22 research outputs found

    European silver paper on the future of health promotion and preventive actions, basic research and clinical aspects of age-related diseases

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    Dokąd zmierza PAN?

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    Cyclin - from basic research to clinical implications

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    Biochemical properties of calcyclin-a potential marker of some diseases

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    There is no freedom without responsibility

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    Analizujemy system organizacji nauki i jego zmiany w Polsce w ostatnim ćwierćwieczu, w kontekście zmian równolegle zachodzących na świecie. W oparciu o nasze doświadczenia z pracy w Międzynarodowym Instytucie Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej w Warszawie, ale także dzięki dobrym wzorcom z innych instytucji w Polsce i za granicą, przedstawiamy nasze przemyślenia w odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak rozwijać naukę w Polsce. Uważamy, że aby usprawnić system organizacji nauki w naszym kraju i szybko osiągnąć pozytywny efekt, należy skorzystać ze sprawdzonych wzorów z innych krajów oraz pozytywnych przykładów własnych polskich sukcesów. Realizacja tych zadań wymaga odważnych decyzji politycznych, które zapewnią naukowcom niezbędną do efektywnej pracy wolność, ale także powiążą tę wolność z odpowiedzialnością. Dzięki ludziom, którzy się tego podejmą i odpowiedzialnie wykorzystają oferowane możliwości, Polska będzie miała szansę na szybki postęp cywilizacyjny. Inwestycje w naukę są kluczowe dla rozwoju każdego kraju.We analyze the system of organization of science and its change in Poland in the last quarter century, in the context of parallel changes in the world. Based on our experience at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, but also thanks to good models from other institutions in Poland and abroad, we present our thoughts on the question of how to develop science in Poland. We think that in order to improve the system of science organization in our country and quickly achieve a positive effect, we must use proven models from other countries and positive examples of our own Polish successes. The implementation of these tasks requires courageous political decisions that will provide the scientists with the freedom necessary to work effectively, but will also bind this freedom with responsibility. Thanks to people, who take up this responsibility and take full advantage of the opportunities offered, Poland will have a chance for rapid civilization progress. Investments in science are crucial to the development of each country

    Your proteins – your health

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    Project of modernization of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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    A draft of the changes to the Polish Academy of Sciences is presented, which will increase its prestige and make better use of the scientific potential of the members of the Academy and the employees of its institutes. The proposed regulations will allow for a comprehensive activation of potential of both institutes and corporate members. The aim of reform is to make the PAS an attractive scientific institution with a focus on the pursuit of fundamental research at the highest level, and to recognize that understanding and clarification of the problem must precede possible applications

    Identification of Zebrafish Calcium Toolkit Genes and their Expression in the Brain

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    Zebrafish are well-suited for in vivo calcium imaging because of the transparency of their larvae and the ability to express calcium probes in various cell subtypes. This model organism has been used extensively to study brain development, neuronal function, and network activity. However, only a few studies have investigated calcium homeostasis and signaling in zebrafish neurons, and little is known about the proteins that are involved in these processes. Using bioinformatics analysis and available databases, the present study identified 491 genes of the zebrafish Calcium Toolkit (CaTK). Using RNA-sequencing, we then evaluated the expression of these genes in the adult zebrafish brain and found 380 hits that belonged to the CaTK. Based on quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction arrays, we estimated the relative mRNA levels in the brain of CaTK genes at two developmental stages. In both 5 dpf larvae and adult zebrafish, the highest relative expression was observed for tmbim4, which encodes a Golgi membrane protein. The present data on CaTK genes will contribute to future applications of zebrafish as a model for in vivo and in vitro studies of Ca2+ signaling