14,252 research outputs found

    Electronic structure and resistivity of the double exchange model

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    The double exchange (DE) model with quantum local spins S is studied; an equation of motion approach is used and decoupling approximations analogous to Hubbard's are made. Our approximate one-electron Green function G is exact in the atomic limit of zero bandwidth for all S and band filling n, and as n->0 reduces to a dynamical coherent potential approximation (CPA) due to Kubo; we regard our approximation as a many-body generalisation of Kubo's CPA. G is calculated self-consistently for general S in the paramagnetic state and for S=1/2 in a state of arbitrary magnetization. The electronic structure is investigated and four bands per spin are obtained centred on the atomic limit peaks of the spectral function. A resistivity formula appropriate to the model is derived from the Kubo formula and the paramagnetic state resistivity rho is calculated; insulating states are correctly obtained at n=0 and n=1 for strong Hund coupling. Our prediction for rho is much too small to be consistent with experiments on manganites so we agree with Millis et al that the bare DE model is inadequate. We show that the agreement with experiment obtained by Furukawa is due to his use of an unphysical density of states.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Steps and dips in the ac conductance and noise of mesoscopic structures

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    The frequency dependence of the equilibrium ac conductance (or the noise power spectrum) through a mesoscopic structure is shown to exhibit steps and dips. The steps, at energies related to the resonances of the structure, are closely related to the partial Friedel phases of these resonances, thus allowing a direct measurement of these phases (without interferometry). The dips in the spectrum are related to a destructive interference in the absorption of energy by transitions between these resonances, in some similarity with the Fano effect.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in the absence of a Magnetic Field

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    We propose that in a system with pocket Fermi surfaces, a pairing state with a finite total momentum q_tot like the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state can be stabilized even without a magnetic field. When a pair is composed of electrons on a pocket Fermi surface whose center is not located at Gamma point, the pair inevitably has finite q_tot. To investigate this possibility, we consider a two-orbital model on a square lattice that can realize pocket Fermi surfaces and we apply fluctuation exchange approximation. Then, by changing the electron number n per site, we indeed find that such superconducting states with finite q_tot are stabilized when the system has pocket Fermi surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The hepatic sympathetic nerve plays a critical role in preventing Fas induced liver injury in mice

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    Background: Although previous studies have shown that the hepatic sympathetic nerve controls various physiological functions in the liver, the role of this nerve in liver injury has yet to be clarified.Aims: The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of this nerve, based on our newly developed technique for selectively removing the activities of the hepatic sympathetic nerve.Subjects and methods: Male C57BL/6 mice were operated on for hepatic sympathetic denervation. Thereafter, mice were intravenously administered 0.25 or 0.35 mg/g weight of the Fas agonist antibody, Jo-2, after which mortality by fulminant hepatitis was evaluated. Apoptosis in the liver was also examined by both terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick end labelling and caspase-3 assay.Results: Mortality in sympathectomised mice was significantly higher than that in sham operated mice following administration of Jo-2. This result was also supported by apoptosis data in which sympathectomised livers exhibited a significant elevation in the number of apoptotic hepatocytes and caspase-3 activity after Jo-2 treatment compared with sham operated livers. Moreover, pretreatment with norepinephrine dose dependently inhibited the hepatic sympathectomy induced increase in mortality after Jo-2 injection. Antiapoptotic protein levels of FLICE inhibitory protein, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-2 in the liver were significantly lower in sympathectomised mice at one and two hours following Jo-2 treatment than in sham operated animals. In addition, interleukin 6 supplementation dose dependently suppressed the hepatic sympathectomy induced increase in mortality after Jo-2 treatment.Conclusions: These results suggest that norepinephrine released from the hepatic sympathetic nerve plays a critical role in protecting the liver from Fas mediated fulminant hepatitis, possibly via mechanisms including antiapoptotic proteins and interleukin 6

