443 research outputs found

    Selected spatial effects of the global financial and economic crisis in Ljubljana, Slovenia

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    In 2007, the United States witnessed a financial crisis that gradually developed into one of the most serious global financial and economic recessions in the history of (post)modern society. Its effects are numerous. This article studies one of its spatial effects; that is, newly built (after 2005) residential and office buildings that are either unfinished or already built but not fully occupied. In Ljubljana in November 2011, there were ninety-seven locations with unoccupied or partly occupied residential houses and office buildings or groups of houses and office buildings together with abandoned or active construction sites. The majority of the structures studied were predominately represented by several blocks of flats and groups of dwellings. The others are office buildings or buildings and complexes with distinctively mixed residential-business functions. There are more than 1,500 empty flats and almost 75,000 m² of office area in the buildings surveyed. Spatial analysis showed that the structures surveyed are relatively scattered throughout Ljubljana. However, there were some clusters of buildings, especially in areas with the best accessibility. This article analyses the causes of this phenomenon, which is creating a new morphological element in Ljubljana. The article concludes by stating possible directions for future research

    Institucionalni pristup u ekonomskoj geografiji: aplikativni pristup

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    The institutional approach in economic geography developed as part of a broader cultural shift in economic geography in the 1990s. It highlights the importance of formal and informal institutions, technology, institutional embeddedness, and historical lock-in for understanding how development takes place in regions. Although these institutional theoretical concepts have been used primarily for explaining interregional differences in economic development, they soon became interesting as a theoretical basis for the development of innovative concepts in regional planning and policy. This article presents the applicative value of the institutional approach in economic geography in the field of regional planning and development. Further on, practical lessons are presented from a case study of the location of a greenfield investment by Carthago in Odranci near Murska Sobota, Slovenia. Finally, selected limitations of the institutional approach in regional planning are discussed.Institucionalni se pristup javio u ekonomskoj geografiji kao dio većeg kulturnog pomaka u ekonomskoj geografiji tijekom 1990-ih. Naglašava važnost formalnih i neformalnih institucija, tehnologije, ukorijenjenosti institucija te povijesne povezanosti u razumijevanju regionalnog razvoja. Iako se svi ti institucionalni teorijski koncepti rabe prvenstveno u objašnjavanju međuregionalnih razlika u ekonomskom razvoju, postali su zanimljivi i kao teorijski temelj za razvoj inovativnih koncepata regionalnog planiranja i politika. Ovaj članak bavi se mogućnostima primjene institucionalnog pristupa u ekonomskoj geografiji na polju regionalnog planiranja i razvoja. Predstavljena su i praktična saznanja iz studije slučaja greenfield ulaganja tvrtke Carthago u Odrancima kraj Murske Sobote u Sloveniji. Naposljetku, sagledavaju se i određena ograničenja institucionalnog pristupa u regionalnom planiranju

    Reliability of growing stock estimation using tariffs in case of a spruce treein forest with varied micro site conditions

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    V mikrorastiščno pestrem visokokraškem jelovo-bukovem gozdu smo na primeru drevesne vrste smreke ugotavljali zanesljivost ocenjevanja lesne zaloge s tarifami. Referenčne volumne dreves smo ugotovili s pomočjo švicarskih trovhodnih volumenskih funkcij. Ustrezno tarifo smo izbrali po ustaljeni metodi, na podlagi srednjega premera in srednje višine, ki smo jo odčitali iz prilagojene višinske krivulje. Razlike med tarifami posameznih vzorčnih ploskev so do 3 tarifne razrede. Odstopanje med lesno zalogo, ugotovljeno s tarifami in referenčno lesno zalogo za smrekov sestoj, je -2,8 %pri posameznih ploskvah pa so odstopanja večja, od -7,0 do 8,6 %. Dosedanje (prenizko izbrane) tarife dajo v konkretnem primeru za -18,1 % prenizko oceno lesne zaloge. Sklepamo lahko, da v primeru, če je tarifa za površino (odsek, sestoj) izbrana korektno in reprezentativno, dobimo z njo dobro oceno lesne zaloge tudi na mikrorastiščno pestri površini. Reprezentativni izbor tarife zagotovimo z meritvami na vzorčnih ploskvah, ki dobro predstavljajo površino.Reliability of growing stock estimation using tariffs in forest with varied micro site conditions was analysed in case of high karst fi r-beech forest fora spruce tree. Reference bole volumes were calculated with Swiss\u27s three parametric volume functions. Adequate tariffs were selected with standard method, using mean tree diameters and heights, which were calculated from adapted height curves. Adequate tariffs for single sampling plots are different for up to 3 tariff\u27s classes. Difference between growing stock calculated by tariffs and reference growing stock for a spruce tree\u27s stand is-2.8%, whereas for single sampling plots the differences are greater, from -7.0 to 8.6%. The hitherto used tariffs underestimated growing stock by -18.1%in the presented case. Our conclusion is that if tariff for a defi ned area (forest stand or compartment) is representative, with correct method used, the reliability of growing stock estimation is good regardless the varied micro site conditions. Representative selection of tariffs is provided for with measuration on sampling plots that well represent the defi ned area

