12 research outputs found

    Oscillator Quantum Algebra and Deformed su(2) Algebra

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    A difference operator realization of quantum deformed oscillator algebra Hq(1)H_q(1) with a Casimir operator freedom is introduced. We show that this Hq(1)H_q(1) have a nonlinear mapping to the deformed quantum su(2) which was introduced by Fujikawa et al. We also examine the cyclic representation obtained by this difference operator realization and the possibility to analyze a Bloch electron problem by Hq(1)H_q(1).Comment: 9 pages, Late

    A Schwinger term in q-deformed su(2) algebra

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    An extra term generally appears in the q-deformed su(2)su(2) algebra for the deformation parameter q=exp2πiθq = \exp{ 2 \pi i\theta}, if one combines the Biedenharn-Macfarlane construction of q-deformed su(2)su(2), which is a generalization of Schwinger's construction of conventional su(2)su(2), with the representation of the q-deformed oscillator algebra which is manifestly free of negative norm. This extra term introduced by the requirement of positive norm is analogous to the Schwinger term in current algebra. Implications of this extra term on the Bloch electron problem analyzed by Wiegmann and Zabrodin are briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages. A couple of clarifying comments have been added. This modified version has been published in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    An extended q-deformed su(2) algebra and the Bloch electron problem

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    It is shown that an extended q-deformed su(2)su(2) algebra with an extra (``Schwinger '') term can describe Bloch electrons in a uniform magnetic field with an additional periodic potential. This is a generalization of the analysis of Bloch electrons by Wiegmann and Zabrodin. By using a representation theory of this q-deformed algebra, we obtain functional Bethe ansatz equations whose solutions should be functions of finite degree. It is also shown that the zero energy solution is expressed in terms of an Askey Wilson polynomial.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    A Quantum Deformation of the Virasoro Algebra and the Macdonald Symmetric Functions

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    A quantum deformation of the Virasoro algebra is defined. The Kac determinants at arbitrary levels are conjectured. We construct a bosonic realization of the quantum deformed Virasoro algebra. Singular vectors are expressed by the Macdonald symmetric functions. This is proved by constructing screening currents acting on the bosonic Fock space.Comment: 15 pages, latex fil