16 research outputs found

    Opposing effects of DNA on proteolysis of a replication initiator

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    DNA replication initiation proteins (Reps) are subjected to degradation by cellular proteases. We investigated how the formation of nucleoprotein complex, involving Rep and a protease, affects Rep degradation. All known Escherichia coli AAA+ cytosolic proteases and the replication initiation protein TrfA of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 were used. Our results revealed that DNA influences the degradation process and that the observed effects are opposite and protease specific. In the case of ClpXP and ClpYQ proteases, DNA abolishes proteolysis, while in the case of ClpAP and Lon proteases it stimulates the process. ClpX and ClpY cannot interact with DNA-bound TrfA, while the ClpAP and Lon activities are enhanced by the formation of nucleoprotein complexes involving both the protease and TrfA. Lon has to interact with TrfA before contacting DNA, or this interaction can occur with TrfA already bound to DNA. The TrfA degradation by Lon can be carried out only on DNA. The absence of Lon results with higher stability of TrfA in the cell

    Mutational Hotspot in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein N-Terminal Domain Conferring Immune Escape Potential

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    Global efforts are being made to monitor the evolution of SARS-CoV-2, aiming for early identification of genotypes providing increased infectivity or virulence. However, viral lineage-focused tracking might fail in early detection of advantageous mutations emerging independently across phylogenies. Here, the emergence patterns of Spike mutations were investigated in sequences deposited in local and global databases to identify mutational hotspots across phylogenies and we evaluated their impact on SARS-CoV-2 evolution. We found a striking increase in the frequency of recruitment of diverse substitutions at a critical residue (W152), positioned in the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the Spike protein, observed repeatedly across independent phylogenetic and geographical contexts. These mutations might have an impact on the evasion of neutralizing antibodies. Finally, we found that NTD is a region exhibiting particularly high frequency of mutation recruitments, suggesting an evolutionary path in which the virus maintains optimal efficiency of ACE2 binding combined with the flexibility facilitating the immune escape. We conclude that adaptive mutations, frequently present outside of the receptor-binding domain, can emerge in virtually any SARS-CoV-2 lineage and at any geographical location. Therefore, surveillance should not be restricted to monitoring defined lineages alone

    Mutational Hotspot in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein N-Terminal Domain Conferring Immune Escape Potential

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    Global efforts are being made to monitor the evolution of SARS-CoV-2, aiming for early identification of genotypes providing increased infectivity or virulence. However, viral lineage-focused tracking might fail in early detection of advantageous mutations emerging independently across phylogenies. Here, the emergence patterns of Spike mutations were investigated in sequences deposited in local and global databases to identify mutational hotspots across phylogenies and we evaluated their impact on SARS-CoV-2 evolution. We found a striking increase in the frequency of recruitment of diverse substitutions at a critical residue (W152), positioned in the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the Spike protein, observed repeatedly across independent phylogenetic and geographical contexts. These mutations might have an impact on the evasion of neutralizing antibodies. Finally, we found that NTD is a region exhibiting particularly high frequency of mutation recruitments, suggesting an evolutionary path in which the virus maintains optimal efficiency of ACE2 binding combined with the flexibility facilitating the immune escape. We conclude that adaptive mutations, frequently present outside of the receptor-binding domain, can emerge in virtually any SARS-CoV-2 lineage and at any geographical location. Therefore, surveillance should not be restricted to monitoring defined lineages alone

    Benefits of applying molecular barcoding systems are not uniform across different genomic applications

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    Abstract Background Despite the wide variety of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based methods, it remains challenging to detect mutations present at very low frequencies. This problem is particularly relevant in oncology, where the limiting amount of input material, and its low quality, often limit the performance of the assays. Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) are a molecular barcoding system often coupled with computational methods of noise suppression to improve the reliability of detection of rare variants. Although widely adopted, UMI inclusion imposes additional technical complexity and sequencing cost. Currently, there are no guidelines on UMI usage nor a comprehensive evaluation of their advantage across different applications. Methods We used DNA sequencing data generated by molecular barcoding and hybridization-based enrichment, from various types and quantities of input material (fresh frozen, formaldehyde-treated and cell-free DNA), to evaluate the performance of variant calling in different clinically relevant contexts. Results Noise suppression achieved by read grouping based on fragment mapping positions ensures reliable variant calling for many experimental designs even without exogenous UMIs. Exogenous barcodes significantly improve performance only when mapping position collisions occur, which is common in cell-free DNA. Conclusions We demonstrate that UMI usage is not universally beneficial across experimental designs and that it is worthwhile to critically consider the comparative advantage of UMI usage for a given NGS application prior to experimental design

