10 research outputs found

    Wanprestasi Dalam Perjanjian Makan Hasil Dusun

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    There is a shape of agreement to enjoy the results of the community in Kehly Village, Damer Island District, Southwest Maluku Regency, which is commonly known as "eating hamlets" or in the regional language "Rsakar" or "Rsakaro Likut/Ela", where the essence of the agreement is the same as the production sharing agreement. The distribution of the results of the agreement is influenced by factors such as soil fertility, soil availability, provision of seeds, types of crops, and so on. If the land to be managed will be made into a hamlet, and the crops provided by the landowner (the grantor of inheritance), then the proceeds are divided based on the number of heirs entitled to receive the inheritance.  This kind of agreement is called "Elab Nuru". This research used normative legal research.  The results showed that the agreement written or oral is a valid agreement because it meets the elements of the agreement listed in article 1320 of the Civil Code. Therefore, the parties who make the agreement either orally or in writing are obliged to carry out the obligations according to the agreement, as stipulated in article 1234 of the Civil Code which states that "every engagement aims to give something, do something, or not do something." If one of the parties does not fulfill its obligations, then that party has defaulted

    Tanggung Jawab Pengangkut Atas Tindakan Pemungutan Tarif Yang Tidak Sesuai Aturan

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    Public transportation plays an important role in economic development, to achieve sustainability public transportation requires serious handling. Transportation is said to be important because it is related to the distribution of goods, services and labor, and is the core of urban economic movement. The carrier or owner of public transportation is responsible for the safety of the goods being transported, in accordance with the provisions in Article 438 paragraph (3) of the Commercial Code and the provisions for determining tariffs by the city government in Ambon Mayor Decree Number 347 of 2022 concerning Adjustments to Road Transport Tariffs for Passengers Economy Class in Ambon City. Even though the carrier's responsibilities and provisions related to fare prices have been determined, drivers as carriers are still not responsible for setting fare prices to passengers, in general there is no classification, which should be in accordance with the provisions set by the government. The method used in this research is normative juridical. And uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach, with legal materials consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials which are analyzed qualitatively. The results of this research show that responsibility, as has been explained, is a state of being obliged to bear everything that occurs as a result of a mistake made by someone to another person due to their error or negligence. This also applies to carriers who collect fares not in accordance with the rules set by the government. , by observing several legal provisions in accordance with the laws that have been established, the carrier can be held responsible for acts of collecting fares that do not comply with the rules because the carrier is responsible for any losses experienced by passengers due to errors or negligence committed by the carrier. The legal protection that is obtained is usually an effort to provide a sense of security to passengers. In general, legal protection is realized in various forms, for example through providing compensation and so on. Any passenger who feels they have suffered a loss can sue the carrier

    Itikad Baik Pelaku Usaha Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli Online

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    ABSTRACT: Good faith is one of the efforts to provide legal protection to consumers in online buying and selling transactions. The research objective to be achieved by the author is how the good faith of business actors forms in online buying and selling transactions. And to find out and analyze how the responsibilities of business actors who do not have good intentions. This research is a problem approach using primary legal materials, tresier legal materials and secondary legal materials. The procedure for collecting legal materials used is library research. The processing and analysis of legal material is carried out using a normative legal research type with a qualitative descriptive method with a description of the problem and analyzing the legal material that has been collected. The results obtained are that the form of good faith in business conduct in online buying and selling transactions is a subjective form of good faith. Business actors are obliged to provide information regarding the goods they trade correctly and honestly as stipulated in Law Number 11 of 2008 Article 28 Paragraph (1) concerning electronic transactions. Therefore, the responsibility of business actors if they commit violations that cause harm to consumers in online buying and selling transactions is the obligation to compensate for losses that have been experienced by consumers in accordance with Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection. the process of resolving disputes submitted by consumers can be resolved in two ways, namely by taking the court route or taking the route outside the court. The consumer protection law gives freedom to consumers who feel aggrieved to sue business actors through court but consumers also wish to resolve disputes with business actors through outside the court, so the consumer protection law provides a consumer dispute resolution agency (BPSK) which has the authority to handle consumer-related disputes

    Vaksin Covid-19 Sebagai Karya Paten Dalam TRIPs Agreement

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is a Public Health Emergency, a challenge for developing and underdeveloped countries to get a Covid-19 vaccine. Patent protection that is accommodated in the TRIPS Agreement is considered burdensome for vaccine accessibility, because it has a direct impact on increasing vaccine prices, making it difficult for some countries with low per capita incomes and lagging industries to reach them. The purpose of this paper is to determine the arrangement of patent rights based on the TRIPS Agreement. The research method used in this paper is normative juridical, namely by examining library data or materials in the form of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Then it will be described descriptively and given a conclusion. The strict patent system and the exclusive rights of patent holders contained in the TRIPS Agreement are barriers to reaching pharmaceutical inventions. Therefore, every country needs a National Emergency Plan that can accommodate health services such as vaccines. This can be implemented using a Compulsory License or Government Use (Patent Implementation by the Government) instrument

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Konsumen Kosmetik Atas Produk Parfum Isi Ulang

