519 research outputs found

    An electron-microscopic study on lipogenesis

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    With the purpose to elucidate morphologically the site where fat synthesis takes place in the cell, electron-microscopic observation has been conducted on the interscapular brown fat tissue of mice at various periods of carbohydrate introduction after starvation. By starving mice, the depot lipids in the brown fat have been discharged almost completely, and the carbohydrate introduction has caused the biosynthesis of lipids from carbohydrtates in the same tissue. Observations on the tissues proved that the lipogenesis in the brown fat tissue cells takes place in the ground substance keeping the intimate correlation with the endoplasmic reticulum but not in the mitochondria.</p

    Kazuya NAGASAWA

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    Abstract Anglerfish Lophius litulon (Jordan) caught commercially in the East China Sea off western Japan were found to be infected with the chondracanthid copepod Acanthochondria spiriger

    Effects of Switching from Treatment with Amlodipine and Atorvastatin Using Two Pills to an Equal Dose of Single-Pill Therapy in Japanese Outpatients

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    This study examined whether switching from amlodipine and atorvastatin treatment using two pills to an equal dose of single-pill therapy is useful in Japanese outpatients. We retrospectively reviewed data obtained from 94 outpatients for whom treatment with two pills, namely amlodipine and atorvastatin, was switched to an equal dose of single-pill therapy in 11 hospitals. The criterion for enrollment in this study was that patients had switched their medication without changing other anti-hypertensive or anti-cholesterol drugs. Neither systolic nor diastolic blood pressure changed significantly after switching to an equal dose of single-pill therapy, whereas low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels significantly decreased after the medication was switched from 94±24 mg/dl to 89±17 mg/dl (p=0.015). A switch from medication with two separate pills of amlodipine and atorvastatin to an equal dose of single-pill therapy resulted in an overall decrease in LDL cholesterol. The results indicated that the switch to single-pill therapy might be a useful treatment

    Reconstruction of the P2X2 Receptor Reveals a Vase-Shaped Structure with Lateral Tunnels above the Membrane

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    SummaryIn response to the intercellular messenger ATP, P2X receptors transfer various sensory information, including pain. Here we have reconstructed the structure of the P2X2 receptor at 15 Å resolution from more than 90,000 particle images, taken with a cryo-electron microscope equipped with a helium-cooled stage. This three-dimensional depiction, presumably in a closed state, revealed an elongated vase-shaped structure 202 Å in height and 160 Å in major diameter. The extracellular and transmembrane domains present a two-layered structure, in which a sparse outer layer surrounds a pore-forming inner density. The decreased diameter of a putative ion-conducting pathway at the middle of the membrane was considered to be the narrowest part of the pore, which has been predicted from electrophysiological studies. The sparse, extended structure of the P2X2 receptor indicates a loose assembly of subunits, which could be a basis for the activation-dependent pore dilation of P2X receptors

    Cytochemical studies of the hemoglobin synthesis of erythroblasts

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    The process of hemoglobin sythesis in erythroid cells have been traced mainly by observing cells under the light of 4,060 &#197;. To scrutinize the theory of hemoglobin synthesis in the nucleus of erythroblasts, several cytochemical and morphological observations were also carried out. The conclusions derived from them are as follows: 1 The absorption at 4,060 &#197; of the cell, which indicates the location of heme, appeared in the nucleus as early as in the develpmental stage of basophilic erythroblasts. The absorption of hcme in cytoplasm likewise appeared in this stage showing nearly the same intensity of the absorption. The absorption picture of heme in the nucleus, which is coincidental with that of interchromatin, increased along with the progess of maturation as well as in the cytoplasm. The absorption in the nucleus disappeared at the orthochromatic stage where the picture of interchromatin disappeared, while the intensity of absorption in the cytoplasm continued to increase till the stage of reticulocyte. 2 The pseudoperoxidase reaction of hemoglobin, the appearance of acidophlic protein and masked lipids detectable in the location of hemoglobin gave an exactly identical picture with that of the absorption of heme in the nucleus as well as in the cytoplasm. 3 Permeability test performed by supravital staining with Nile blue revealed that the nucleus of erythroblasts from the basophilic to the orthorchromatic stages has increased its permeability being stained selectively as in the case of dead cells. 4 The mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum proved to be retained well in the entire course of hemoglobin synthesis, even after the denucleation, the reticulocyte stage. From these observations the authors believe that the hemoglobin syntheis will take place in the cytoplasm throughout the life cycle of erythroid cells, pointing out that the absorption picturebf heme appearing in the nucleus will be in all likelihood due to the infusion of the hemoglobin from the cytoplasm.</p

