serum levels of tumor markers, such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), are often measured to detect potential malignancy. When these levels are high, the presence or absence of malignancy is confirmed via a more detailed examination using gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy and computed tomography. The rate of confirmation of malignancy upon such a follow-up is unknown. This study aimed to investigate the malignancy detection rate via GI endoscopy for patients with high levels of serum CEA and CA19-9. All patients who underwent such GI endoscopy between January 2018 and February 2019 at Showa University Hospital were included in this study. The patients were divided into a follow-up group and a screening group, depending on the purpose of measuring their serum CEA/CA19-9 levels. There were 156 patients who underwent GI endoscopy because of high CEA/CA19-9 levels within the study period. Advanced malignant lesions were detected in 10 patients (6.4%), including seven cases of colorectal cancer and three cases of upper GI malignancies. In the screening group, six cases (5.7%) of GI malignancies were detected, none of which were found in asymptomatic patients without anemia. In the follow-up group, four cases (7.8%) of GI malignancies were detected; three patients were asymptomatic, and one patient had anemia. Our findings suggest that high serum CEA/CA19-9 levels in asymptomatic patients without anemia and without a history of malignancy do not indicate the presence of malignancy. However, high serum CEA/CA19-9 levels may indicate the potential presence of GI malignancies for patients with a history of malignant tumors, even if they are asymptomatic and do not have anemia

    A new telestroke network system in northern area of Okayama prefecture

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    Background Telestroke network can provide rapid access to specialized treatment and improves on‐site management of acute stroke patients through the “hub‐and‐spoke” model. In the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, there has been a regional gap of stroke care due to the shortage of stroke specialists and facilities. In addition, due to the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), it is required to reduce the unnecessary contact with stroke patients from other hospitals. Aim We organized a novel cost‐free telestroke network with an image and video sharing for neurological diseases in the northern part of Okayama Prefecture to improve the stroke management in the area. Method We prepared the tablet device on which Skype® application was installed for each hospital and recruited the patients who visited or hospitalized in the spoke hospitals and were suspected to have some neurological diseases from April 2019 to May 2020. The patient's clinical data were recorded and analyzed. Results During the study period, 5 patients were recruited including the cases with the initial diagnosis of stroke or brain tumor. Among them, 2 cases were transferred to the hub hospital, 2 cases were transferred to other hospitals, and 1 case was treated on site under specialist's advice. Conclusion The new telestroke network system may be beneficial for acute stroke management and reducing the unnecessary patient's transfer in the rural area, especially under coexistence with COVID‐19