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    ABSTRACT: Currently, there are many business actors who get more profit by producing refill perfume containing hazardous substances that do not meet the requirements for circulation, so that Law No. 8 of 1999 was issued to provide legal protection for consumers. The purpose of this research was conducted to find out how the form of legal protection for cosmetic consumers for the distribution of perfume products containing dangerous substances and what form of legal protection for cosmetic perfume consumers who experience losses. The research method used is normative legal research method. The problem approach used is the statutory approach, the conceptual approach. The legal materials used are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Procedures and Collection of Legal Materials using the method of inventorying laws and regulations and Processing and Analysis of legal materials is carried out using qualitative analysis techniques to answer problems. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded: Forms of Legal Protection for Consumers of Cosmetics for the Circulation of Refillable Perfumes are divided into 2, namely, Forms of Preventive Legal Protection as a preventive measure for a person/group who wants to carry out activities or actions that are negative and Forms of Repressive Legal Protection are efforts settlement of the occurrence of violations with the aim of resolving disputes. Consumers who are disadvantaged as a result of using dangerous refill perfumes based on Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, there are two forms of legal remedies, namely through out-of-court dispute resolution which is carried out by the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency and legal remedies through dispute resolution in court carried out with reference to to the provisions of the general court in force

    Legalitas Penjual Bahan Bakar Minyak Eceran

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    Due to the impact of the increase in fuel prices, many motor vehicle users buy more often from retailers because it is faster and there is no need to queue even though the prices tend to be more expensive. In Article 43 to Article 53 of Government Regulation Number 36 of 2004 concerning Downstream and Natural Gas Business Activities, it is clear that this Regulation only regulates business entities, this means that those who can carry out trading activities in fuel oil are business entities, but we have encountered many In reality, many retail fuel oil sellers are carried out by individuals who are not licensed business entities. The method used in this research is Normative Juridical and in this research it prioritizes primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. And the problem approach used is a statutory approach and a conceptual approach, then the collection of legal materials used in this research uses literature study and analysis of legal materials uses qualitative analysis.The results of this research show that the validity of the sale and purchase agreement for fuel oil between the gas station and the retailer is invalid if the retailer is not a business entity and has a permit from the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service because one of the valid conditions for the sale and purchase agreement is an analogous skill requirement. as the authorized party to carry out the sale and purchase of retail fuel oil, this results in an invalid sale and purchase in the eyes of the law because it does not fulfill all the legal requirements for a sale and purchase agreement in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. And the legal consequences resulting from buying and selling retail fuel oil for business actors who do not meet the requirements are administrative sanctions such as revocation of business permits and also criminal sanctions as regulated in Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Natural Gas

    Tanggung Jawab Pengusaha dan Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pekerja yang Dipekerjakan Melebihi Jam Kerja Lembur

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    Employers have employed workers in excess of the overtime work hours determined by law with the aim of reaping greater profits while the rights of workers during overtime are set aside. purposes of the research analyze and discuss the responsibility of employers or employers for excess overtime hours imposed and to find out the forms of legal protection for workers employed in excess of the overtime hours prescribed by law. Methods of the research this type of research uses normative juridical methods, with qualitative processing and analysis of legal materials. Results of the research that approving an employment relationship above a deviation in overtime working hours based on laws and regulations is considered to have negated one of the elements of the employment agreement. The employer must be responsible for providing the rights of workers and bear everything that arises as a result of the actions taken. Then, to protect workers from deviations and violations of rights, legal protection is carried out through education and socialization of labor law instruments to workers and employers / employers as well as through the authority of supervisory institutions that will act to prevent and overcome labor violations

    The Government’s Legal Standing in Build Operate and Transfer Contract

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    The paper analyzes the government’s legal standing in build operate and transfer contract. This research is a normative-legal research. The research approach uses the statutory and conceptual approaches. The results show that the government action is an action carried out by governmental or state administration organs which are intended to have legal consequences in the field of government or State administration. In doing government actions, the government is a legal subject as the holder of rights and obligations. Therefore, as a legal subject, the government action can be carried out in both public and private law. The position of the government in civil law relatedness is not different from a person or private legal entity as a service provider, so that an equal position in this agreement results in the law that both the government and the cooperation partner can become parties in the civil dispute, so that can realize an equal justice. Keywords: Build Operate and Transfer; Contract; Government DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/88-13 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Peralihan Kredit Kendaraan Bermotor Secara Sepihak Tanpa Persetujuan

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    ABSTRACT: Limited sources of funds that are able to overcome the installment needs of lower income groups are the driving reason for the development of Consumer Finance Companies. The aim of the research is to discuss and analyze the legal consequences of transferring credit without creditor approval and resolving disputes over transferred credit objects. Research method: normative juridical, using a statutory approach, with the hope of answering the problems faced. Legal Material Collection Procedures. This is done by means of literature study. The management of legal materials used uses qualitative methods. Research results in the mechanism for resolving consumer complaints through 2 (two) stages, namely resolving complaints carried out by financial services institutions (internal dispute resolution) and resolving disputes through judicial institutions or institutions outside the judiciary (external dispute resolution). The legal consequences for consumers (debtors) of the act of transferring by buying and selling motorbikes without the approval of the financing company (creditor) are categorized as having committed an act of violating Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees so that the financing company has the right to carry out actions to execute fiduciary guarantees by means of motorbike withdrawal