    東シナ海産キアンコウにおけるトゲナシツブムシAcanthochondria spirigeraの寄生状況

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    東シナ海で漁獲されたキアンコウLophius litulonの口腔壁にカイアシ類ツブムシ科のトゲナシツブムシAcanthochondria spirigeraの寄生を認めた。キアンコウは本寄生虫の新宿主である。トゲナシツブムシを含むAcanthochondria属のカイアシ類は魚市場等で食品衛生的な問題を起こすことがあるため,その寄生状況を観察した。全検査魚における寄生率は72%で,キアンコウ1尾当たり普通1~2個体が寄生していた。寄生部位は口腔壁で,鰓への寄生は見られなかった。1尾当たり寄生数は魚体長が増すほど,また季節的には秋(9~11月)に多くなる傾向がみられた。Anglerfish Lophius litulon (Jordan) caught commercially in the East China Sea off western Japan were found to be infected with the chondracanthid copepod Acanthochondria spirigera Shiino, 1955. Lophius litulon is a new host for this copepod. We made an observation on the occurrence of A. spirigera on anglerfish because the copepods of the genus Acanthochondria cause food hygiene problems at fish markets in Japan. Overall prevalence of infection with A. spirigera was high (71% of 31 fish examined), and one or two copepods were usually found on an infected fish. Their attachment site was the roof and floor of the buccal cavity of the fish. The number of copepods per fish showed an increasing tread with fish size and during the fall months (September to November)

    Two-year clinical evaluation of one-step self-etch systems in non-carious cervical lesions.

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    OBJECTIVES: This randomized controlled clinical trial evaluated the 2-year clinical performance of S(3) Bond (S3) and G-Bond (GB) in 108 non-carious cervical lesions. METHODS: Twenty-three patients, 12 male and 11 female (mean age: 61.8 years, range: 30-79 years) regularly visiting the Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry, participated in the study. Each patient received both materials randomly. All restorations (53 restorations for S3 and 55 restorations for GB) were placed by one dentist. The restorations were blindly evaluated by two examiners at baseline, 6 months, 1 and 2 years using modified USPHS criteria. The data were statistically analyzed using the Cochran Q test and Fisher\u27s exact test. RESULTS: One restoration of each material was lost during 2 years. The only minor clinical problem was the integrity of the enamel margin. Slight marginal staining occurred adjacent to 11 restorations of both S3 and GB. There was no significant difference in the clinical performance between S3 and GB for each variable. CONCLUSIONS: Under the protocol used in this study, S3 and GB have demonstrated an acceptable clinical performance up to 2 years

    Relation between psychosocial variables and the glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional and prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This cross-sectional and prospective study used a variety of psychological inventories to evaluate the relationship between psychosocial factors and the glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participants were 304 patients with type 2 diabetes who were treated as outpatients at diabetes clinics. All participants were assessed for HbA<sub>1c </sub>and completed the following self-report psychological inventories: 1) Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQ), 2) Problem Areas in Diabetes Survey (PAID), 3) Well-being Questionnaire 12 (W-BQ12), 4) Self-Esteem Scale (SES), 5) Social Support Scale, and 6) Self-Efficacy Scale. HbA<sub>1c </sub>was again measured one year later. The relationships between the psychosocial variables obtained by analysis of the psychological inventories and baseline or one-year follow-up HbA<sub>1c </sub>were determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Baseline HbA<sub>1c</sub>was significantly correlated with age, diet treatment regimen, number of microvascular complication of diabetes, and the total scores of DTSQ, W-BQ12, PAID, SES and the Self-Efficacy Scale. Hierarchical stepwise multiple regression revealed that significant predictors of baseline HbA<sub>1c </sub>were total DTSQ and PAID scores, along with age, diet treatment regimen, and number of microvascular complication of diabetes after adjustment for demographic, clinical and other psychosocial variables. Two hundred and ninety patients (95.4% of 304) were followed and assessed one year after baseline. Hierarchical stepwise multiple regression analysis showed the significant predictors of follow-up HbA<sub>1c </sub>to be total DTSQ and PAID scores, along with age and diet treatment regimen. However, the correlation between baseline and follow-up HbA<sub>1c </sub>was so high that the only other variable to retain significance was diet treatment regimen once baseline HbA<sub>1c </sub>was included in the regression of follow-up HbA<sub>1c</sub>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The DTSQ and the PAID predicted both current and future HbA<sub>1c </sub>to a similar and significant degree in patients with type 2 diabetes.</p