    Next-to-Leading Order Shear Viscosity in lambda phi^4 Theory

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    We show that the shear viscosity of lambda phi^4 theory is sensitive at next-to-leading order to soft physics, which gives rise to subleading corrections suppressed by only a half power of the coupling, eta = [3033.54 + 1548.3 m_{th}/T] N T^3]/[ (N+2)/3 lambda^2], with m^2_th=(N+2)/72 lambda T^2. The series appears to converge about as well (or badly) as the series for the pressure.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Typos fixed, tiny change in discussio

    On the Coexistence Magnetism/Superconductivity in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CePt3_3Si

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    The interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in the newly discovered heavy-fermion superconductor CePt3_3Si has been investigated using the zero-field μ\muSR technique. The μ\muSR data indicate that the whole muon ensemble senses spontaneous internal fields in the magnetic phase, demonstrating that magnetism occurs in the whole sample volume. This points to a microscopic coexistence between magnetism and heavy-fermion superconductivity.Comment: Final version, new figure structure, references correcte

    Super and Sub-Poissonian photon statistics for single molecule spectroscopy

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    We investigate the distribution of the number of photons emitted by a single molecule undergoing a spectral diffusion process and interacting with a continuous wave laser field. The spectral diffusion is modeled based on a stochastic approach, in the spirit of the Anderson-Kubo line shape theory. Using a generating function formalism we solve the generalized optical Bloch equations, and obtain an exact analytical formula for the line shape and Mandel's Q parameter. The line shape exhibits well known behaviors, including motional narrowing when the stochastic modulation is fast, and power broadening. The Mandel parameter, describing the line shape fluctuations, exhibits a transition from a Quantum sub-Poissonian behavior in the fast modulation limit, to a classical super-Poissonian behavior found in the slow modulation limit. Our result is applicable for weak and strong laser field, namely for arbitrary Rabi frequency. We show how to choose the Rabi frequency in such a way that the Quantum sub-Poissonian nature of the emission process becomes strongest. A lower bound on QQ is found, and simple limiting behaviors are investigated. A non-trivial behavior is obtained in the intermediate modulation limit, when the time scales for spectral diffusion and the life time of the excited state, become similar. A comparison is made between our results, and previous ones derived based on the semi-classical generalized Wiener--Khintchine theorem.Comment: 14 Phys. Rev style pages, 10 figure

    Electron Magnetic Resonance: The Modified Bloch Equation

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    We find a modified Bloch equation for the electronic magnetic moment when the magnetic moment explicitly contains a diamagnetic contribution (a magnetic field induced magnetic moment arising from the electronic orbital angular momentum) in addition to the intrinsic magnetic moment of the electron. The modified Bloch is coupled to equations of motion for the position and momentum operators. In the presence of static and time varying magnetic field components, the magnetic moment oscillates out of phase with the magnetic field and power is absorbed by virtue of the magnetic field induced magnetic moment, even in the absence of coupling to the environment. We explicitly work out the spectrum and absorption for the case of a pp state electron

    Fictive Impurity Approach to Dynamical Mean Field Theory: a Strong-Coupling Investigation

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    Quantum Monte Carlo and semiclassical methods are used to solve two and four site cluster dynamical mean field approximations to the square lattice Hubbard model at half filling and strong coupling. The energy, spin correlation function, phase boundary and electron spectral function are computed and compared to available exact results. The comparision permits a quantitative assessment of the ability of the different methods to capture the effects of intersite spin correlations. Two real space methods and one momentum space representation are investigated. One of the two real space methods is found to be significantly worse: in it, convergence to the correct results is found to be slow and, for the spectral function, nonuniform in frequency, with unphysical midgap states appearing. Analytical arguments are presented showing that the discrepancy arises because the method does not respect the pole structure of the self energy of the insulator. Of the other two methods, the momentum space representation is found to provide the better approximation to the intersite terms in the energy but neither approximation is particularly acccurate and the convergence of the momentum space method is not uniform. A few remarks on numerical methods are made.Comment: Errors in previous versions corrected; CDMFT results adde
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