118 research outputs found

    Marketing Mix Design for Tearoom

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    Import 22/07/2015Bakalářská práce je věnována tématu „Návrh marketingového mixu čajovny“. Cílem práce bylo navrhnout efektivnější využití prvků marketingového mixu čajovny Harmonie v Opavě. Pro naplnění cíle byla nejprve zpracována teoretická východiska marketingového mixu služeb. Dále byla provedena charakteristika čajovny Harmonie, subjektů trhu, makroprostředí a rozveden marketingový mix. Čtvrtá kapitola práce je věnována metodice shromažďování primárních dat. Sběr primárních dat byl proveden metodou dotazování. Výstupem výzkumu jsou zjištěné postoje zákazníků k marketingovému mixu čajovny Harmonie, které jsou rozebrány v páté kapitole. Šestá kapitola je věnována návrhům a doporučením k jednotlivým prvkům marketingového mixu čajovny Harmonie.This bachelor thesis is devoted to the topic "Marketing Mix Design for Tearoom". The aim was to develop a more efficient use of a range of elements in the marketing of the tearoom Harmonie, based in Opava. In order to do this, the targets were first elaborated on the theoretical basis of the marketing mix of services. Moreover a characteristic ot the tearoom Harmonie, market players, macroenvironment and marketing mix are presented. The fourth chapter is devoted to the methodology of primary data collection. Primary data were collected through the survey. The outcomes of the research are customers' attitudes toward marketing mix of the tearoom Harmonie, which are discussed in the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter is devoted to the proposals and recommendations to individual elements of the marketing mix of tearoom Harmonie.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvýborn

    The Newly Proposed System of Budgetary Tax Allocation in the Example of Municipality

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    Import 11/07/2012Diplomová práce je zaměřena na územní samosprávné celky, především na obce. Tématem práce je porovnání současného systému rozpočtového určení daní a nově navrhovaného systému, jenž má být schválen a přijat. Na začátku diplomové práce se zaměřuji na problematiku samosprávných celků. Popisuji strukturu krajů a obcí, dále orgány a volební proces pro přijetí do zastupitelstev. Dále se zabývám obecním rozpočtem, jeho složením, rozpočtovým právem a především příjmy a výdaji samosprávných celků. V praktické části se věnuji popisu stávajícího rozpočtového určení daní a poté nástinu nového systému rozpočtového určení daní, který je ve schvalovacím procesu. Porovnání těchto dvou systémů provádím přímo na vybrané obci s názvem Řeka, na které ukazuji i přesný přehled, kolik peněz má obec k dispozici nyní a kolik peněz by měla k dispozici po schválení nového systému. Závěr je věnován především nastínění dalšího možného vývoje rozpočtového určení daní a možných problémů, které mohou nastat a zabránit schválení či neschválení nového systému.The thesis is focused on local governments, especially municipalities. This study focuses on comparing the current system of tax allocation and the newly proposed system that is going to be approved and adopted. At the beginning of the thesis I focus on issues of local governments. The thesis describes the structure of regions and municipalities as well as institutions and electoral process for admission to the municipal councils. Then it deals with the municipal budget, its structure, the budget law and above all with revenues and expenditures of the LOCAL authorities. In the practical part the existing budgetary tax allocation of taxes is described and then the new system of budgetary tax allocation, which is in the approval process, is outlined. The comparing of these two systems is done on the example of the selected village called Řeka. The thesis also shows an accurate overview of how much money is available to the municipality at the moment and how much money will be available after the approval of the new system. The conclusion is devoted primarily to outlining other potential progress of budgetary tax allocation and problems that may arise and cause the approval or disapproval of the new system.119 - Katedra právavelmi dobř

    An in vitro spinal cord injury model to screen neuroregenerative materials

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    Implantable 'structural bridges' based on nanofabricated polymer scaffolds have great promise to aid spinal cord regeneration. Their development (optimal formulations, surface functionalizations, safety, topographical influences and degradation profiles) is heavily reliant on live animal injury models. These have several disadvantages including invasive surgical procedures, ethical issues, high animal usage, technical complexity and expense. In vitro 3-D organotypic slice arrays could offer a solution to overcome these challenges, but their utility for nanomaterials testing is undetermined. We have developed an in vitro model of spinal cord injury that replicates stereotypical cellular responses to neurological injury in vivo, viz. reactive gliosis, microglial infiltration and limited nerve fibre outgrowth. We describe a facile method to safely incorporate aligned, poly-lactic acid nanofibre meshes (±poly-lysine + laminin coating) within injury sites using a lightweight construct. Patterns of nanotopography induced outgrowth/alignment of astrocytes and neurons in the in vitro model were strikingly similar to that induced by comparable materials in related studies in vivo. This highlights the value of our model in providing biologically-relevant readouts of the regeneration-promoting capacity of synthetic bridges within the complex environment of spinal cord lesions. Our approach can serve as a prototype to develop versatile bio-screening systems to identify materials/combinatorial strategies for regenerative medicine, whilst reducing live animal experimentation.EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in regenerative medicine (EP/F500491/1