    Statistična ocena protipožarne varnosti večstanovanjskih zgradb v Sloveniji

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    Skoraj tretjina stanovanjskih enot v Sloveniji se nahaja v večstanovanjskih objektih. Večina tovrstnih zgradb je bila zgrajena po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je bila potreba po ustreznih nastavitvenih objektih največja. Narejeni so bili v okviru gradbenih možnosti in zahtev časa. Vsako leto v teh objektih izbruhne več kot 200 požarov s smrtnimi žrtvami in z veliko gmotno škodo. Zaradi velikih naporov v preteklih stoletjih, ki so bili usmerjeni predvsem v zamenjavo gorljivega gradbenega materiala z negorljivim in z razvojem gasilske službe, sta se število požarov in njihov obseg zmanjšala, vendar ne odpravila. Nov, večji napredek na področju požarne varnosti večstanovanjskih zgradb je tako očiten šele v zadnjih nekaj letih, ko veljajo tudi strožji predpisi za gradnjo tovrstnih objektov. Razvoj znanosti in stroke je tudi na tem področju prinesel več novih rešitev za izboljšanje stanja, kar potrjujejo izkušnje iz tujine. Žal je pri nas uveljavitev varnostnih principov še vedno odvisna predvsem od zavesti uporabnikov, finančnih sredstev, hkrati pa so določeni postopki izvedbe bistveno bolj zapleteni zaradi novih lastniških razmerij. S pomočjo statističnih rezultatov popisa 2002 in sodobnih zahtev varstva pred požarom se želi v članku prikazati današnje stanje tega problema na državni in občinski ravni ter nakazati možnosti izboljšanje stanja. Avtorja v članku ugotavljata, da sodobnim zahtevam ne ustreza pravzaprav nobena starejša večstanovanjska zgradba. K sreči izboljšuje stanje na tem področju dejstvo, da je večina objektov pri nas zgrajena iz negorljivih materialov (beton, opeka), ki omejujejo širjenje požara

    Analysis of bridge condition on state network in Slovenia

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    During operation, bridge condition is decreasingdue to various effects. The condition is described\ud by "condition rating coefficient", determined by visual assessment. Condition of Slovenian state\ud road bridge network is analyzed. The condition rating database is structured with respect to\ud traffic load, climate zone, structural material, structural type and bridge element. Changes of\ud condition rating coefficient with time are presented and analyzed. Results show that climate\ud and exposure to water are the most important parameters influencing the conditio

    The reliability of volume functions based on spruce tree species in Slovenia

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    Various volume functions used for tree volume estimations were compared by the authors. Using section measurements (Newton’s method), they calculated the real tree volumes of 88 felled spruce trees on the Pokljuka plateau. The real tree volumes were used to form regional three-entry volume functions, (two-entry) volume tables, and tariff functions. The standard error of the average tree volume estimation is the lowest for three-entry volume functions (5.0%), then for volume tables (11.7%), and the highest for tariffs (15.1%). The reliability and applicability of the developed regional and other volume functions was verified on two one-hectare research plots. It was established that by applying the adapted German volume tables, the measured spruce volumes were too high. As the volumes measured in this manner are used when determining the adapted tariffs in Slovenia, this procedure results in a tariff class of at least 5% too high tree volumes