    Nucleosome Stability Distinguishes Two Different Promoter Types at All Protein-Coding Genes in Yeast

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    Previous studies indicate that eukaryotic promoters display a stereotypical chromatin landscape characterized by a well-positioned +1 nucleosome near the transcription start site and an upstream 1 nucleosome that together demarcate a nucleosome-free (or -depleted) region. Here we present evidence that there are two distinct types of promoters distinguished by the resistance of the -1 nucleosome to micrococcal nuclease digestion. These different architectures are characterized by two sequence motifs that are broadly deployed at one set of promoters where a nuclease-sensitive ("fragile'') nucleosome forms, but concentrated in a narrower, nucleosome-free region at all other promoters. The RSC nucleosome remodeler acts through the motifs to establish stable +1 and -1 nucleosome positions, while binding of a small set of general regulatory (pioneer) factors at fragile nucleosome promoters plays a key role in their destabilization. We propose that the fragile nucleosome promoter architecture is adapted for regulation of highly expressed, growth-related genes

    General Regulatory Factors Control the Fidelity of Transcription by Restricting Non-coding and Ectopic Initiation

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    International audienceThe fidelity of transcription initiation is essential for accurate gene expression, but the determinants of start site selection are not fully understood. Rap1 and other general regulatory factors (GRFs) control the expression of many genes in yeast. We show that depletion of these factors induces widespread ectopic transcription initiation within promoters. This generates many novel non-coding RNAs and transcript isoforms with diverse stability, drastically altering the coding potential of the transcriptome. Ectopic transcription initiation strongly correlates with altered nucleosome positioning. We provide evidence that Rap1 can suppress ectopic initiation by a "place-holder" mechanism whereby it physically occludes inappropriate sites for pre-initiation complex formation. These results reveal an essential role for GRFs in the fidelity of transcription initiation and in the suppression of pervasive transcription, profoundly redefining current models for their function. They have important implications for the mechanism of transcription initiation and the control of gene expression

    Chromatin Fiber Invasion and Nucleosome Displacement by the Rap1 Transcription Factor

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    Pioneer transcription factors (pTFs) bind to target sites within compact chromatin, initiating chromatin remodeling and controlling the recruitment of downstream factors. The mechanisms by which pTFs overcome the chromatin barrier are not well understood. Here, we reveal, using single-molecule fluorescence, how the yeast transcription factor Rap1 invades and remodels chromatin. Using a reconstituted chromatin system replicating yeast promoter architecture, we demonstrate that Rap1 can bind nucleosomal DNA within a chromatin fiber but with shortened dwell times compared to naked DNA. Moreover, we show that Rap1 binding opens chromatin fiber structure by inhibiting inter-nucleosome contacts. Finally, we reveal that Rap1 collaborates with the chromatin remodeler RSC to displace promoter nucleosomes, paving the way for long-lived bound states on newly exposed DNA. Together, our results provide a mechanistic view of how Rap1 gains access and opens chromatin, thereby establishing an active promoter architecture and controlling gene expression

    Two distinct promoter architectures centered on dynamic nucleosomes control ribosomal protein gene transcription

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    In yeast, ribosome production is controlled transcriptionally by tight coregulation of the 138 ribosomal protein genes (RPGs). RPG promoters display limited sequence homology, and the molecular basis for their coregulation remains largely unknown. Here we identify two prevalent RPG promoter types, both characterized by upstream binding of the general transcription factor (TF) Rap1 followed by the RPG-specific Fhl1/Ifh1 pair, with one type also binding the HMG-B protein Hmo1. We show that the regulatory properties of the two promoter types are remarkably similar, suggesting that they are determined to a large extent by Rap1 and the Fhl1/Ifh1 pair. Rapid depletion experiments allowed us to define a hierarchy of TF binding in which Rap1 acts as a pioneer factor required for binding of all other TFs. We also uncovered unexpected features underlying recruitment of Fhl1, whose forkhead DNA-binding domain is not required for binding at most promoters, and Hmo1, whose binding is supported by repeated motifs. Finally, we describe unusually micrococcal nuclease (MNase)-sensitive nucleosomes at all RPG promoters, located between the canonical +1 and -1 nucleosomes, which coincide with sites of Fhl1/Ifh1 and Hmo1 binding. We speculate that these "fragile'' nucleosomes play an important role in regulating RPG transcriptional output