    Author Correction: Low oral dose of 4-methylumbelliferone reduces glial scar but is insufficient to induce functional recovery after spinal cord injury

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    Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 06 November 2023 The original version of this Article contained errors. As a result of incorrect figure assembly, in Figure 6D the image of Luxol Fast Blue staining for the +2 mm level was a duplication of the 0 mm level. Additionally, in Figure 7E the images were inadvertently switched for ‘Placebo’ and ‘4-MU’. The original Figures 6 and 7 and their accompanying legends appear below. (Figure presented.) (Figure presented.) 4-MU treatment reduced glial scar area surrounding the lesion site. (A) Representative fluorescent images showing lesion epicentre (0 mm), above (− 4, − 2 mm) and below (+ 2, + 4 mm) the lesion, stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in placebo and 4-MU treated group with chronic spinal cord injury. Dotted lines show the border area of the lesion cavity in 4-MU treated group and GFAP positive area in placebo group. Scale bar: 200 µm. Diagram of uninjured spinal cord at top left showing the direction of the cross section in (A), created with BioRender.com; (B) magnified images (yellow square in A) showing structural change of the glial scar tissue after 4-MU treatment compared to placebo treated animals. Scale bar 30 µm; (C) bar graph showing area of the glial scar around the central cavity performed in the GFAP stained histochemical images using ImageJ software. Values are plotted as mean ± SEM; ****p < 0.0001 by two-way ANOVA, Sidak post-hoc test. (n = 4 animals per group). (D) Representative images of Luxol Fast Blue staining showing the lesion extension in a rostro-caudal direction. Scale bar 200 µm. 4-MU treatment leads to changes of cell and ECM composition around the lesion scar (Th8-9), above (Th5-6) and below (Th10-11) lesion. (A–E) Representative confocal images showing the 4-MU-mediated effect on scar-forming cells and components using different markers—(A) nestin and GFAP were used to visualise scar-forming astrocytes. (B) Iba-1 to visualise microglia/macrophages. (C) NG2 to visualise oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). (D) CS-56 to examine the changes in CS sulfations. (E) Collagen 1a to visualise meninges and fibroblasts. All insets show magnified views of the staining. Scale bar 200 µm for the overview image and 50 µm for the insets. (F) Quantification of (A–E). Bar graphs show intensities per section throughout the spinal cord, except for Iba-1 staining where the number of Iba-1 positive cells per mm was counted. Individual data are shown with their mean ± SEM (n = 3 animals per group). p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, by two-way ANOVA, Sidak's multiple comparison test. The original Article has been corrected

    4-Methylumbeliferone Treatment at a Dose of 1.2 g/kg/Day Is Safe for Long-Term Usage in Rats

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    4-methylumbelliferone (4MU) has been suggested as a potential therapeutic agent for a wide range of neurological diseases. The current study aimed to evaluate the physiological changes and potential side effects after 10 weeks of 4MU treatment at a dose of 1.2 g/kg/day in healthy rats, and after 2 months of a wash-out period. Our findings revealed downregulation of hyaluronan (HA) and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans throughout the body, significantly increased bile acids in blood samples in weeks 4 and 7 of the 4MU treatment, as well as increased blood sugars and proteins a few weeks after 4MU administration, and significantly increased interleukins IL10, IL12p70 and IFN gamma after 10 weeks of 4MU treatment. These effects, however, were reversed and no significant difference was observed between control treated and 4MU-treated animals after a 9-week wash-out period

    Nanostructured Biomaterials for Tissue Engineered Bone Tissue Reconstruction

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    Bone tissue engineering strategies are emerging as attractive alternatives to autografts and allografts in bone tissue reconstruction, in particular thanks to their association with nanotechnologies. Nanostructured biomaterials, indeed, mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the natural bone, creating an artificial microenvironment that promotes cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. At the same time, the possibility to easily isolate mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from different adult tissues together with their multi-lineage differentiation potential makes them an interesting tool in the field of bone tissue engineering. This review gives an overview of the most promising nanostructured biomaterials, used alone or in combination with MSCs, which could in future be employed as bone substitutes. Recent works indicate that composite scaffolds made of ceramics/metals or ceramics/polymers are undoubtedly more effective than the single counterparts in terms of osteoconductivity, osteogenicity and osteoinductivity. A better understanding of the interactions between MSCs and nanostructured biomaterials will surely contribute to the progress of bone tissue engineering

    Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries:a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Recovery colleges were developed in England to support the recovery of individuals who have mental health symptoms or mental illness. They have been founded in many countries but there has been little international research on recovery colleges and no studies investigating their staffing, fidelity, or costs. We aimed to characterise recovery colleges internationally, to understand organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, and budget. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we identified all countries in which recovery colleges exist. We repeated a cross-sectional survey done in England for recovery colleges in 28 countries. In both surveys, recovery colleges were defined as services that supported personal recovery, that were coproduced with students and staff, and where students learned collaboratively with trainers. Recovery college managers completed the survey. The survey included questions about organisational and student characteristics, fidelity to the RECOLLECT Fidelity Measure, funding models, and unit costs. Recovery colleges were grouped by country and continent and presented descriptively. We used regression models to explore continental differences in fidelity, using England as the reference group. Findings: We identified 221 recovery colleges operating across 28 countries, in five continents. Overall, 174 (79%) of 221 recovery colleges participated. Most recovery colleges scored highly on fidelity. Overall scores for fidelity (β=–2·88, 95% CI 4·44 to –1·32; p=0·0001), coproduction (odds ratio [OR] 0·10, 95% CI 0·03 to 0·33; p&lt;0·0001), and being tailored to the student (OR 0·10, 0·02 to 0·39; p=0·0010), were lower for recovery colleges in Asia than in England. No other significant differences were identified between recovery colleges in England, and those in other continents where recovery colleges were present. 133 recovery colleges provided data on annual budgets, which ranged from €0 to €2 550 000, varying extensively within and between continents. From included data, all annual budgets reported by the college added up to €30 million, providing 19 864 courses for 55 161 students. Interpretation: Recovery colleges exist in many countries. There is an international consensus on key operating principles, especially equality and a commitment to recovery, and most recovery colleges achieve moderate to high fidelity to the original model, irrespective of the income band of their country. Cultural differences need to be considered in assessing coproduction and approaches to individualising support. Funding: National Institute for Health and Care Research.</p

    Sources of Law for Businessmen

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    Import 29/09/2010Ve své bakalářské práci se věnuji právním zdrojům pro podnikatele. V teoretické části své práce seznamuji se základními teoretickými východisky, jež se týkají podnikání. Vysvětluji pojem podnikání, subjekty obchodního práva, podnik a zmiňuji se zde o pramenech obchodního práva. V další části své práce uvádím právní zdroje a jejich analýzu. Zdroje jako obchodní zákoník, ostatní monografie, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu, odborná periodika, elektronická databáze vědecké knihovny, internetové zdroje, právní systémy, zdroje informací o ostatních ekonomických subjektech a účetní software. Praktická část je rozdělena na dvě části. V té první srovnávám právní systém Codexis a ASPI. Ve druhé pak navrhuji možnosti řešení právních zdrojů pro podnikatele jedné fiktivní společnosti z hlediska upotřebení a ceny.The theme of this thesis are sources of law for businessmen. In the theoretical part I deal with the basic theoretical concepts which are related to business. To be concrete, I explain terms such as business, subjects of law and company. Besides that I also pay attention to business sources of law. In the next part of my thesis I mention sources of law and their analyses, especially the Commercial code and other monographs, the Department of Commerce, professional journals, database of the scientific library, Internet resources, law systems, sources of information about other economical subjects and accounting software. The practical part is divided into two parts. In the first one I compare two systems of law, Codexis and ASPI. In the second part I suggest possible solutions of law sources for businessmen of a fictitious company from perspective of use and price.119 - Katedra právavelmi dobř

    Effects of electroconvulsive therapy on cognitive functions

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    (in English): Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a very effective treatment procedure for patients with severe and treatment resistant psychiatric disorders. This Thesis deals with the impact of electroconvulsive therapy on cognitive function, specified as a measurement of cognitive function after electroconvulsive therapy, focusing on the monitoring of cognitive function, eventually their deficits with the passage of time after ECT. At several time points (T1 week after ECT completion; T2: 6-8 weeks after ECT completion) from ECT completion the progression of cognitive performance of patients was repeatedly measured. Respondents were divided according to their diagnosis (mood disorders groop and schizophrenia group). The groups were compared with each other. The aim of the Thesis is the observance of the cognitive changes in patients over time after electroconvulsive therapy. In the final stage 18 subjects were submissed into the study (10 women and 8 men). In terms of diagnosis 39% were diagnosed with the disease in the ICD category F20-F29; 33% were diagnosed with mood disorders (category ICD: F30-F39) and 28% were diagnosed with F06.3 organic affective disorder. The MCCB (MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery) was chosen as a method for data scan, it has very good psychometric properties also..